Ch. 209 The Hurricane

Ashley was the first to wake up from her shock. She quickly looked around them for a grip to hold on to, but she found nothing. There were no stones or handrails to use as a means of holding their bodies afloat on the ground.

The wind was blowing hard at them, almost making their feet lift off

the ground.

Ashley shook Chleo's shoulder to wake the girl from her thoughts because it seemed that Chleo was too shocked to face the enormous tornado.

"Chleo! We have to think of a way to get out of this place!"

A way out? Was there any way out against this disaster while they were on a dead-end? They had no hope, and they would surely die.

But Chleo forced herself not to give up.

Chleo stood up and looked around her. There were ravines around her, but there was also a lower cliff than their position.

"We have to jump over there!" Chleo shouted because the wind was

getting louder and louder until it almost drowned out her voice.