Proper Planning

Knowing his limited options and after speaking with Harry, Will decided to purchase the warehouse.

"Mr. Wallace how much you recommend it would cost to remodel the warehouse?" Will inquired. He had to budget conservatively seeing he still had to model the warehouse.

"Honestly, it's a miracle the building is still standing. I think you could possibly get away with 1,200 or 2000 gold depending on the job you want done. I recommended countering at 8,000 gold. The owner currently bonded from debtor's prison. After the building burned down, the guards found several coins worth of stolen goods. It turned out he had contracts with bandits. He is not in prison due to selling all his legal merchandise. I think he'll be motivated to accept almost offer,"

Hearing this, Will's predatory nature enflamed. Smelling blood, Will decided to lowball the offer.

"Thank you, Mr. Wallace, please tell the merchant I'll purchase the property for 6,500 gold," Will sneered.

"Sir, vont Ballard! Don't you think that is…unnoble…taking advantage of a man when he is so…burdened?" said Harry.

"There is no such thing in business, business is a kill or be killed business," said Will.

"Good sir, you are more gracious with a blade than in business! I will pass along your offer," he said astonished at the offer.

Before they parted, Harry passed Will the name of a good carpenter and stonemason, who held contracts with the Land Office and Merchant Guild. He was in the crafter's district on the main street. Will bowed to Harry and left the Land Office, walking back out into the chilly wind. As Will walked out of the building, he noticed there were more people in the building, than when he left. He noticed, that several people stare at him, probably wondering what business a young cadet had in the Administrative Building.

Down the Guidon Promenade he noticed the number of men and women wearing red. Some men and women would hand red envelopes to each other and laugh jovially. Today, people seemed more cheerful, smiled, and laughed more. From Will's experience, holidays either brough out the best or worst in people. Will saw several families walking the promenade, children paying with each other.

Will turned right off the promenade to the crafter's district. The crafter's district had an ornate wood engraved arc entrance. Images of carpenters, stone masons, blacksmiths, and others were depicted. Only a master carpenter could carve something so beautiful. As Will passed the arc, he saw hundreds of shops and heard hammering in the distance.

Walking down the street, various crafters called out to Will asking him to check out their wares and craftmanship. In the barony, there was one craftsman for specialty. In Guidon, there were at minimum ten for each specialty. However, halfway down the street one huge building stood out like a sore thumb. There a large building resembling the United States of America's White House stood. There was large building with a half circle front, the design was so out of place. Never had Will seen a building, such as this. Looking at building, he knew this was the place Harry mentioned.

Will walked in the building and was greeted by a sweet aroma of tea. When he walked in, he met a beautiful auburn-haired woman. He handed Will a teacup and ushered him to a table. On the table were various building designs. Will flipped through the designs, many were like those he already saw. He saw designs for Mediterranean, Asian, and Middle Eastern architectural buildings.

"Harry contacted us earlier and said you'd be coming over. Please enjoy this tea, I will let the brothers know you are here.

Looking through the designs, Will saw several he liked. He particularly like the Corinthian columns. Thinking about designs, Will was interrupted by two boisterous brothers.

"Hello Sir William, vont Ballard, I'm Seamus and this is Stephen we're twins," the brothers spoke in unison.

Seamus was a master carpenter and Stephen as a master stonecutter. Together the built many of the shops, noble houses, and government buildings in the last 40 years. Advanced in age, the brothers mostly handled the designs phase, and their son were the foremen responsible on site for the work. The trio spoke for an hour, Will allowing the brothers to guide the discussion. After agreeing on the work and price, 1,850 gold, Will exited the establishment content.

The last place on Will's list was the Merchant Guild to find salesclerks, and contract merchants and traders. As Will was leaving the crafter's district, he observed a talented carpenter's apprentice whitling a decorative chair. Will stopped and stared outside the shop observing the woman's attention to detail and meticulous work.

"Excuse me, are you always this detailed?" Will asked.

"What do you want? I'm in no mood to hear your taunts!"

"No, I didn't come here to taunt you, but admire you," said Will earnestly.

"…Thank you, but I'm in no mood for suitors. I am already spoiled goods, I have a daughter at home," she said trying to deter Will from making advances.

"I'm a merchant, who is interested in your skill, not your body," Will said defiantly.

"Oh well if that's the case, I can take your order, but the master is out," she was still uncertain if this was some scheme to proposition her.

"I'm not interested in your master, but your skill. I want you to craft some items for me," Will said. Describing the items, he wanted her to craft.

Since Will arrived, he debated what he would sell. How to gain access to the economy and what markets were available for entry. Finally concluding there was a lack of spices and games in this kingdom. Back on Earth, entertainment industry a multibillion industry, and here in Fermion it was ripe for the picking. There were idols, board games, card games, theatres, opera houses, athletic teams. Nothing. Void. He could capitalize on the market, and slowly build his empire. He would expand from Guidon to the capital, and from there other cities until the market was saturated. Then he would expand to other kingdoms until his empire spanned the entire continent and then the entire world! He chuckled manically, glad no one heard him. His rise would be assured.

He would first start by selling a new board games every two months. He would start by selling reversi, then chess, and finally go. Was that enough? No, Will thought he need one more thing. Something unique, maybe a food or beverage. Coffee? Where could he find coffee, he could peddle coffee as a brain enhancer or a focus product. He would look for coffee, but in the meantime, he could sell kombucha. Kombucha was popular for its taste and health effects. In Fermion tea, beer, and wine where the most popular drinks. Kombucha, being fermented tea, would certainly appeal to Fermion tea culture.

