
For the first time since I arrived at the academy, I sat alone in the dining hall. I looked at the letters from Rebecca, Jason, and my parents. I felt emotional holding the letters. Opening my parents letters seemed to weigh the heaviest on my heart. Unlike on Earth, I had two loving parents and siblings who showed me affection and support.

I opened Rebecca's letter because I knew she was neurotic and needed a reply first. Rebecca congratulated me on my success of becoming a commander and they told me about her experience at the Mage' Academy. She told me Elder Thaddeus introduced himself to her, and asked her questions about me, which of course is Rebecca's favorite subject. She wrote about her friends and her struggles with her magic. She wrote I could be considered a magic knight which made her laugh. Rebecca' wrote, that a friend told her, if I become Master Thaddeus disciple I'll be considered a student at both academies because of his influence and seniority. She said Elder Thaddeus acts as the Mage's Academy headmaster, when the headmaster leaves campus. She always knew her mature younger brother would rack up achievements. Like I sought the opportunity, I would be happy to fly under the radar and just graduate in the middle of the pack, which was my goal at first. Now, I can't run away from the spotlight, the damn thing seems to follow me wherever I go. Rebecca told me she join the Guardians as well. She'll be required to serve as a healer in the military for a year. She warned me to stay away from courting, and focus on his studies, she said, she'd be jealous if I courted. How does that make sense, she's my sister! She finished her letter by describing our date, where to meet, and how to dress. She wants me to meet her friends. That entire time out, I'd be a show pony. How utterly awful. I'm too old for these things, but I knew I still had to act as a 13 year old boy.

I wrote her that I'd meet her at the address this weekend, asked her questions about her classes and the Mage's Academy, and I can't wait to see her this weekend.

The next letter I opened was from Jason. He congratulated me on being commander. He told me about his time as Infantry Commander and the experience he learned. He remind me it's okay to make mistakes, this was my opportunity to learn...The letter felt like a high school graduation speech. He definitely embodied the older brother motif. Jason also told me about his time in the military and certain people I should know ahead of time. Also told me I should begin dating and look for a fiancé. Nobles get engaged young and typically marry when they turn 16. Thanks but no thanks, I don't plan on marring. On Earth I married late in life. I was too. concerned with climbing the corporate ladder and building my wealth. The thought of marrying at 16 disgusted me. I may look 13, but I was an old man inside. I was content to be single for a long while.

My parents three letters amused me. The first letter they wrote together congratulating me on my achievements and informed me that they would be sending me an allowance for my achievements. I could expect five gold coins per week. I was to use the funds however my master recommended to advance my studies further. My parents talked about the congratulatory letters they received when I first tested out of year 1 and 2 history and magic theory, then when I became commander, and finally when Grandmaster Thaddeus considered accepting me as his disciple. At first the letters from nobles and merchants were a surprise but the amount of letters seemed endless. Lastly, my parents wrote that they received an invitation from the royal palace to attend a soirée. My father expected something like this, not many noble families send three children to the academies (without bribery).

Next, I read my mother's letter. She asked if I was taking care of myself. The reminded me that the gentry are held to a higher standard of cleanliness and etiquette. She asked that I write her weekly letters, she wrote he rather learn about my achievements from me and if I was somehow upset with her. Mothers can do passive aggressiveness and guilt better than anyone. The thought of upsetting my mother hurt my feelings and I swore to myself I would do my best to write her weekly. She also informed it was time to start courting and to let her know the woman's name before I officially started courting. Mother wanted time to investigate the women and make sure she was of suitable up-breeding. Discussions of courting made me feel like a dog being presented at dog show.

The letter from my father was devoid of feelings, but told me watch my back. Nobles are jealous of a claim and the more I received the bigger target on my back. Even in the guild, make sure that I'm surrounded by trustworthy people, and sometimes it's better to depend on commoners than other nobles. My father also told me the allowance would continue until the age of 25. He also cautioned not to spend the money alcohol and girls. Due to our families accolades, the crown increased the support for the barony. This led to my father providing an allowance for all his children and a larger dowry for my sisters. The crowns increased support only further upset the balance in the region and he expected to war against his neighbors as a preemptive means after his return from the capital. He told me not to worry, both my brother agreed to participate and I did not need to return home. I wrote my father congratulatory letter for his increased wealth and status, the two most important aspects for a noble. I told him to prioritize his safety above all else.