15: Planning and sorting

Luna's POV

It's been a week since granny went to our home. I'm sure that she feels lonely to her big mansion because her family is not there.

I decided to pay a visit to my mother-in-law first because I need to ask her for a favour.

After a month of thinking. I decided to establish a restaurant and Cafe as I planned when I was still Selene but did not got a chance to do it.

If only I focused on my life and did not get blinded by love, I could've led a successful life. It was all because of my stupidity that I had to suffer.

In order to not make it happen again, I should do the things I regret not doing.

"I did not expect that you will come here, Luna. What brought you here?" Mother-in-law asked with a smile and brought me a cup of coffee.

"Since mother hates people who beat around the bush, I will tell you already." I said and took the cup of coffee from the table.

"I want to ask for your help because I decided to start a Cafe and restaurant bussiness. I know that mother is very talented when it comes to management so I asked for your help immediately. I noticed that mother you have been feeling low spirited lately so I decided to invite you to my business plan. And don't worry, you can just treat it as your little playground."I said with a reassuring smile.

She hesitated for a second but her expression changed.

"I've been sad lately, I felt lonely because everyone seems to be busy. I did not expect you to see through me. *sigh* Since you have requested so, how can I say no? besides doing the thing I love while working is the best thing for me." Mother-in-law said and hugged me.

-Next at Granny's house-

Granny welcomed me with a warm hug and a warm smile which made my day complete.

"Lulu, I'm glad that you came but is there a reason why you are here?" Granny asked with a smile in her face.

"Well, Honestly granny I came here to ask you a favour." I said embarrassedly and avoided eye-contact with granny.

"Tell me." Granny said and suddenly her eyes sparked like a little kid being excited.

I took a deep breathe and told her what I came for.

"Granny, I got to know that you are an outstanding woman when it comes to cooking so I want to ask you a little favor."

"Lulu, Tell me what's on your mind. Granny will try to help." She said and held one of my hands.

"I wanna learn to cook! I wish you can teach me granny!" I said and bowed at her.

"Your cooking skill is not bad, Why do you want to learn from me?" Granny asked the confusion is all over her face.

"I want to open a cafe and restaurant for myself. I've always dreamed of doing it but I did not got the chance. Comparing our talents in cooking I'm nothing compared to you granny. That is why I wanna learn from you."

"That's good then, You're finally doing what you love to do. How can I say no?" Granny said with a smile and hugged me.

I hugged granny back while holding back my tears.

"But, If you are planning to open a Cafe and Restaurant you need a space where a lot of people come by. Leave that to me and I'll sort it out for you as a gift." Granny said and patted my head.

I thanked Granny and after a few while I left because Granny has a guest.

I am driving the car and suddenly Kindred called me.

Phone call:

[Kindred]: Sister Luna! Lewis is in trouble!

Me: WHAT?!

[Kindred]: I am on my way to him now but Mr.Ashford asked me to stay to assist a guest. I think Mr.Ashford went somewhere.

Me: Don't worry I'm on my way to Lewis.

*End call*

I turned back my car and stepped on the gas to go to Lewis school.

I can't believe that he would get in trouble.

Lewis is such a great kid. He wouldn't get into trouble without any reason.

I ran to the principal's office as soon as I got there and immediately looked for Lewis.

Lewis ran to me and hid behind me while crying

"Mommy!!!" He cried

"Is that your maid?" The woman covered in gold said in mocking tone of voice.

"I'm his mom, can anyone tell me what happened?" I asked angrily because I cannot stand seeing Lewis cry.

The teacher sighed and told me their story.

"Lewis was just talking to Jacob and he suddenly attacked him. They fought and Lewis broke an expensive vase in our room. It was asked to be stored there for a while and we cannot pay it since it costs a lot of money." The teacher explained.

I looked at Lewis for a while but he looked scared. I gave him a warm look and he decided to step up and speak.

"I did not do it. It was Jacob! He pushed the vase on purpose!" Lewis reasoned.

I looked at the teacher but he looks unsatisfied

"How can you boldly lie in front of adults!"The teacher scolded.

I really can't believe this.

