E-Rank VS B-Rank



Ryan felt his veins would pop out because of the person in front of him who attacked without reason.


This man should be thankful that he is not in Ryan's kingdom because attacking a noble is a serious crime and the result is execution.


But right now, he is under disguise and a foreign adventurer in this Empire and he didn't want to attract too much attention that he had right now.


Scarlette left him and he waited for the crimson-haired woman to come back but he didn't expect an assault that he would encounter, just like what happens right now.


He faced the other man in front of him who looks like a proud peacock as the other man had a proud smirk plastered on his face.


'Are all adventurers like this? But there is Kira, whom you can get along with that easily because of her carefree nature. This person who attacks me is somewhat violent and aggressive.'


Ryan thought as he couldn't remember encountering this person in the first place.


'How does Scarlette manage to get along with these kinds of people?'


He thought once again as he observed the crimson-haired woman from yesterday and today. He knew that the woman is cold and indifferent to others and didn't like to talk that much.


He shook off those thoughts that were swirling inside his head and he needs to focus on the problem in front of him.


Ryan didn't want to fight in the first place but this guy in front of him would take "no" for an answer and they have fought already earlier.


He secretly roamed his eyes around the area to looked for Scarlette.


'Just where is she? I don't want to fight anymore and this man is causing a lot of disturbance in the area.'


Ryan thought and he sighed as he didn't saw Scarlette in the area.


He needs to settle this situation before another fight starts with them. He pointed his sword to the other man while his blood boils in anger because of what happened. 


"Look here Mister whoever you are, I didn't do anything for you to be mad at me but you are the one who started the fight without reason! Do you want me to report this to the authorities in this Empire?!"


Ryan yelled at the other man but he took a deep breath and decided to put his sword away and back to its scabbard but he didn't let his guard down. 


He didn't want to resort to violence and wants to try negotiating with the person in front of him as he wants to do this in a more civil way than fighting him once again in a battle. 


However, it seems that the other man isn't affected by what Ryan stated as he looked down at Ryan from head to toe and smirk.


"Do you think those puny authorities would do anything about me? Know your place, kid! You are just nothing but an E-rank adventurer yet Scarlette took you as her companion for her job mission?"


The other man arrogantly said and when Ryan heard those words, he was shocked at first since the other man knew that he is with Scarlette.


But it seems that the other man didn't fear anything, he even dared to spout such profanity to the Empire's authorities!


What makes him dumbfounded is that he never expected that just because Scarlette choose him as her companion that this bulky man had the reason to pick a fight with him?!


'What the heck?! Just because of that?! Just how petty this guy can be?!'


Ryan thought as he is fuming in anger because of the other man's petty reason.


He couldn't believe that in his whole life, he would be subjected to this kind of treatment that he didn't experience before.


This is the first time that he felt his pride being stooped down by some lowly commoner and he felt humiliated as well.


Back in his country, men are currying favor at him even more, some of them are envious but they didn't do it openly and women flaunted over him because of his status.


He would admit at first when Scarlette ignore him back at the guild when he approaches her, he felt humiliated even though he said to himself that it's no big deal.


But his pride hurts when he is being ignored but he couldn't help it. He is a noble bloodline and the woman is just a mere commoner so who would dare to ignore him like that?


Upon learning about that woman's identity as the famous SSS-rank adventurer, he didn't felt humiliated but instead, he felt ashamed and inferior to her.


Because even though she is just a commoner but across the whole continent, she is being praised and worshipped by others.


Especially nobles and royal families in different Empires and Kingdoms.


Ryan snapped his thoughts as he looked once again at the petty person in front of him.


Right now, he wanted to burst into anger and beat the hell out of this crap man but he couldn't be reckless because he had a mission on his own.


Not just that, people are watching on them and he didn't want to burden Scarlette because of this.


'And I bet after this mess, the woman needs to clean it up for herself since I am with her and Scarlette would take responsibility because of my actions.'


He thought as he could picture out the consequences of this matter and it would put the woman into a bad situation. 


Ryan needs to think something first but since it came to this then, might as well do something that can provoke this man and shattered his arrogance at once.


He looked at the other man and he smirks at him, much to the confusion on the other man's expression when he that.


"Just because of that? Yes, I am an E-rank adventurer but why did Scarlette choose me over the other adventurers out there? Maybe because Scarlette saw something in me that is worthy of her time"


Ryan started his provocation to the other man and when the other man heard this, his smirk disappeared and he glared back at Ryan.


"Or it might be because some of you are just flaunting off your arrogance over everything and didn't see the whole picture of it? Scarlette might be cold and indifferent but she is not like any of you! You are just jealous! Just admit it!"


Ryan continues as he mockingly stated at the other man's face and it's working since the other man's expression changed from smug arrogance to an aggressive one.


Ryan knew that he hit some point and became alert because he felt something from the man's aura that he couldn't identify.


"You're arrogant for an E-rank, young man! Let me tell you my name before I break your legs! My name is Ferix and I am Wild Ranger's Party Leader and a B-rank adventurer! Let me show you our different status and strength with this!"


The man, introduced himself as Ferix stated as he charged forward at Ryan's place, and using his brute strength, he throws a punch at him and Ryan manages to dodge the incoming attack from him.


Since the other man didn't use his weapon, he might as well not have used his sword. For a fair fight.


Both fists clashed with each other and both of them are having no sign to back down as they fight all with their strength.


The spectators around the area where two adventurers are fighting began to whisper with one another as they looked at the fight in front of them.


'Another round of their fight between adventurers. This is a common thing.'


'Did you guys heard that the man named Ferix said that the famous adventurer, Lady Overland took that other man to be her companion? It is widely known that she never takes someone whenever she had a job mission.'


'It is also known for the fact that she is a solo adventurer and she never tried to join any party or create her own. All of us know that.'


'Lady Overland is a woman with a few words as she didn't like to speak that much and she had a cold and indifferent aura whenever you met her. But she is humble and kind on the inside.'


'If that Ferix said that the other man is Lady Overland's companion then, it means…she is here in the city?!'


'If that is the case, where is she?'


More and more gossips around the area and their topics it's either about the two adventurers fighting or about Scarlette's whereabouts.


Scarlette, on the other hand, still hiding within the crowd as she watches the fight of the two adventurers at the center and she observes Ryan's movement.


'His combat abilities are top-notch and he can easily dodge that brute fighting from Ferix. As expected from him. He never failed to amuse me and it seems that he thought that I was nowhere to be seen that he revealed his fighting capabilities.'


Scarlette thought and after that, she felt Jeffrey's presence within her range and the man is now behind Scarlette as the man started to speak.


"That companion of yours is amazing. He had the fighting abilities that are matched for being a Knight"


Jeffrey whispered to her and Scarlette nodded in agreement.


'Of course, he does Zenon. After all, both of you have equal standing in the noble society.'


Scarlette thought as she watched the fight between Ryan and Ferix at the center. 


"He thinks that he can hide his abilities from me. He never thought that the moment he approaches me, I already knew who he is"


She whispered back as she continued; "Remember my words, Zenon. I'll take care of this man as I needed something from him. Do you understand?"