Shadow and Darkness



As Aldrin said those words, Damien only looked at him with a bored expression that plastered on his face.


"Let that old man do his work. Besides, he wants to show off then let him do as he please,"


Aldrin didn't know what Damien was trying to do and he couldn't voice out his own opinion, as he knew that if he pushed it too hard, this psychopath would just go insane once more.


In all honesty, he didn't want to be part of the organization, but he didn't have a choice.


He needs to protect Damien from them as the Higher Councils wanted to use Damien's power for their own greed.


He and Damien are together ever since they were young. Aldrin is two years older than Damien, and he sees Damien as his own younger brother.


From what Aldrin remembered in their childhood years, Damien is not a psychopath that he is right now.