Lewis would never lie to me. How can this teacher be bold and scold someone's son in front of them.

Looks like this woman has some connection with the teacher and principal. Worst case is they plotted this.

So this will be a 3 versus 1 now huh..

"Lewis nanny! You better pay up for my son's medical fee and that base!" The woman shouted at me.

Lewis is scared and dared not move. He is only sitting there clenching his fist.

I sat on the chair next to the Principal's table, facing the arrogant narcissist mother of the student called Jacob.

It's been a while since I last used my Selene trashy personality mode.

I can't stand these people. I might as well use it.

"What are you looking at? A mere maid like you dared to look at me?! Hurry up and pay the money!" The woman shouted

I looked at the principal but he pretended like I do not exist.

"So bold of you to assume that I'm my son's maid." I said with a menacing yet collected tone of voice.

I called Lewis and asked him to whisper what actually happened.

It turned out that Jacob insulted him by saying Lewis does not have a mom and Lewis pushed him so Jacob broke the vase intentionally and played the victim.

I asked Lewis to get back from his seat and he did as I said.

"Since we are already talking about the payment, I should atleast know the name of the people I am dealing with right?" I said and leaned my chin on my hand.

"I am Linda Qin." She plainly said while looking at her nails.

Qin family keeps crossing the line, since they chose to target my son today I wouldn't just sit and let them go after this issue.

I will make sure to crumble them into pieces as soon as we get out of here.

"how much is the vase, I'll pay for it." I proposed like money is nothing.

I am scaredddd >,<

"300,000 US dollars." The principal said only his one eye is open.

"We'll pay, but I do not have any money with me today. I also do not have a cheque in me. Write down my name and contact number I'll make sure the money will be paid." I said confidently and sat with my legs crossed.

"You better not lie to us" -Linda woman.

"Write it down. LU-NA VAR-ZANT ASH-FORD."

When I said those words they suddenly froze.

"Continue writing. I will transfer the money once the investigators provides me the evidences. You better not lie to me. I hate lying people. If I find out that you are lying to me, I will make sure to crumble all your properties like cookies." I said with an evil smile.

Suddenly Lucas came in with his 2 bodyguards wearing his straight face.

He walked towards me and held my wrist.

"I let go of the first one because I don't have time to waste but you did it again. I will investigate this matter along with the last year's matter. Next time, Do not invite my wife and son for this nonesense again. If this happens again you'll lose something more than money." He warned and pulled me out of my seat while holding my wrist

I grabbed Lewis with me and we left the room leaving the enemies speechless.

He made me sit in the limousine he brought and made someone drive my car.

"It is unreasonable to come here. Why did you have to settle this matter yourself?" Lucas said with trace of annoyance all over his face.

"It is something that a parent should handle. If Lewis is in the wrong I would make him apologize and punish him, but you won't know the truth unless you see it for yourself." I answered him letting him know that I'm annoyed.

He was about to speak a word but I gave him a death glare so he shut himself up and let the driver drive peacefully.

"Lewis, tell me. Is this the first time that this happened?" I asked Lewis while looking at him seriously.

He looked down and got scared but I assured him so he can speak for himself.

"Mommy, When you lost conciousness they started targetting me. They kept bullying me. especially the woman that Grandma Elizabeth always bring. Is her name Gizel? She always hated me and framed me for a lot of things." Lewis bravely said while sobbing.

I hugged him and comforted him.

I really can't believe that woman. She would do lots of things for this Lucas.

"Why didn't you took care of your son properly? It seems like you have a death wish." I angrily shouted to Lucas.

"I'm sorry, I'm wrong." He embarrassedly apologized and looked away..

"Just because the tiger doesn't roar they mistake us for hello kitty. Lucas, Don't even try to stop me. I've been holding back a lot but they have crossed the line for a lot of times. I'm not going to ask you not to punish them but don't you dare protect them! If you do, I'll crush you into pieces with them." I seriously looked at him with disdain.

"You are my wife. I will only take your side. but I cannot offend the Qin and Yan family for now because mother likes them very much" He said as he awkwardly scratched his head.

"You don't have to do the work. I will use my own power." I said and smile devilishly