Ch. 138 Christmas Celebration (3)

The challenge event to get gifts is still ongoing. The longer the challenge more daring.

Like when it was Diego's turn who challenged Vincent to sing while dancing, it was so stiff to the point made them all laugh. Or when Chleo challenged Kinsey to dance to a k-pop song currently worldwide, Katie and Cathy laughed out loud until the tears escaped from their eyes.

Diego and Chleo knew very well the gifts they had prepared for their father and uncle. So they deliberately took the presents to challenge their father and uncle.

What an exhausted Christmas celebration! Complained Vincent and Kinsey in their mind.

Then it was time for Lizzy to take the gift that was meant for Melodie. They've been trying to get the little girl's surprise gift, but it seems the gifts for her were piled deep and a bit out of reach.

"This gift is for Melodie. And I'd like you to sing while all of us here dance. How about it?"