Looking at the blueprint designs for the board games. Each board game blueprint had two designs: one commoners and another for nobles. Will simply asked her to create decorative designs, leaving room for artistic creativity. Still skeptical, the apprenticed carpenter agreed she could make them, but with a fee. Will gave her 30 gold coins, shocking her, making her finally realizing this was her first client. She apologized to Will for behavior explaining the taunting and sexual propositions she received as a woman crafter. She told Will to return in one week to sign off on the test models.

The last stop for Will was the Merchant's Guild. Will walked to the familiar building, once again greeting the receptionist who was much nicer to Will to this time. Once again, he was asked to wait until Mr. Harold Murphy was available.

"Ah Sir. William vont Ballard, greetings to you my young friend," Mr. Murphy gave Will a firm handshake and a gracious smile. "Congratulations on purchasing your new property, I heard the owner broke out in sweats when he received your offer, but when his creditors heard about the offer, he had no choice but to accept. Ha-ha, that reminded me of our last meeting. Ha-ha, I won't let you fool me again so easily. This time, it is you who will pay," he said greed twinkling in his eyes.

"Mr. Murphy, my benefactor. You have been most gracious to me, I once again have to call on you for assistance," Will said sweetly, ignoring Mr. Murphy jesting.

"Ha-ha, last time you held me hostage, how am I your benefactor," he said laughing.

"Hostage? Mr. Murphy we simply negotiated a fair price, is that not what merchants do?" Will responded ignoring the hostage comment.

"Fair, how is a one-sided deal fair, you almost got me fire boy. Today, I will recuperate my loses," he said rubbing his hands together excited to begin the negotiations.

"Mr. Murphy, let us move on to today's topic, purchasing the contracts of guild salesclerks and traders," Will inquired.

"Oh yes! I pulled the very best clerks and traders for you. Let us begin with salesclerks, we have several experience persons, how many will you need?" he asked excitedly.

"I would like one senior and one junior salesclerk," Will responded.

"The guild can provide both as contract rate of 10 gold a month," Mr. Murphy said professionally, with no hint of greed to be found.

"Mr. Murphy surely you don't plan to kill my business before it blossoms," asked Will offended. "I can give you 5 gold at most; I am but a humble first-year cadet."

"If you are humble, then dire beast are saints, 10 gold, that is the best I can do," he replied holding firm.

"If that is the case, I will take your third best pair of senior and junior clerks," Will said.

"Wonderful; however, the price does not change. The guild takes seriously the responsibility of training these women; and should you fail to pay the month 10 gold, the guild is still responsible for paying delayed wages," he said.

"What a merciful guild, I joined" Will said happily. "Shall we get serious, on the price, 5 gold is the most I can afford before I have to purchase debt slaves and train them myself," Will responded faking sadness.

"Yes, some shop owners have gone that way in the past, alas, they return to use eventually realizing their mistake," Mr. Murphy said smiling.

"Fine you old goat, 7!" said Will tired of this rouse

"Old goat? You, young cock! You think you can bully pecking order. This is my roost, and I am the head roster here. 9" he shouted angrily.

"Shall we end this conversation as the best of farmyard friends and agree to 8 gold a month?" said Will.

"Fine, fine, fine, let us agree to 8 gold a month. Can you pay the first three-month in advance?" He smiled toothfully, his greedy grin was back.

"Three-months is fine. It seems today's victory belongs to you," said Will humbly.

"Yes. Last time, I was not prepared for you and I told you, I would never underestimate you again. Did I lie," he said earnestly.

"No, you told the truth. I do appreciate honesty in this business, and you do tell the best half-truths," Will said jokingly, but being honest.

"Hmph, I do tell the truth half the time, but do you not always?" He asked.

"Mr. Murphy, I am nothing like you. Half the time, I tell the truth," Will said and both me chuckled.

"We'll sir, vont Ballard shall we discuss traders?" Mr. Murphy licked his lips in excitement for squeezing more coin out of Will.

"Mr. Murphy, you already took all my coin, I have but a little left," Will lied.

"Oh, is that so, I guess my friend Harry Wallace, Seamus, and Stephen were lying about cost of property and modeling. I do believe friend, if I turn you upside down a few more coins will fall from your pockets," said Mr. Murphy sounding like Ebenezer Scrooge.

"I'm sorry Mr. Murphy I am not interested in such an intimate relationship at this time. I must focus on my studies," said Will catching Mr. Murphy off guard.


"You fiend, what kind of man do you take me for?" he asked to upset at the insinuation.

"Mr. Murphy, in truth, I am not ready to contract traders, because I do not know the goods I want to purchase yet," Will said.

"Fine, take this book. This book contains the trade route, name of trader, goods available on route. You will also see two prices list, the guild price, and the price you'll pay. This prices include your 20% discount. Go home look over this and write me of the trade that interest you," said in a fatherly tone.

Will bowed to Mr. Murphy and walked home, feeling happy, he was back on track. Moreover, he was looking forward to his book Mr. Murphy gave him. This is the book he wanted to see the most since being reborn.

He decided to grab a quite bite to eat and walked to the southern district, the slums, to eat and explore. When he entered the southend he was shocked at what he saw.