
Will woke up the next day with a slight headache. He replayed yesterday's events in his head. His Battle Tactic and Troop Leadership classes would not be difficult. Besides the similarity to Sun Tzu's Art of War, much of the business books he read were on tactics and leadership.

But, the class on Noble Etiquette would be more difficult. As much as his mother tried, Will's understanding of noble etiquette was adequate a best. While many of his noble classmates made a big deal out of dancing at Yuletide Ball; Will was concerned about the time commitment.

The Noble Etiquette class and his upgrade Quartermaster responsibilities meant less time for Will to focus on his growing economic empire. Even worse, Will needed time to concentrate on developing his new challenge, breaking into the transportation industry.

When Will first arrived at Guidon, he recognized two unserved industries: entertainment, and transportation. Now, that Will's entertainment businesses were flourishing, it was time to concentrate on transportation.

Thinking over his calendar, Will realized with the war, peerage ceremony, and auction; the only free time he could schedule would be after midyear exams. Frustration, Will felt frustrated, he felt he was being pulled away from his life purpose. He realized this was another of life's twists and turns, but eventually, things would free up.

Will rose from the bed, feeling excited about the end of midyear exams. Then it dawned on him. Today would be his first year taking classes at the Mage Academy. For almost a year, Will walked past the Mage Academy dorms, classrooms, commissary, and halls. Now, he would have the opportunity to enter, explore, and meet his mage classmates.

The last time, Will met his all-mage classmates as last's year's midyear exams. He wondered how his mage classmates would treat him. Would he be ostracized? Would they make fun of him? Would some still be upset about last year's midyear results?

Will washed up and ran downstairs for breakfast. Elder Thaddeus and Archimedes sat at the kitchen table finishing toast with marmalade and tea. Sitting down at the table, Will poured hot water into his cup. Next, he put a tea bag of camellia tea to let it steep. He watched the steam rise from the cup when Elder Thaddeus spoke.

"Today marks your first day of class at the Mage Academy. The Mage Academy brought me many wonderful years, but you should know it comes with its set of troubles too. Unlike the Knight Academy, where people know your rank and power. But at the Mage Academy, you will be tested by your classmates and seniors. You're a new, unproven variable and the students will want to know your mettle. Today you will be challenged, and I want you to accept every challenge offered," Elder Thaddeus finished.

Will stared confusingly at his master. The words Elder Thaddeus said, sounded so dissimilar to his normal approach to life. In the past, Elder Thaddeus also encouraged Will to stay away from fights and challenges. Yet, now his master was telling him to fight unendingly.

"Master I don't understand, you always encouraged me to challenge or accept challenges. You even forbade me from fighting at Eleanor's wedding, but now it's okay?" Will asked in disbelief.

"Yes. Unlike the Knight Academy where you are the strongest, at the Mage Academy gain perspective. You'll learn that you are not always the strongest," he finished.

"Master, when are we going to practice the journeyman earth spells you left for me?" Will asked.

"Right now, we'll just focus on [iron body], and [sandstorm]. The other three can wait until after midyear," Elder Thaddeus said.

Will nodded, finished his tea, and shoved a piece of toast in his mouth to leave. But before he could walk out the door he heard Elder Thaddeus say, "aren't you missing something?"

"Will looked around and saw Elder Thaddeus holding a new black wizard's robe, with a crimson line running down the front. Will took the robe throwing it on, over his knight's uniform. Looking down at himself, Will winced at the flamboyant look.

After wearing the robe, Will thanked him and walked out of the house waving back to his master and Archimedes. Will walked out the hidden grove towards the main campus.

Usually, Will walked past the number of students chatting outside. This time, Will walked past a group of students headed to the Wizard's Tower. The Wizard Tower was a gigantic structure that reaches the heavens. The 40-meter stone edifice gave the impression of being both stately and dangerous. To Will, it reminded him of Saruman's Tower from Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien.

