Midyear Battle 2

Walking to the stands, Will heard lots of clapping and jeers as he found a seat among the academy's cadets. He received several congratulations from the second- and third-year cadets, especially from those who belonged to the Guardian Guild. Since Will's bout ended so soon, he knew he had sometime before he had go to the waiting room again.

Will noticed the commoners sat on the left and right sides of the oval coliseum, and the noble sat on either tip. Higher nobles sat toward the head of the oval, with academy instructors, and ministry officials. The nobles on the other end of the coliseum were lesser nobles.

The stage was being cleaned from the Will's fight; they were they used magic to clean Samuel's blood from the stage. There was usually a short intermission between bouts. After sitting down for about five minutes, a tabby cat walked up to Will and jumped into his lap. In the cat's mouth was a folded piece of paper.

"Thanks' Archimedes," Will whispered in the cat's ear. Hearing the interjection, the cat purred softly and licked its paw. After spending three months living with his master, Will was sure this cat was not ordinary. The cat always watched him, when Elder Thaddeus was away or seemed to perk up when Will talked to himself. Will wasn't sure but felt the cat was his conscious observer and told Elder Thaddeus everything he did or said not in his presence. Whenever Archimedes was around Will was always overtly mannerly, he felt more like a teacher than a pet. And Will felt Archimedes appreciated his approach to him.

Will opened the letter and read, "Good job my disciple. You reacted well to your opponent and cast spells to expose his weakness. However, you did not show much sword knowledge, which will come in later bouts. But be on your guard, several high nobles from the kingdom and other kingdoms have come to watch your skill work. Well done, your master," the paper read.

Elder Thaddeus and Will discussed winning but winning with grace, as not to arouse any malcontent against Will in the future. Although Will had no plans to win. He was fine with coming in third place. However, his master cautioned against that saying it would backfire for two reasons. First, several people in attendance are smart enough to see someone lose on purpose and second when his classmates found out they may feel disrespected that Will didn't go all out. Regardless, Will still wanted to follow through with his plan and come in third place.

As Will was thinking the next bout began, Chole and Grace were about to fight. Both women focus on rapid thrust and quick movements when fighting. At the start of the match, both women enhanced their bodies and swords, but Chole's sword gave off an icy feel. Valkyrie was a secretive guild. The knights from Valkyrie were fought fiercely and valiantly but were cautious of men. Many of the women in Valkyrie never married, or if they did, they would retire from the guild. It was rumored that former Valkyrie knights who married and had daughters would train their daughters in secret, if their daughters were found to have mid-tier mana pool.

Both women were evenly matched, but Chole's attacks were more fluid. Chole advantage as a disciple were evident. Chole's sword techniques and movements were slightly better. There was no doubt in Will's mind that the gap between these two would only widen overtime, unless Grace found a master. There were plenty of noble women knights in the Guardian Guild. The problem was none of the knights worked at the Guidon Knight Academy. Unless Marshall Rolf or Grace's parents paid for master it was unlikely, she would catch up to Chole in the future.

After about an hour or hour and a half the bout came to an end. Chole dodge Grace's tired thrust, and spun around her, elbowing Grace in the back of the head roughly. Grace crumbled to the ground, sweating, breathing hard, crying. It was an honorable defeat. Early in the match Grace pressed her advantage, but overtime and the longer they fought Chole's edge in match only continued to improve. What was impressive, was how long it took for Chole to win, Grace fought hard lost with dignity.

After another half hour respite, the next match started, Anna versus Evan. This match showcased to vastly different styles. Anna fought similar to Chole and Grace, elegant thrust, quick attacks, with strategy and tactics. Evan fought aggressive, with heavy swings, and cleaves. Mark fought like a butcher's son or an executioner. To block his attacks required both physical strength and a strong body enhancement. During sparing, people who fought against Evan complained about sore arms or fractured bones in the arms.

Anna spent most of the match attacking Evan with feints and avoiding his heavy-handed riposte. It was obvious that if Anna got hit once by Evan's attack it could damage her. Even though Anna strategically chose best defense, the crowed was not happy with her dodging and avoiding Evan. At different occurrences, Anna would run from Evan, and he would chase her. It was obvious this cat and mouse strategy upset Evan, and Will could her Evan shouting for Anna to 'stay still' or 'be honorable.' The more Evan complained, the more he chased, the more he swung, it was apparent that Evan was tiring. It looked like Anna may have a chance to win the match.

But, after half an hour Evan stopped chasing. He stood still. Will and the fans were confused, was Evan tired, was he going to concede the bout? Anna was also confused, why didn't Evan chase her? The battle stage looked awkward, with Evan on side of the stage and Anna on the other. After five minutes of no action, the fans began booing. The Marshall Rolf yelled at the knights to fight, but Evan stood his ground. Anna felt she had no choice but to attack Evan, she could not let him regain stamina. As Anna approached Evan, Evan remains his ground, the closer she got Evan did not move, she crept closer, always ready to run away. As she finally was about to attack Evan with her swift thrust, Evan rushed at her, he didn't dodge the attack, he ran through the damage and punched Anna in the stomach with all his might. Anna fell to the ground and curled into the fetal position, gasping for air. Evan had won, but it he was full of disdain. He won, but not the way he wanted. Lowering his head amongst the cheers, he walked off stage.

