An Enigmatic Person No Matter What You Do



The atmosphere became silent once again and a minute had passed, Scarlette composed herself as she set aside any other thoughts that swirling inside her head as she speaks once again.


"How come the mass graveyard that is connected to the forest that you are talking about? Why are all the information that you have provided still missing some parts?"


Scarlette reasoned it out and Ericka knows what the crimson-haired woman is talking about.


'This woman had sharp and observation skills that even the slightest detail, she could tell that there is something wrong. Master sure does know a lot about Scarlette Overland.'


Ericka thought as she made sighed and looked at the crimson-haired woman as she speaks.


"I am also quite confused as you are, Scarlette. However, those are the only pieces of information that I got during my investigation"


She paused for a second before she continued; "Since you are the one who got the mission, as the highest rank adventurer, maybe you could solve this issue before it gets worst"


Ericka said with a smile and Scarlette just stared at her intently.


'Acting, are we? Don't take me for a fool, woman! I knew who you are right from the beginning and I know that you are still hiding some information about this mission.'


Scarlette thought as she knew what the emerald-haired woman is talking about from earlier.


'Since the Fordel Village is categorized as Ground Zero, I need to dig this out deeply as there is something odd about this mission.'


Scarlette thought once again as she secretly looked at Ericka's necklace because she knew THAT person is still listening to this conversation.


'It seems that you are enjoying yourself while listening to the conversation, are we? What is your aim? What kind of schemes are you planning?'


Scarlette said to herself as she diverts her eyes from the necklace and looked through at the emerald-haired woman sitting at the opposite side.


Scarlette said; "It looks like the information that you provided is enough and I have some insights about the mission. The three of us should go since we still have other things to do before we travel once again"


After she said that, she stands up, followed by her two companions and the trio went out of the vicinity of the barrier that Ericka cast earlier.


They didn't wait for Ericka to respond as Scarlette left the private room immediately, together with her two companions.


After the trio left, leaving Ericka behind and the emerald-haired woman let out a sigh of relief.


She took her necklace and pressed its center, and moments later, the necklace forms a silver magic circle as the light came out from its center.


After that, a baritone voice of a man can be heard.


-{How was it?}-


The man asked her and Ericka replied to him; "Are you sure about this, Guildmaster LEVIN? Both of us knew what that village is all about and yet, you still want them to solve this matter? Don't you think of the consequences of this action would cost us?"


Ericka reasoned out her opinion and the man named Levin speak once again.


-{What is your first impression about her?}-


Levin ignored Ericka's statement as he asked her through the communication necklace that both of them have and the emerald-haired woman knows that his Master didn't listen to her statement.


Ericka sighed as she thinks wisely for a minute.


After some time had passed, she answered back.


"She is an enigma. That is my first impression of her. She also seems like holding a large amount of mana hidden within her as I couldn't tell what her real strength is"


Ericka gave her honest opinion in regards to Scarlette and Levin made a 'Hm' sound as he speaks.


-{Why do you think that I let that quest be posted on the mission board at the main headquarters?}-


Levin once again asked her assistant Ericka and the emerald-haired woman couldn't understand his Master's way of thinking.


"Then, why did you do that in the first place? What if, it is not Scarlette and someone else took the mission instead? I already told you this many times, Master Levin!"


Ericka raised her voice as she said that to the other man through the communication necklace.


She wants to yell out the other man but she restrains herself to not overstep her boundaries as this man is still her Master.


Levin knew that Ericka is frustrated right now.


-{You have witnessed her power first hand, right? Do you think that her SSS-rank status is just for a display?}-


Levin asked her and Ericka knew what her Master is trying to say.


"Yes. I have witnessed and experience it, Master. I never expected that a single person could have that kind of power, even though she is hiding her real strength. She's powerful"


Ericka stated as she let out a sighed because she remembered what happened before the conversation starts.


'Scarlette Overland is truly an enigmatic person. I have heard stories about her and her achievements had exceeded my expectation. I don't know what Master is thinking.'


Ericka thought as she let out a sigh once again. She had been sighing from earlier where she talks to Scarlette and up until to this point. 


She felt like her mind would explode at any minute because of this matter.


-{Scarlette knew that I am listening to the conversation as I can feel her aura looking at your necklace and it looks like she recognized you as well}-


When Levin said that, Ericka went stiff on her seat as she exclaimed; "WHAT?!"


The man only ignores his assistant's shocking statement as he continued.


-{Also, you don't have to worry since only Scarlette could see that mission as I cast an enchantment on it when I allowed that mission to be posted. No need to freak out}-


Levin said and when Ericka heard it, she didn't know what to do anymore as she sighed in relief.


However, she became anxious as well when she learned that Scarlette might recognize her.


-{What are you worrying about? About Scarlette recognizing you?}-


Levin asked her and even though the man didn't see it, he knew that Ericka nodded her head.


Levin heard the emerald-haired woman speak; "Of course! You know‒"


-{Scarlette is not that kind of person as I know that woman personally, Ericka. You don't have to worry}-


Levin cut off Ericka's statement as he knows that the emerald-haired woman is now in panic mode and the only way for him to calm down his assistant is to give reassurance.


"A-are you sure about that, Master Levin?"


Ericka asked him through the communication necklace and Levin nodded on the other side.


-{You have my word, Ericka and besides, Scarlette is also holding a secret that can only be known by her and no one else}-


Levin stated and Ericka became somewhat had a baffled expression written on her face.


She frowns as she asked her Master; "What do you mean, Master Levin? Scarlette is also‒"


-{No one can tell, Ericka. Even me, I already tried my best to investigate her but it all goes for naught. I feel like, someone is backing her up in the shadows and I don't know who}-