Ch. 154 Back To Seattle

That day the weather in Seattle decreased drastically from the last time Chleo stayed there. Snow has accumulated everywhere, and residents rarely use the four-wheeled vehicles.

As soon as Chleo and the little Bernz family got off the plane and into the airport, they instantly shivered with cold. Luckily Evie was already wearing her thick jacket, so it wasn't too chilly.

As for Chleo, she wasn't wearing her thickest jacket and was wearing a regular coat. She overestimated herself! She thought she could handle the icy weather, but who would have thought the temperature in Seattle had dropped so much that it could freeze her body.

"Chleo, don't you have the fur coat your uncle gave you? It's thicker and warmer than the one you're wearing now." Felicia felt sorry for Chleo, who was now gritting her teeth from the cold.

"The coat… brrrr… is in the trunk. I'll be fine... after getting in the car."