17: First public appearance.

Luna's POV

I went to meet my brother but it is not as worse as I expected.

He actually treats me nice. My sister treats me well too as if nothing happened in the past.

I got to talk with my brother but it was only for an hour because he has to go to work but he gave me an invitation to the auction that the Qin family wants to go to. It seems like a lot of good things are there. Even the Varzant family is attending.

I told my brother about the Qin family and how they offended me. He immediately proposed to let him take care of it but I refused. Gizel played with my life for a while so I should play with her too.

My brother is so nice, He even gave me money to spend on the Auction tomorrow.

He gave me a huge amount of money though.

He gave me 300,000,000 I don't know what do they sell in an auction but it must be expensive kinds of stuff since the wealthiest people are coming.

Even the invitation is luxurious.

I got to know another thing as well, It turns out that buying things from an auction can get you famous among wealthy people as well. That means I can gain popularity even before opening my cafe. It would be a great help for my future business UwU

-The next day-

It is almost time for the auction to start, I wore the most beautiful dress I have which can attract attention.

Lucas is going to the auction as well so I go with him. We did not bring Lewis with us, after all, the auction is not a place for kids to go to.

"That's the dress I bought you to celebrate your consciousness after coma. You like it?" Lucas asked with a straight face.

"I like it." I answered plainly

We entered the big room where the Auction will take place.

There are lots of people inside and everyone looks rich.

As soon as we got in, Everyone's eyes turned to us maybe it is because Lucas is the most successful man in our city and 2nd to the richest person in our country.

Everyone greeted him with respect and only a few people are noticing me. Even with this dress, they do not greet me that much T^T most of the people who greet me are women.

After a while, the Varzant family arrived. My brother looks very charismatic and outstanding with his expensive clothing.

A lot of people turned their attention to him. especially because his wife is too pretty.

Vexana Gray, my sister-in-law is beside him. Their presence is too powerful. Even I cannot take it.

They approached me and Lucas.

Sister Vexana greeted me same goes with my brother. As soon as sister Vexana saw me she immediately gave me a hug and a bright smile. They greeted me but only my brother gave Lucas a handshake which made the crowd wonder who I am.

My brother introduced himself to Lucas and Lucas got to know that he is my brother. It was their first time seeing each other luckily they get along well.

After a few whiles, someone spoke to the microphone saying that the auction will begin in a short while.

I sat beside Lucas and waited for the items to be shown.

A man with beautiful brown eyes appeared on stage holding a box.

"This item is only known by a few. A famous author from 1892 who wrote the story "Legendary Warriors" made this necklace that resembles the item that the male lead gave to his woman as a token of love. The author said that there is a deep reason why he made this necklace but he did not say what exactly the reason is which made it very mysterious. That is why they give this a name The Mysterious token of love." The host said and opened the box.

The unexplainable beautiful necklace caught the attention of everyone.

It indeed looks beautiful, I'm sure the price would be beautiful too. after all it seems like the materials used for it is very expensive I see crystals and diamonds.

I badly want it T^T

"The starting price is 53 million," The host said with hype.

53 million... I can buy lots of house and cola with that money T^T

But I want it a lot T^T

Oh... Wait... I forgot my brother gave me 300 million hehe *Laughs evilly*

As expected my sister Vexana raised her hand for the necklace.

Next Gizel Qin raised the price by 53.5 million

I saw Gina Yan as well. She raised the price by 54.5 million.

Gizel Qin raised the price again it went to 55 million

"Don't you want it?"Lucas asked

"Of course I want it, I just wanna see how much they can pay for that necklace," I said with a suspicious smile.

Gina raised the price again, it went to 58 million

Gizel looked at Gina like she is a joke so I decided to join their game.

Gizel raised the price by 59 million

"59 million and 1" I shouted.

Everyone looked at me they were all shocked.

But I just smiled at Gizel mockingly.

"60 million!" Gizel shouted.

"The fight is getting heated, The price is raised to 60 million now!" The host shouted with hype.

" 60 million and 1" I raised.

Gizel looked at me with disdain but I just smiled at her mockingly

"61 million!" Gizel raised and stood up from her seat.

Everyone looked at her with amazement.

"61 million!" The host shouted with excitement

Gizel looked at me with a mocking smile so I just went right ahead and ruin her.

"75 million!" I raised.

Everyone looked at me and whispered to one another I even heard someone saying who is that woman.

"75 million once! 75 million twice! 75 million sold!" The host shouted with excitement trying to hype the audiences.

"Congratulations, Mrs.Luna Varzant Ashford! Now, this item belongs to you!" The host said and closed the box

Everyone is looking at me with amazement except for Gizel and Gina. They are both looking at me as if they wanna murder me.

I just smirked at them and gave them a smug face that made them angrier

The Auction is about to end and Gizel did not buy anything anymore but there are a lot of goodies so I bought a lot of items.

It is time for the last item now. Everyone looks excited and even Gizel seems to want the last item.

"The last item is an item made by the most famous tailor from the Netherlands! This dress is called the Starry Sky Night Dress! There is only one in the world!" The host hyped.

Everyone was mesmerized by its beauty and wanted the dress.

Most of the items are bought by the Varzant family and Ashford family so the others are a little confident thinking that our budget would not be enough for the last item but I saved my 160 million for this dress only!!

"The starting price is 100 million!" The host said and gave the audience a sign as a start.

A woman that I don't know of raised her hand

"105 million!" Someone raised.

Gizel raised the price for 110 million and Gina raised it for 115 million.

"120 million!" someone raised.

The fight for this dress is getting heated everyone is hyped up.

"130 million!" Someone from the Yan family shouted.

Gizel gritted her teeth and raised the price again

"135 million!" Someone raised.

"150 million!" I raised the price hoping that no one would raise it again.

But of course, Luck is not on my side so Gizel ended up raising the price by 155 million

I raised the price by 160 million This is my last chance. This is my limit T^T

"160 million! Anyone want to raise?" The host asked

Gizel looked at gina for 2 seconds and raised the price again for 170 million.

Well... Luck is really not on my side. I don't have extra money anymore. T^T

It's not worth it to fight for that 170 million stupid dress so I just sat on my seat, drawing circles on my hand while pouting.

"Do you like that dress?" Lucas asked with a mysterious smirk on his face.

I nodded immediately and looked at him desperately.

"Final price is 170 million! 170 million once!" The host counted but Lucas raised his hand.

"200 million." He said like it was nothing.

Everyone looked at him with admiration and The host counted and sold it to him.

"I want to see you wear it in front of me."He whispered seductively.

I got startled because my ears are so sensitive and he just whispered at me like that >///<

"W-what do you mean?!" I asked annoyedly but he just gave me a naughty smile.

Both Gina and Gizel looked at me murderously but I did not care.

Well, I'll just wait for their retaliation then Mother-in-law won't blame me for being ruthless to them.