Ch. 228 Tracing The Sleeping Beauty's Lovely Face

In the end, Chu Jung walked out after Alpha as he didn't want to disturb the peaceful time inside the cave.

Not to mention, Chu Jung remembered a beautiful older girl walking alone outside the cave. So he thought it would be better to be with the lovely companion than with the blue king who was napping.

When the blue king was sleeping, the force of his cold energy would activate, and sooner or later, the temperature inside the cave would drop badly. That's why he chose to stay outside so that his fiery force wouldn't collide with the blue king's cold energy.

But when he arrived in front of the cave, he didn't expect the beautiful older girl to fall asleep wrapped in Alpha's tail.

Her ash-brown hair seemed to be shimmering under the sun, and the wind gently caressed her. Her eyelashes were perfectly shaped like a doll, while her full-looking lips parted slightly cutely.