Her Protector From the Shadows







The center of the forest lies a mansion only half a mountain that occupies the lands and no one has ever dared to trespass within that place.


The owner of these lands is a mysterious but powerful being that lives within this place and the people within this Empire didn't dare to disobey his will and orders.


Because the moment you do, punishment will follow.


The people in this Empire didn't know the identity of the person who lives in these mountains, as they only knew that this person is an important being within their Empire.


There is no monarchy in this Empire and they considered this person the Leader because of its immense power that no one could rival with.


Well, except for someone else, maybe.


In the mansion's hallway, a man with an imposing aura is striving forward as he walked in and most servants inside the mansion are quite terrified of this person.


The man didn't pay any attention to these people as he keeps on walking and minutes later; he arrived at the place that he needs to go.


Right now, he had arrived and stood in front of the silver door as he took a deep breath before knocking.






The man waited for about seconds as the magic circle in the center of the door appeared and he step backward as the spell activates.


No one may trespass within this place and only permitted ones are allowed if the owner from the inside wants it.


When the magic circle from the center at the door disappears, the man knew that the door was finally opened as he hold the doorknob to opened and pushed inside.


He got inside and closed the door as he step forward where the owner of the room is as he cleared his throat and spoke.


"Pardon for the intrusion, Your Excellency. These are the reports that I have gathered as you ordered about that person and I listed all details inside,"


Inside the room, a man stood at the center of the balcony of his mansion as he wears his usual silver cloak with golden linings.


There is a fire wing symbol on its center with two swords crossed with each other and at the center of the fire wing, there is a single crown with the initial 'T' in an old cursive writing.


"Give it to me,"


His aide went into the balcony where his master was and gave the report for the man to read it. and the said man took the report from his aide and flipped over the pages to read.


After some minutes had passed, the man chuckled as he closed the report details of the person he was looking for and a smirk appeared on his lips as he speak.


"You are still the same as before. What a smart choice of choosing a name for you to hide. That is one aspect that I loved you the most"


His sparkling jade long hair shines underneath the moonlight from where he stands and as he turned around to look at his aide, his mismatched golden-silver eyes had a glint of happiness and sadness at the same time as he continued.


"Send someone to protect her in the shadows at all costs. Those people who are looking for her tried everything to block all the information about her. I won't let them to touch her again, are we clear?"


His voice screams authority as he said those orders to his aide, and the said aide knew what his master meant and he complied.


"As you wish, Your Excellency"


After that, the aide left his master alone on the balcony and the man once again looked outside to collect his thoughts as he sighed.


"I finally found you, Scarlette Overland. My fierce wife. My Empress"




He opened his eyes as he reminiscing something in the past as he made a smile and looked back at his trusted aide who stood in front of him.


"The situation?" He asked.


"The preparations are ready. Only your signal is what we are waiting for, Your Excellency"


His trusted aide said and the jade-haired man's smirk as he looked back at the stoic person who bow down at him.


"You never change. Just like before. How are you going to present yourself at her if you are still like that?"


He said as he teased the other man and his stoic aide only looked back at him with a bored look that makes him laughed at him.


"Haha! You should have seen your face, FAUSTINE! You might look cold on the outside, but I know you are embarrassed on the inside! Pfft!"


The stoic aide named Faustine only grunted irritably as he looked at his master, who laughed at him.


Faustine swallowed back his anger as he took a deep breath to calm himself, not to shout at this person who still laughing at him.


'He is an enigma, just like her, but total opposites with one another.'


He thought as he waited for his master to calm down from laughing and when it does, Faustine looked at his master's eyes and he knew what it means.


His master did whatever it takes to protect the person he loved and cherished the most for all these years and Faustine couldn't do anything but to comply by his master's orders.


"As you wish, and I would let the men to prepare everything. The Miris Continent would be a shock for this news, Your Excellency"


Faustine said as he bowed down at his master and the jade-haired man looked back at his aide with a sharp looked.


He felt those sharp gazes as he knew what it complies with.


The jade-haired man rose from his seat as he walked towards where Faustine was and passed by, but Faustine didn't raise his head as he didn't want to make things worst.


He could feel the aura that his master releasing and Faustine could only clench his fists as he endured the pressure that is being released.


'This man is still the same as before! Possessive bastard!'


He thought as he felt his veins would pop out because of the intense pressure that his master is releasing.


Later on, the pressure within the room stopped and Faustine stumbled on the ground as he pant heavily and cough to release some air.


"Acck! Ha!"


Sweat drops are formed through his head as he calms down, but he didn't meet his master's gaze as he could feel the sharp gaze at him.


"This is just a reminder, Faustine. You might be my loyal servant but I am fully aware of your affection for her"


Faustine could hear what his master is saying, and he is fully aware of his situation as he didn't refute back and only stayed silent for a while.


"I hope you know your place, Faustine. This is only a warning, but if you crossed the line then, you will face the consequences of your action"


The jade-haired man said as he went in front of Faustine, who's on the ground and didn't meet his gaze, but he knew his aide wouldn't dare to speak, unless he ordered.


"You can go out and do your job. Report everything to me if something happens"


He said and Faustine complied as he nodded and stood up from the ground and bow down to his master as he left the room to do his task.


When Faustine left the room and only him that remains in the room, he sighed as he looked out from the window as he watched the moon that shines from the night sky.


'We can finally meet, my beloved. All these years that I have prepared for this time and I promise I would protect you even more.'


He thought as he took a deep breath, and he removed his cloak to place at his chair.


He wanted to be happy because he would meet his beloved soon, but he couldn't help but to feel conflicted about their situation.


'We are meant for each other the day that I claimed you as mine, but there would be challenges along the way for us to be together in this lifetime.'


He thought once more than he continued; "No matter what it takes, we could defy what destiny they present to us"


He declared as he once again looked up at the moon from his window that shines brightly as if acknowledging his determination to defy the fate that is give for the both of them.