


Scarlette said as she looked at the citrus-haired boy who still faced down on the ground and never met her eyes.


"Trust is the scariest thing that you will have in your life, especially since you are a noble and you knew how rotten the noble circle was"


She continued and Mikhael haven't looked up to her as she continued.


"That's why I told you before that you need to be cautious in your surroundings. I have warned both of you and your father but it seems like you guys didn't take my advice"


The crimson-haired woman saw that Mikhael flinched on where he stood and she knew that he is being affected by the words that Scarlette was saying.


={It takes time to catch a snake that is lurking within your surroundings and, if not handled properly, there would be only disaster that awaits. Please note that}=