As Will approached the giant door, he realized it was high enough for a giraffe to walk underneath without lowering its head. Will stood looking at the door when he felt a shoulder collide against his.

"Look who it is, the runner up to last year's midyear exam. You know you only beat a lot of us because we were surprised by you. But, you can't beat me now. I don't care if you are Guidon's golden boy or Grandmaster Thaddeus' disciple. Last year, you got lucky. To prove this to everyone, I challenge you to a duel, do you accept?" said a blonde boy with brown eyes, and a smug grin.

"I accept, let's meet at half past the 16th bell. Now, if you excuse me I don't want to be late for class," Will said indifferently.

Will climbed the tower's imperial staircase to the sixth floor. On the way to his first class, Will was stopped three more times and changed to a duel. As instructed, Will accepted each duel. He schedules all the dues for the same time, half past the 16th bell.

Will's classroom was on the sixth floor, and unlike Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling, the stairs did not move. However, the images in the paintings did move around. It reminds Will of his old smartphone when he could take live picture shots, which were short 10 sec videos.

Thankfully, Will just made it to class in time before the classroom doors magically shut. He stood with his back to the door trying to find a place to sit. He looked over the classroom, but all the seats looked filled.

"Just because your rank first at the Knight's Academy and second at the Mage's Academy is no excuse for tardiness Sir. William vont Ballard!" said an upset shrill voice.

"Will, over here!" yelled Elizabeth vont Whitby.

"Thanks," Will said to her, sitting down, placing his pens and notebook on the table.

After Will sat, the class began.

"I am Professor vont Arguelles, a witch of the eight-rite. This year, we'll learn more than basic casting and control. You'll learn more about mana manipulation and casting efficiently. But the true aim of this course is to learn more about your mana pool, your magic, and yourself. Spellcasting is personal, it's about harnessing your mana, controlling the flow, directing your mana, and using the appreciate level of power when you release your spell," Professor vont Arguelles informed the students.

The professor continued, "That also changes how you'll be judged on your midyear exam. Unlike last year, this year even if you defeat your opponent you may lose. That is because your professors and instructors this year will judge you on mana control and efficient casting.

To that end, each of you should begin to write your own grimoire or spellbook. In your free time, experiment, find the best version of casting a spell that works for you. At the end of the year, you'll submit your grimoire for a grade. If you cannot pass my class with a "C" or better, then you must retake my class.

Now get your Frost textbook on conjuring. Today, we'll review what you learned last year in your Introduction to Spellcasting and Principle of Conjuring classes. For the rest of the month, we'll examine elemental spells. The month after that we'll take about defense spell casting. Then meditation and finally, charms.

Professor vont Arguelles's lecture reviewed the principles of casting, mana manipulation, that Will learned from Elder Thaddeus last year.

After a short 30-minute review, Professor Arguelles said, "Now each of you will cast a simple spell. I want to see if you practiced this summer or just lazed about like carrion. Carrion is what you'll be if you don't continue to grow as a mage. Shall we proceed in reverse rank," pointing to a random student she motioned for her cast first?

"Waterwall!" the students yelled; a small waterfall appeared on her desk a minute later.

Professor Arguelles looked at the waterfall with disgust. "That waterwall should have appeared instantly. Ms. Cattigan, I thought you would have practiced more. Listen, class, the faster you can cast a spell means you have better control of your mana. Next!" she said.

"Wind Arrow"

"Earth Wall"

"Fire Ball"

"Water Ball"

One after another, the students cast simple spells. None of the spells received a good remark from Professor Arguelles. Each student was criticized for lack of control. They said the caster used too much mana or not enough. Some students were so scared of her, their spells crumbled as soon as they were cast.

"What a disappointing class, no one has yet to impress me. At your level, you should be able to cast a spell in 15 seconds and hold it half the day. Elizabeth vont Whitby, it is your turn," she commented.

