
Robert Maxwell owned a global accounting firm, was a Nobel Prize-winning economist, global economic consultant to countries around the globe, but he was dying of old age. Robert enjoyed his life; he did his best to spread his wealth to help people and was considered the world's most philanthropic billionaire.

As Robert lay dying in his bed, with his children and grandchildren surrounding him, he had no regrets. He lived his life the way he wanted, with his belief in the common good, using his wealth to help others succeed in life. Robert's friends and other billionaires laughed at his desire to help the common man, instead of hoarding wealth for himself. But Robert believed that the accumulation of wealth for one's own sake was meaningless. What mattered was lifting the people's prosperity.

As Robert's eyes closed, he did not feel pain only quiet. Peacefully quiet. He smiled awaiting what the afterlife would bring…

Robert opened his eyes, wondering why his ceiling looked different and where his children and grandchildren had gone. He tried to wipe his eyes, but he noticed his hands were small, childlike. Next, he tried to sit up, but could not muster the strength.

"Wait, what is going on, where am I!" Robert was surprised.

As Robert lay in his bed, a woman stood above him and reach down to pick him up. "My lady, you have a beautiful son." As he was passed to another woman, he felt a sense of warmth, comfort, and belonging. "Was this my mother" Robert questioned.

'Hmm, who would've thought that after I died, I'd be reincarnated,' Robert thought to himself.

"Dear, what should we name our new son?" His mother asked a man. That man must be his father. Robert felt some sense of comfort at least knowing who his new parents were. "Hmm, let's name him William after your grandfather," his father replied. As soon as his father gave Will a name a screen appeared in blinked into his vision:

Name: William vont Ballard

Race: Human

Rank: 2 (Baron)








Ranks Skills: Management (20), Diplomacy (20), Accounting (40)

Class Skills: None (Skill Points Available=0)

Abilities: None (Ability Points Available=0)

Will was happy to see, that he at least was born to an aristocratic family, but he was confused about what attributes, rank skills, class skills, and abilities meant. This information was something, he had to learn as quickly as possible.

Life as a baby flew quickly by, Will learned to crawl and walk before other children. He rarely cried, his mother thought him a genius, my made found me to be strange. The maid caught me looking at books, or listening in on conversations.

"My lady, I think the baby can understand us," she said awkwardly looking at me.

***3 years later***

As Will grew in age, his mother and maid found his progress surprising. What surprised Helen and April the most, was how quickly Will learned to speak. At the age of two, Will could speak as well as his older siblings.

The second thing that surprised Helen and April, was how fast Will learned to count. Moreover, Will loved to count the money most of all. Will enjoyed playing with money. Sometimes, April would give Will a couple of copper coins and he would immediately hide them away. Helen and April, though it was the cutest thing.

Will spent the last three years observing his mother, Helen, and his maid, April, he wanted to learn much about his new life.

For his third birthday, his parents asked him what he wanted for his birthday. Will asked for books. They knew Will loved to read, but they were still surprised by his answer. His parents were shocked parents because Will was only three, they thought he was much too young to learn how to read.

Unbeknownst to his parents, Will would sneak into the library to read. When April, found him, she would reprimand him for paying with the books, because she didn't know he was reading. April was worried, Will would rip the pages. Books were expensive commodities.

After his third birthday, Will spent most of his days reading in the library. Being new to Terra, he thought it best to first read about history and geography books. When he was done with those, he read books on Fermion's politics and economics. Afterward, he read books on math and laws. And, after reading those books he would ask his father to purchase more.

During that time, he made many discoveries by reading, listening, and observing others around him.

He learned that he lived in a world called Terra, which very much resembled earth. Except, Terra was a medieval world full of magic, where sword and sorcery ruled the day. Where the strength was admired and respected.

He learned the Kingdom of Fermion was centered in the middle of Terra, and the kingdom had a mostly mild climate, but it's colder in the north and warmer in the south. He learned the years a slightly longer here than on Earth. A year here is 372 days, but there exist 12 months and 24 hours in a day.

Wil also discovered, his family lived in the human Kingdom of Fermion. A country ruled by a powerful king, and aristocratic nobles. Will was overjoyed to learn he was born to a noble family.

