Chapter 4

"yes my name is Alexander Bowe" he says again.

"and I am your fine arts teacher" he resumes walking towards the board. And then writes in capital letters "Alexander Bowe".

He turns around after placing the marker on top of his desk. We are currently in the biggest hall that is owned by the school of arts, studying the legendary course, the only course without a number as a code. "fine arts"

He claps his hand twice like he is trying to wake us up.

"as we all know. this course is a major course." He walks down the podium and then into the crowd.

"this is a course that puts you in your place, you will have the opportunity to submit your works in an anonymous way" he turns around and then walks behind the second row.

"I handle two things. Drawing and painting" he smiles then laughs, nodding his head he continues.

"I don't know why we are many this year. Because you see, most students, flock to poetry, and pottery. So..."

"I would love to say I am so happy to meet you, and I hope we will be best of friends" he begins walking towards my position, and I become cautious, because my encounter with teachers have been ruthless so far, who knows what this lecturer would say. As he reaches my side our eyes connect, and I have to say, he is a fine man. His mouth clips shut as he stares at me, eliciting murmurs from the students in the hall.

But after a few moments of staring at each other he nods at me and then walks out of my view.

"painting is a little bit similar to drawing, but they definitely aren't the same thing. To me, at least"

"but here is what you need to know for now… they both are all forms of art. And art is a method of expression" I nod my head in agreement with what he says because I definitely understand him. An hour and half later the hall is clear of any student, as the school announced in the morning. Starting today the preparations for the graduation/convocation of the law students of the university of Koura 2023/2024 session will commence. So prior to the announcement students begin flooding the school gate, and I am no exception.

As I drop the last of the cube into my juice a content smile appears on my face