Undercover Mission



After Kira explained that, Ryan held his chin and asked; "Even if she didn't want it but she had no choice but to abide it, is that right?"


Kira looked at Ryan as if the man had two heads as she raised an eyebrow at him and said to clarify something; "Don't make it sound like that as if Scarlette is a petty woman, Ryan"


Kira paused as she took a deep breath as she continued; "What I mean is, Scarlette didn't take someone with her if she is going on a job mission but that is not the case in subjugation missions. Scarlette is willingly to join and cooperate with the other adventurers, especially if there are newcomers and she is tasked to lead them"


Kira explained and Ryan made a nervous laugh as he speaks; "Ah! Sorry that I misjudge. I never expected that she had that kind of character despite being cold and indifferent like when she speaks to me back at the guild"


After he said that, he remembered something as he looked at Kira and asked her.


"But I thought her skills are unknown to everyone? So it means during subjugation missions are the only times that you guys can witness her strength? What does it feels like?"


Kira looked at him as she remembered the crimson-haired woman and nodded as she speaks; "Yes. Scarlette Overland is not just an SSS-rank for nothing. She is really strong and I can tell that by just a glance. However, it feels like she is hiding her real strength"


"What do you mean?" He frowns as he asked and Kira took a bite once more as she continued. 


"It would be better if you witness it by yourself and let you be the judge"


She said and Ryan couldn't quite understand Kira's message to him but even so, he mentally takes note of that.


Ryan felt an incoming headache as he held his forehead and it seems like he is drunk as he stopped drinking and he looks at Kira on the opposite side. 


He saw that the woman seems can hold her tolerance to alcoholic drinks. Ryan looked outside of the window and he saw that it's already dark.


He didn't want to drink any further as he needs to meet Scarlette by tomorrow morning.


"Hey, Kira! It's already dark and we should get going now. I still have to wake up early in the morning to meet Scarlette"


Ryan said and the woman nodded as she heard him and she stood up and as Ryan was about to leave some money on the table when Kira stops her.


"Don't worry about it, bro! I already paid for the meals when we entered and it's my treat for you! Now, let's go!"


Kira said as she once again placed her arms around Ryan's shoulder and the man manages to catch her since she almost stumbled on the floor.


Since Ryan is still sober then, he assists Kira and the woman just laughed at him as she speaks; "I can handle myself so no worries, bro! Just drop me on the other side of the streets and I can go home by myself"


As the woman said that, Ryan didn't know if he would have the heart to leave such a woman in the middle of the night but it seems that Kira can handle herself.


After all, she is an adventurer and had experience in combat fighting.


Kira seems like didn't want to be treated like a fragile woman as the way she speaks and her behavior around him is just like a man.


Ryan could only sigh as they both got out of the tavern that they spend for dinner.




"Phew! I need to get some rest as I need to wake up early in the morning"


Ryan muttered to himself as he got back at the inn where he made a reservation for his stay and closed the door as he put all of the supplies that he bought for tomorrow's journey at the side.


He slumps himself on the bed and looked at the ceiling to think and sighed.


'To think that this what would happen to me the moment I arrived here in Silveria Empire' 


Ryan thought as he stood up and removed his clothes to change and in a moment, he felt something that is calling him so he rolled his eyes in annoyance.


'Great! Just great! Argh!'


He thought for a moment and after that, he touches something from the right side of his ear and as his fingers brush through with it and came in contact…


A bright golden magic circle appeared and the magic earrings became visible upon touching it.


In a minute that his earrings activated, a voice coming from the earrings yelled at Ryan that made the man twitch his ears because the other person shouted at him.




'Ah! Seriously?! I want to remind this person that I am wearing the communication earrings but let's just ignore it'


Ryan thought as he held his temple for an incoming headache.


Ryan or Rylander make a grim expression written on his face as he heard the familiar commanding tone coming from the person speaking to him through the communication earrings that he is wearing.


He sighed as he began to speak.


"Let me just remind you, Young Master. You gave me a task to find someone and I need to take some drastic measures to disguise myself in order not to expose myself in the process. Do you think I have the time to chat with you?"


He nonchalantly said as if he is not speaking to his master.


The one who is contacting Rylander through the communication earrings is a man, and the said man heard his trusted aide speak with him in such a tone.


He felt like he wants to teleport to the place where Rylander is right now and to smack that bastard's head for his insolence.


[Rylander, are you mocking me?]


He said in a commanding tone as if he wants to rip apart someone right now.


When Rylander heard this, he just rolled his eyes in annoyance since he knew his master's attitude and he is not afraid of this man.


Even if the said man is a higher rank noble than he is.


Rylander felt the incoming headache as he held his temples and began to speak.


"Since you have called then, I'll give you some updates for now. I am in a country called Silveria Empire and I just got here yesterday"


Rylander started his report and when the man from the other side heard this, he frowns.


[Silveria Empire? Why are you there? And how come that you manage to pass through their Empire?]


The man asked him and Rylander knew what his master means to say.


He sighed as he continued; "I told you that I'm on a disguise right now and I happen to register as an adventurer in another small kingdom before I got here for my cover"


After he said that, Rylander didn't give his master a chance to speak as he continued; "Not just that, today I went to the Adventurer's Guild and I never expected to be picked up as a travel companion by the woman named Scarlette Overland"


As soon as he said that, the man from the other side paused for a minute before he speaks.


[W-wait a minute. Are you talking about THE Scarlette Overland?! The famous SSS-rank adventurer?!]


"It's the real deal, Young Master. I never expected to meet her today. Just like how the stories about her being a cold and indifferent person. Tomorrow morning, I will accompany Scarlette for the mission"


[You got yourself lucky, Rylander. So the rumors about her being cold and indifferent are true. I thought that Scarlette Overland didn't take any companion nor join a part whenever she goes for a mission and she prefers to do solo by herself?]


Rylander knew that his Young Master had heard about Scarlette Overland as well.


It's a piece of common knowledge for those who have heard Scarlette's name as she prefers to do solo missions rather than taking or joining a party.


"I don't know as well why she pick me up as her travel companion. Some of the adventurers here are looking at me with envious eyes"


[Rylander, that is Scarlette Overland we are talking about. Even if that woman is just a commoner but her strength and reputation are being recognized by the public. Even us, people from the Noble Society and the Royal families of different Empires and Kingdoms who wants to have a connection with her]


Rylander nodded in agreement as he speaks; "Young Master, I almost forgot. For the task that you have ordered for me, not a single trace can be found but I have found some clue"


Rylander diverts the topic back to its main subject and when the other man heard his trusted aide's serious tone, he cleared his throat to speak.


[What clue have you found?]


Rylander thinks once again.


He is not sure about this one and he didn't want his master to get his hopes high so he shook off his head to clear his thoughts.


It would be better not to disclose the information that he had yet and he needs to make sure if he is right.


He took a deep breath as he speaks; "The person you are looking for might be in this place, the Silveria Empire. I'm not quite sure about it but please let me investigate first before I could give you my report"


Rylander said and he heard his master sighed from the communication earrings that the two are using for conversation as he heard his master answered back.


[Better do this quick or else if someone has managed to know about this, things would get troublesome]