The kingdom had one duke, the king's younger brother. But, most nobles were are barons, there were also viscount, counts, marquis ranks above the rank of baron. Below barons are baronets and knights, but knights have not considered landed nobles, meaning they do not own land.

But, he was disappointed to learn he was the third son of a poor rural barony on the western fringe. Worse yet, no one spoke of the kingdom, or threat, on the other side of the river. He was warned to never cross the river.

The vont Ballard's had protected the Kingdom's border for hundreds of years. The barony was hundred of years old but never modernized. Like his forefathers, Will's father James, was very lax when it came to governing.

The western fringe was wide prairie as far as the eye could see. The main exports were wheat, barley, and chickens, and goats. Cows were rare and expensive in Fermion, his family counted themselves lucky to have oxen at tall.

Will also discovered the rural mansion in which he lived, was run down. Paint chipped walls, ripped tapestries, missing bricks, and leaky ceilings were everyday occurrences. Manor had certainly seen better days.

Yet, Will didn't care because his family was loving and the house staff was friendly. Will had a doting mother, loving sisters, and caring brothers. He was happy to have such a loving family.

Will had two older brothers and two older sisters. His oldest brother Jason (13) was a kind and skilled swordsman. Jason was currently attending his second year at the Knight Academy.

His oldest sister, Kathryn (10) was considered a beauty. Men would call her Fairy Kate due to pale skill and soft mannerism. Men from all over Fermion vied to court Kathryn to Helen utter delight.

Will's second oldest brother Marcus (7) was battle manic who delighted in punishing Will, by trying to incessantly fight. Marcus thought Will was crazy reading instead of practicing sword fighting with a wooden sword.

Will's second oldest sister and the closest one to his age, was Rebecca (5). Rebecca taught Will how to read and was obsessively protective of him, to Will's chagrin. Whenever Rebecca read to Will, she always made him sit on her lap. Will was forced to sit there like a trapped prisoner.

Worse still, Rebecca spent her days in the library, not reading, but talking to Will as he read. And if Will ever failed to respond to one of her meaningly benign questions, she would annoy him until he answered. 'She really was just the worst', Will thought.

The Ballard family was known for its silver hair and green eyes. James was tall, just under two meters, and fat, with silver hair and green eyes. Helen, his mother, was shorter, just over a meter and a half with blonde auburn hair, and almond eyes. All the children, including Will, inherited the vont Ballard legacy of silver hair and green eyes.

A little after his third birthday, his father, James, brought him into town and introduced him to the town elder and villagers. Will was not happy to see the manor and town match perfectly. The town was run down, the crop yields were paltry. And Will noticed a number of unused farmland.

The townhouses were too close together, and there was no sanitation. The town was a cease pool of disease. Even worse, the town had no industry or specialty they could market. They were a poor agricultural barony, with no future.

Yet, the townsfolk were welcoming and friendly. Each time Will met someone new he would repeat, "Greetings I am William vont Ballard." the townsfolk would clap their hands, bow, and introduce themselves, usually commenting on my maturing or manners.

What surprised Will about the town, was the respect they had for his father. The barony was in decay, yet they seemed genuinely happy to have him as their governor. Will promised himself, in the future, if he was able, he would his father turn the barony around and make it prosperous.

When Will returned to the manor with his father, his father sat him down for a chat.

"Listen, Will, you have to be successful as your father in this life," James said.

Will almost fainted from disbelief. If only his father knew how successful he was on Earth, and how poor his father was in comparison.

"Yes, papa," Will replied. That was the name James asked him to call him since he was a baby. Every time Will would call him father, James would remind Will to call him 'papa.'

"Will, you are my third son, and when you turn 13 you'll be expected to make your own way in this world. You and Marcus won't receive an inheritance, I wish you success like my own in the future," James said.

'Wait, 13 is an adult in the world,' Will thought.

He was blown away that he was 10 years away from adulthood.

Will was disappointed to learn, that he am the third son and will not receive an inheritance. That means after he'd turn 13, Will was expected to leave his family and make his own way in life, without any start-up capital.

'That's a little harsh,' he thought.

Will had left billions in trust for his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. And now, he wouldn't even receive a cent.