You've Got To Be Kidding Me!



Mikhael thought as he couldn't help but keep on shooting dagger looks at Jeffrey and the auburn-haired man perceived that the punk was acting as childish as ever.


'Why is Viscount Everette let his fourth child be the one in charge here? How can I handle this rascal's attitude?'


Jeffrey thought as he took a deep breath as he looked at the citrus-haired boy who seems like wants to throw a tantrum at this moment.


Ryan snapped in his stupor as he heard the young fellow introduced himself as Mikhael as he stared back at him.


'Viscount Everette's fourth child? I heard that Viscount Everette only had one wife and had never taken a concubine. This means that, this person in front of them is one of their legitimate children of his. How lucky.'


Ryan thought, as he had a bitter feeling about this.


He snapped those thoughts of his as he just remembered how this young man looked at Scarlette from earlier.


He felt like his veins would pop out and clench his fist to restrain himself.


'Why am I getting so irritated lately? I need to focus on my mission, damn it!'


He thought as he shook off his head to clear his thoughts as he looked back at the young man and just stay silent for a while.


However, he felt something ominous as he looked over at the young man and Ryan followed his gaze once again; this time; it landed on the auburn-haired man.


He raised an eyebrow as he thought of something.


'What's up with these two? I could imagine that there is an electric strike as they looked at each other's eyes.'


Ryan thought as he keeps on looking back and forth at Jeffrey and Mikhael as he couldn't think anymore why these two seem antagonistic with each other.


As he was about to intervene when someone cleared a throat and all three of them looked at the middle-aged man who stood at the sidelines together with the maids from earlier.


"Young Masters, this servant reminds it would be better to change location since Lady Overland seems tired as the way she sleeps right now,"


The middle-aged man said, and that's the only time that the three of them went to look at where Scarlette was right now.


There, they saw the crimson-haired woman sleeping comfortably and all three gentlemen felt guilty because they were about to make a noise and disturb the sleeping beauty (with a veil).


"I think the old man has a point. It would be better not to disturb a sleeping dragon,"


Jeffrey whispered as he said that and Mikhael frown as he looked at the auburn-haired man when he heard those whispering words.


"What makes you say that, you moron!"


Mikhael whispered in a hissed as he glared at the auburn-haired man and Jeffrey just rolled his eyes as he didn't want to make things a big deal because of some brat at his side.


"Because I already experience her wrath and don't even try it because there are chances that you won't survive"


Jeffrey said in a deadpan tone as he whispered those words.


Ryan and Mikhael; "…"


'Then, how did you survive?'


Those are the thoughts of the other two gentlemen, but they didn't voice it out as they only looked at him.


The atmosphere around the room became silent and moments later, Jeffrey was the one who cleared his throat to get the attention of everyone as he looked at them.


"We might need to go to your father's office, Mikhael. I also have something to discuss with you on behalf of Scarlette"


Jeffrey said, and Mikhael just stared back at him for a minute.


After that, the citrus-haired man sighed as he finally noticed the other gentleman with them and he raised an eyebrow.


"Who are you?"


Mikhael said in a bitter tone and Ryan knew the other didn't like him that much based on his tone.


Since he was in disguise, he couldn't let them know who he was and he composed himself as he looked back at Mikhael.


"Greetings, Young Master Mikhael. My name is Ryan Wayne. An E-rank adventurer and I'm with them"


Ryan said as he acted meekly for the first time and Mikhael just scoffed as he didn't pay any attention to him after he introduced himself.


Jeffrey rolled his eyes mentally as he saw how Ryan act submissive in front of the brat.


'Just what the heck is this bastard doing? Well, I know he is under disguise, but please no need to act so timid right in front of this bratty boy!'


He thought, but he just ignored the chestnut-haired man for now.


When everything settled, all three of them left the guest room and Mikhael instructed the other maids who are present that take care of Scarlette if the crimson-haired woman wakes up.






"So, let's get started. What business does both of you have here? Especially you, Marquis Middleton?"


Mikhael started the conversation and Ryan immediately looked at the auburn-haired man as he pretended to be shocked upon learning the other man's identity.


After that, Ryan looked back at Mikhael with wide eyes.


"W-what did you just call him?! M-marquis Middleton?!"


He stuttered as he said that while trembling and Mikhael looked back at him with a baffled expression.


"What? You don't know? Every commoner in Silveria Empire knows the features of the revered Marquis! How come that you don't know?"


Mikhael questioned back at him as he frowns and Ryan tries his best to pretend that he doesn't know as he shook off his head.


"A-ahm… A-actually, I'm not from here. I'm from a different kingdom and I just got here last 2 days ago and Scarlette choose me as her companion"


Ryan muttered as he said and tried his best to look meek right in front of Mikhael.


The citrus-haired boy looked back at Ryan, as he couldn't believe what the chestnut-haired man said.


Mikhael looked back at Jeffrey as he stared at the older man, asking a question through his eyes.


Jeffrey wants to laugh at his seat because of Ryan's acting skills and he couldn't believe that Mikhael has fallen for his act.


'I really like this guy! Pfft! Haha!'


He thought as he restrains himself from laughing out loud as he kept an impassive look.


He acted as he sighed and he looked back at Ryan as he plays along with him.


"Sorry, young fella! Scarlette didn't want to startle you and she told me I need to keep my identity from you"


He paused for a minute as he continues to act.


"But no need for formalities and you don't have to worry about committing a Lese-Majeste. You can still call me by my name"


Jeffrey said and Ryan could only nod as he keep quiet for now.




Mikhael only stated as he stared back at Ryan, who looks meekly in front of him and it felt like he wants to smack this person because of his idiocy.


'How the heck doesn't he know about Marquis Middleton? Sure, he might be a foreign stranger, but everyone who has common sense would know about this revered hero!'


He thought as he couldn't help and stared at him.


He sighed as he continued; "And to think that Scarlette, the famous SSS-rank adventurer within the Miris Continent, choose you to be her companion?"


Mikhael said as he could feel that he was on the bottom-line and he held his temple to ease the incoming headache just by looking at the chestnut-haired man who didn't speak for now.


The citrus-haired man puffed his breath as he glared back at Ryan.


"To add things up, a completely foreign stranger. You've got to be kidding me!"