Elizabeth cast [healing light] and the entire classroom was filled with a warm comforting feeling. The sensation reminds Will of Christmas morning when he was a child. As every basked in the warm glow, Will saw the old curmudgeon Professor Arguelles smiled.

"Well done Madame Elizabeth, I'm happy to know someone at least one student practiced.

"Ryan vont Driskill you're next," Professor Arguelles said.

When Will turned his head, he recognized Ryan from their midyear duel. Before Will enrolled in the Mage Academy Ryan was ranked second in the first-year class. Will remembered their fierce battle. Ryan was a fire mage.

During their duel, Ryan's [inferno], [firestorm], and [fireball]. Will could still remember the heat on his skin. Will won last year, by catching Ryan off guard. Will's frenzied charge, coupled with [earth spike] and [iron lance], was enough to pin Ryan in place. With the [earth spike] through Ryan's leg, and [iron lance] pinned through his shoulder, was enough to earn Will the victory.

Ryan stood in class, but before he cast, he looked angrily at Will and cast [inferno]. The entire room sweltered. Everyone in the class began to sweat.

"That's enough young Ryan vont Driskill. You've proven yourself strong enough. Clearly, you worked hard this summer, but your control still needs work. I felt the temperature fluctuate. That spell should have a constant degree," Professor Arguelles said.

"Next, William vont Ballard. Your master tells me, you went to the Beastmen Tribal Lands this summer. Let's hope your summer was not all business, but also involved practicing your magic," she said.

Immediately, the entire room gasped. "The Tribal Lands!" whispered several students to themselves. "How were you able to come back alive, I thought the hated humans?" said another student.

Will stood and cast, [golem] and a tall, gray, muscular, ogre looking, piles of rocks stitched themselves together. When concentrated on his mana, directing a large amount of mana to build the golem. Will remember Rocky from Death Valley. During the summer rice riots, Will focused on improving all his spells. Especially his friend Rocky.

As Will controlled his mana, Rocky 3.0 came into existence. This version of Rocky was much stronger, had a better defense. Will held on to his sword Āsudorgon, and cast [iron lance] simultaneously. When Rocky finally came into existence he roared and tightened the grip on his lance.

The entire class looked at the four-meter-tall rock golem. Rocky, under Will's control, looked at Professor Arguelles.

"Well done William vont Ballard. As I suspected you improved, Eleanor would've been so happy to know," Professor Arguelles said.

When Professor Arguelles mentioned Teacher Eleanor he felt his heart beat faster. Will remembered the pledge he made himself after her death, that he would get stronger. On Terra, only sword and sorcery guaranteed security. Will's economic empire would collapse soon if he was weak. The people he loved would perish if he was weak. Never woulda close companion suffer because of his weakness. Will realized money wasn't everything, and that's why he made his pledge.

"Thank you, Professor," Will said and sat down.

"Now, on to the last student, ranked first Madame Alice vont Ellis," the professor said.

In last year, Alice beat Will handily in the final duel. Her spells [tempest], [flood], and [snowstorm]. Will forfeit the duel after being drenched in water and threatened to be frozen in ice. Alice was definitely a formidable opponent.

Alice cast [snowstorm], and Will immediately felt the temperature drop several degrees below zero. If this continued, hypothermia was a real possibility. Alice and Ryan were opposites, and Will wondered if they ever dueled.

"Well done Alice! Your [snowstorm] is much better than last year, wonderful. Class dismissed," Professor Arguelles said.

As Will stood up to leave, Ryan confronted him. Both men stood face to face. Ryan's eyes flamed with anger.

"Last year was a fluke. You barely beat me; I was not used to fighting a knight that's all. This year, this will be different. I Ryan vont Driskill, challenge you for your rank, do you accept?"

"I accept, but you'll have to be patient, you are the fifth person to challenge me," Will said indifferently.

The students laughed at Will's comment.

"That's fine. Professor Arguelles, will you judge the duel please?" Ryan asked.

She nodded and the students filed out of the classroom. Will wondered how many more challenges he would receive before the end of the day.