Ch. 207 Go To Vectis Realm

Just as two pairs of legs crossed the portal's boundary into another world, the mist around them disappeared and was now replaced by an otherworldly sight. They were at the top of the cliff with no vegetation other than a ravine surrounding their position.

Ashley turned around to look in the direction of their path, but she only found the same sight making her confused to death.

At the same time, Vectis smirked in delight when he sensed that two humans had arrived in his realm.

"Enough playing around. I hope we'll never see each other again."

Bai Yu groaned in annoyance then blew a whirlwind from his mouth towards her opponent, but the rogue Vectis disappeared without a trace.

What does it mean by playing around? Bai Yu instantly remembered about the unprotected human girls. He flew off and growled in frustration as soon as he realized Chleo was no longer in this world.