The Bitterness Of The Promises That Would Never Be Fulfilled



Scarlette couldn't believe what she was seeing right now from these memories and she felt her hands shaken in anger just the mere sight of it.


={In these memories, there are a couple of children who had picked up in an orphanage by some unknown masked people.


They were being a promise of freedom and power that they can use to protect themselves in the cruel world that they are living in and in exchange. Those children need to swear loyalty to these masked people.


As the matter says, they are children who knew nothing about the world. They were children that only knew how to obey the orders of the adults.


Since these children saw those masked people are their saviors, they didn't need to think twice, and they all agreed to come with them.


However, what these children didn't know is that this is the start of their hell lives.


They were children, after all. They never knew what is right and what is wrong. All they need to do is to obey the orders of these masked people.


If they disobey, punishment will follow.


They trained those children on how to take someone else's life. They raised as a killing machine that only needs to obey orders and kill without hesitation.


Is it worth it?


'I want to be free.'


'I want to reclaim myself.'


'I don't want to live like this! I just want to live a normal life! Why?! Why I can't achieve that?!'}=.


So many memories of how these gentlemen suffered in their childhood days are being shown right in front of Scarlette's very own eyes.


She couldn't help what to do about these people who she caught in her threads.


Scarlette took a deep breath as she looked away and disperse those memories that were being shown to her.


After that, she looked over at these gentlemen who are now in a distressed state as it still caught them in the threads that bind them.


These are the after-effects when caught in the light threads as it had released their hidden memories.


As those hidden memories resurface in their minds, it would affect their emotional state.


The worst-case scenario is that they would become insane as those memories could affect their mindsets.


Scarlette's crimson-lilac eyes became colder than usual as she clenches her fists to restrain herself from shouting and venting out on what she felt.


She wants to eliminate these people, since they have offended her and attacked her when she is alone in this room.


However, she changes her mind.


She sighed as she walked towards the other man in front of her and grab his chin to look directly into her eyes.


"Your wish,"


She asked coldly, and the man had a confused expression while looking back at her.


Scarlette just ignores those other stares at her as she released the grip of the man's chin as she walked away and went back where she stood earlier.


The crimson-haired woman faced these gentlemen once again.


"Pain. Suffering. Anger. Discrimination. All of it. I saw those within your memories"


She started as she walked around the room and didn't look back at them as she continued.


"As a child, most of you dreamed to have the happiness that other children had. Family, friends, and loved ones. All of you crave for that, until now. Am I right?"


Scarlette's crisp voice rang inside their minds as they sink in on what the crimson-haired woman is saying to them.


Silence filled the room and these gentlemen couldn't afford to refute back as they knew what the crimson-haired woman meant to say.


They wouldn't meet Scarlette's crimson-lilac eyes and all of them bow down to hide the frustrations that they are feeling right now.


Scarlette knew she said something where it hurts the most, but she didn't care for that as she continued.


"That is why, I'm asking all of you. Your wishes. Would you want me to grant it in your stead?"


She said and when those words came out from her mouth, all of them raised their heads to look at the crimson-haired woman with a baffled expression.


"W-what do you mean?"


"O-our wishes… Y-you will grant it in our stead?"


"H-how can you say something like that when we tried to kill you earlier?"


Most of them voiced out their opinions as they couldn't believe that those words came from the crimson-haired woman that they planned to eliminate earlier by the orders of the Higher Councils.


One person looked at the crimson-haired woman's eyes directly as he asked.


"How can you fulfill our wishes when our souls are bound by them?"


He asked bitterly as he chuckled and he musters up the courage not to look away from the crimson-haired woman's cold eyes.


Scarlette knew what the other man was talking about.


Those disgusting people use a forbidden secret art that shouldn't exist in this world anymore.


She took a deep breath as she speaks once again.


"I know, and that is why I am asking all of you. Would you trust me? Even if your lives are now at stake?"


She coldly asked these gentlemen that are caught in her threads and all of them looked at each other as if they were communicating with their eyes.


A minute had passed and Scarlette saw these gentlemen nodded with each other and the crimson-haired woman knew what that means.


"We have nothing else left in this world, Scarlette. All of our lives we only knew how to obey their orders and we don't have the freedom to choose our own will"


"We only live for their sake and we are just nothing but tools for them to use and if not needed, we are going to be disposed of without hesitation"


"We have lost something important to us the moment we accept their hands to join them. We gave up our humanity without us knowing that"


"We don't remember our names, to begin with. Our names from that time seem like a fog that only comes by in our minds"


All of them voiced out the sufferings and bitterness that they felt in their whole lives they serve those people who reached their hands to them.


A promised that they would never experience hardship and would live the life they want.


However, all of those are nothing but hoax promises that would never ever be fulfilled in their lives.