After Evan and Anna's battle, the rest of the class finished their first matches, except for Vincent and Mark. When Mark and Vincent walked onto the stage, the coliseum quieted. It was obvious for the commoners present they really game to watch Mark fight. Mark grew up in Guidon and was well known around the city. He was often called the Pride of Guidon, for his heroism and helpfulness. When Mark got into Guidon's Knight Academy, it was said that the commoners celebrated Mark's good fortune.

Once both fighters walked to the stage, it was obvious that Vincent put much more importance than Mark. Vincent's noble bloodline with back hundreds of years, and he maintained that nobles were more virtuous knights than commoners. He believed in the idea of noblesse oblige, or that nobles had a responsibility that commoner did not, and commoners such as Mark should grovel to nobles that he was granted entrance to this prestigious academy. Mark on the other hand asserted the idea that everyone can be civil and responsible, which Vincent found offensive. Most nobles in Fermion believed commoners were uncivil, lacked responsibility, lazy, promiscuous, and lacked piety. This was the reason the crown created the lese-mageste law, which prohibited commoner from offending nobles and gave legal authority to nobles to discipline commoners. Nobles beating commoners, was common sight in every village, town, and city. In fact, the Golden Knight Guild that Mark belonged that fought against injustice, and would patrol nobles to make sure they did not beat or kill commoners when disciplined. It was common for nobles to be brought before a magistrate by the Golden Knights crimes against humanity. Now, it was also common for nobles to bribe magistrates to get off or get a reduced sentence. Many nobles were not fond of the Golden Knights, and Vincent was not one.

Mark face was oblivious to Vincent killing intent, or Mark did not think much of Vincent discontent. When the match began Vincent shot across the stage like a mad dog, and viciously tried to land a killing blow with his first strike to the heart. Mark parried the swing and countered with three quick thrusts to the stomach. Vincent face frowned; it was apparent that attack hurt Vincent. Yet, Vincent did not stop his pursuit. Vincent was a man on mission to prove noble dominance over commoners. Many nobles in the stand supported and cheered Vincent. The commoners hearing the nobles, remained quiet. Which commoner would publicly shout against a noble's preference? The nobles get yelling support, even though Mark's counter attacks proved effective.

After 30 minutes, Vincent once again closed in on Mark determined to decapitate him, for the embarrassment Vincent felt at not already finishing this match. As Vincent closed on Mark, he used he enhanced his sword lighting it with fire. The red and crimson fames surrounded his sword, as he swung with all his might toward Mark's head. Mark's eyes widen in disbelief. Where had Vincent learned this technique? Mark nimbly dodged, but the flames burned his flesh and hair. Body enhancements used mana to increase strength, it did not stop elemental attacks. Mark screamed in pain, this only led to a few nobles cheering louder. Will looked at Marshall Rolf, who look displeased. While this was allowed in bouts for third year cadets, most first and second years were not prepared to handle these kinds of attacks.

Mark's right eyes and face were burned, melted flesh formed on Mark's face. Vincent grinned, he continued press, attack, thrust, with killing intent. Mark dodge, parried, and defended with poise. For Will, Vincent maleficence and villainy were on full display. The commoners were aghast, their hero was disfigured and looked doomed to lose not only the bout, but also his life. It looked like this hour-long match was coming to an end, just then Mark unexpectantly kicked Vincent in the face. Vincent was stunned, blood dripped from his mouth. Mark exploited Vincent's pause and swung his sword as hard as he could across Vincent's wait. I line of blood was drawn from one slide of Vincent's chest toward the other. It looked like a frown face drawn in blood on Vincent's chest. Vincent remained stunned, how did go from winning to this? He fell to the grown folded over like flip phone closing. The doctor and nurses ran over and gave Vincent and Mark recovery pills, they instantly healed. After Marshall Rolf announced Mark the victor the coliseum erupted in applause and cheers from the stands. Every commoner was on their feet. The nobles sat down grumpily, unhappy that a commoner beat a noble, in front of a crowed of commoners.

"We will now prepare for the second round of fights," the announcer told the crowd.

After hearing the announcement, Will returned to the waiting room to prepare for his next match. Unlike the orientation, winner did not have battle other winners. Marshall Rolf informed Will that he would fight the match of the second round. For Will's next bout he faced off against Asher. Like Mark, Asher was a commoner from the fringe and joined the Golden Knights. Asher was an introvert and rarely spoke to anyone other than his guild mates. Will didn't know much about Asher but bowed to him on the stage ready for what may come.

"Ready…fight," said Marshall Rolf.