Scarlette Stopped the Fight



Ryan thought as he glared at the other man who is charging at him at full speed.


He noticed something about Ferix's aura and he doesn't know if his eyes are tricking him or something but, Ryan saw an ominous dark force coming from the other man.


'I don't know if what I saw is what I am thinking about but this is not the time to think anything! I need to do something to counter his attack!'


Ryan thought as he prepared the incoming attack.


Since it is like this, Ryan doesn't have a choice but to reveal his power.


However, revealing his power would get him exposed to his identity in this Empire and if words came out after this incident, it would be troublesome.


That means he owes an explanation to Scarlette since he was with her.


He clenches his fist and as he was about to use his power to stop the incoming attack, Ryan feels something in the air. 


In a split second, a familiar silhouette stands in front of him. That person only lifts her finger to stop Ferix's attack and when the hammer touched its finger…




The hammer breaks into pieces and the handle turned into dust because of the impact that happens.


The spectators who are watching the battle protected themselves because some of the pieces had scattered around and most of them are screaming and running away from the vicinity of the battle.


However, they noticed a barrier that is protecting them from the unforeseen attack and all of them saw a woman's silhouette at the center where the fight happens.


It seems that the woman stops the battle before it escalates even more.


The surrounding area of the battle had damage the streets and it seems no innocent people had been injured since there is a barrier that protects them.


As they saw the magic circle from above them and they looked around to find who is the one who cast the barrier but they failed to identify their savior.


Jeffrey, on the other hand, when Scarlette immediately interfere with the fight, rushed to cast a barrier around the vicinity in the area.


Because he knew that it would make a great impact and he didn't want any common people would get injured or be involved.


'Phew! Just got in time! Why did Scarlette interfere in the fight just now? Did something happen?'


Jeffrey thought as he made sure that he is out of everyone's sight as he didn't want to be recognized by the people in this city.


"Ah! Look! It's Lady Scarlette Overland!"


One of the spectators shouted and when all of them heard the familiar name as they looked at the crimson-haired woman at the center where the battle takes place.


Since her hood had pulled off and everyone saw her signature black veil, they had confirmed who she is. 


Scarlette, on the other hand, paid no attention to her surrounding as her crimson-lilac eyes only looked down at the person who tried to hurt her companion in an unfair fight.


'As I expected. My instinct tells me that this man smells trouble, to begin with. Ferix's rage earlier is similar to 'those people.' that I have killed before.'


Scarlette thought as she noticed the visible black veins on Ferix's neck and that confirms what the woman is thinking.


'No wonder that whenever this person is at the guild, there is a dark force he is emitting. No matter how hard he tried to hide it, I can sense it.'


Scarlette thought as she clenches her fist to restrain herself from killing the man in public.


'It is not the time to deal with 'those people' yet. I know that a certain person is now watching this scene somewhere else. I'll use Ferix as bait for now.'


Scarlette thought as she stared down at Ferix, who stumbled on the ground because of the impact and the man didn't dare to look up to meet Scarlette's crimson-lilac eyes.


Ferix, on the other hand, felt shivers down to his spine because of the bloodlust that the crimson-haired woman is emitting and he is being affected by it.


'W-why is she here?! I can't win if I fight this woman! Damn it!'


Ferix thought as he is still trembling on the ground and not meeting those terrifying eyes of hers.


Scarlette knew that she is emitting bloodlust right now. She needs to calm herself down as she took a deep breath and clench her fist to restrain her bloodlust.


"Ferix, what do you think you are doing?"


Ryan heard the familiar cold voice of the crimson-haired woman as he looked at her back when the said woman interferes with the fight just now.


He looked down and saw Ferix, who is on the ground and it seems like he didn't dare to meet Scarlette's gaze but Ryan noticed that Ferix is shivering in fear and it left him conflicted.


'Ah…what is happening? Earlier, this bastard wants to beat the hell out of him and now he is cowering in fear because of Scarlette?'


He thought as he looked back and forth at Scarlette and Feix but he felt something else.


'I know that this woman had some reputation as the highest rank adventurer but the way that this Ferix guy is scared of Scarlette is something else that seems to bother him.'


Ryan thought as he walked over and stood beside the crimson-haired woman and looked at her.


"Where did you go anyway?"


He asked but Scarlette didn't look at his side but the crimson-haired woman manages to answer him back.


"Inn. Talk to someone"


She said and Ryan felt the urge to smack the woman beside him but restrain himself as he knew that the crimson-haired woman is not much of a talker.


'Can someone interpret her words?! Anyone?!'


He thought as he took a deep breath and snapped himself to set aside those thoughts as he looked once again at Ferix.


Since Scarlette wants to deal with this guy, he let the crimson-haired woman decides what to do.


"Did you know this guy? He attacks our wagon and most of our supplies have been wasted because of him. He starts to pick a fight with me for some unknown reason"


Ryan asked the woman and complain as well. He only wants to rest since he is injured because of the intense fight that he had with Scarlette back in the forest.


Right now, his injuries haven't healed yet but he had to engage in another battle by some petty and jealous guy.


'Why do I feel that I'm out of luck today?'


He thought as he sighed deeply as he held his temples to ease the incoming headache.


"An adventurer and a party leader. Work with their group during subjugating missions. Had a reputation for bullying newcomer adventurers"


Scarlette stated and Ryan seems to catch up with her words a bit as he nodded.


"Wow! He sure had a reputation like that! No wonder that he attacked me without reason"


Ryan stated as he looked down at the cowering Ferix on the ground and the bulky man didn't dare to look up when he heard the crimson-haired woman speaks in a cold voice.


'Just by the mere presence of this woman makes me want to sink where I stood right now!'


Ferix thought as he held down his head and didn't utter a single sound as he could feel the pressure that the crimson-haired woman is emitting at him. 


Scarlette bends down to align with the cowering man in front of her and Ferix could feel the immense pressure because the crimson-haired woman is too closed to him. 


The crimson-haired woman immediately grabs Ferix's chin to look up at her and the man was startled because of this and he can see the crimson-lilac eyes of the woman darkens.


He knew that Scarlette is pissed off right now!


"It seems that you are challenging my authority, Ferix! You're quite bold for a mere B-ranker and dared to harm my companion in the process!"