PROSPERITY THROUGH SACRIFICIAL GIVING: Luke.6:38. Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

The law of prosperity in God's economy is sacrificial giving. When you give your all unto the Lord, he will give his all unto you. When you give your best unto the Lord, he will give his best unto you. When God gives you his all and his best you will prosper exceedingly. 2Cor.9:6-11. Giving is the secret of receiving. Those who fail to give will not receive. Gen.22:1-3, 9-12, 15-18. Abraham gave his all even his Isaac and God said that he will bless him abundantly. Many sings Abraham blessings are mine yet they are not ready to give sacrificially like Abraham and that is why God is not blessing them like he did to Abraham. Pro.11:24-26. Those who are stingy will not receive the outpouring of God's blessings. Mal.3:10-12. It is the will of God for his saints to prosper but for them to prosper they must give willingly and sacrificially unto the Lord. Ps.35:27. 2John: 2. Remember that giving is not limited to giving money only but you must give your heart, life, talent, time, service etc.

It is the will of God for his children to prosper but the secret of prosperity he has revealed unto us in the Holy Scriptures. The secret of prosperity for God's people begins by giving their heart to Jesus and becoming born again. The bible said seek ye the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. Any form of prosperity without salvation is vain. Riches without righteousness is vanity, prosperity without purity is damnable. Success without salvation will disappoint on the last day. We need to be saved first then give our all to the Lord and he will bless and prosper us.

The Lord wants us to give him our all sacrificially and wholeheartedly. He wants us to give him our time to work in his vineyard and in soul winning. There are millions around us who do not know the Lord and are not saved and except we go to them with the wealth God has given to us.