Cardinal vont Gaius

Today was Will's last day in Yorkshire. Tomorrow Rebecca, Elizabeth, Elder Thaddeus and he would return to Guidon for the midyear battles and duels.

While Rebeca was exempt from the competition this year, Will and Elizabeth were still excepted to compete.

The last item on Will's to-do checklist was to meet with Cardinal Silva vont Gaius, in Yorkshire's Chruch of Gaia.

This event had been on his calendar since Bishop Lang gave him a baptism and received the ouroboros and divine tattoo.

The Church of Gaia church was located near the commercial district. As the carriage approached the church Will realized the word church was a poor choice.

If the church in Guidon looked like a massive mosque, this church in comparison, resembled a massive compound. Large white walls, 20 golden domes, eight minaret towers, arches large and small, and a giant garden just beyond the entrance.

"Greetings, Baronet William vont Ballard. I am Adept Wang please follow me, I will lead you to the cardinal.

"Greeting to you Adept Wang" Will replied with a bow.

The adept led Will through the maze of the compound. To a beautiful open garden.

"This is the cardinal's courtyard. Her office is on the other side of the garden," Adept Wang said.

Will knocked on the office door and hear a female voice say, "come in!"

Cardinal Silva vont Gaius, sat in a modest chair in a room about the size of his library. Honestly, Will thought the room would be larger, more grand, like the massive compound used as a church.

Inside the office, there were two chairs. Will was surprised to see Elder Thaddeus occupied a chair. Archimedes sat on the cardinal's desk being pampered.

"Welcome Baronet vont Ballard, may I call you Will," Cardinal vont Gaius asked.

"Yes, your eminence," Will said with a deep respectful bow.

"Mannerly and humble, Thaddeus well done," the Cardinal complimented Elder Thaddeus.

"Thank you, Silva," Elder Thaddeus said chuckling.

"Greetings Master," Will bowed again.

"Sit down and let's just have an honest conversation," Elder Thaddeus said looking sternly at the cardinal.

"Master, I didn't know you knew the cardinal?" Will asked.

"Yes, we went to the Mage Academy. We courted and she almost became Mrs. Thaddeus Ming," Elder Thaddeus chuckled heartily.

"Seriously?" Will asked in shock.

"Yes, we were once young and in love, but we were pulled in two different directions. And it's important you leave Elizabeth vont Whitby to make her own decisions when it comes to marriage," Cardinal vont Gaius said.

"Yes, you're eminence," Will said.

"We light mages are different from other elemental users. We are attuned to not only our element but also to the emotions and needs of others.

It's why your sister is so emotional and Elizabeth is so reserved. As light mages we can sense vileness and wicked emotions, it drives us as mages," Cardinal Silva vont Gaius finished.

"I'm sorry cardinal how do you know so much about Elizabeth and myself?" Will asked.

"Silva, let's have an honest conversation!" Elder Thaddeus warned.

"Fine, we followed you. Also, some of your restaurant kitchen staff are members. They sent a report last night," the cardinal said

"Your spying on me?" Will rose from his seat angry a religious organization would spy on its member. Wait, is this cult, did I join a cult?

Will turned towards his master, "Did you know?"

Elder Thaddeus look at Will in the eyes and said, "yes."

"For how long? How long have you spied on me?" Will asked the cardinal.

"Since you joined the Knight Academy. We monitor all Terramancers. However, as you gained more fame, I approved 24-hour protection around you.

I planned to convince you to become a member, but then you approached us first. Once you made your first sizable donation to the church, the Council of Bishops increased your protection detail.

Moreover, when your senior clerk donated an even larger amount here, the Council of Bishops announced the church's public support for you, to warn off your conspirators. We also purchased shares in your companies to join you and the church together," Cardinal vont Gaius said.

"Master when did you learn of this?" Will had to know.

"All the academy instructors are aware the churches monitor students. Mostly, for recruitment purposes.

Archimedes first alerted me to the church' increased your security detail. However, I knew that would happen after I accepted you as my disciple," Elder Thaddeus said.

"But no one thought to tell me? How much do you know about me, my business?" Will asked the cardinal.

"We know a lot about you, probably more than you know about yourself. But, your bicycle did catch us by surprise," she said to Will's honor.

"This is an invasion of privacy!" Will said.

"That doesn't exist here, and frankly you are not appreciating the extent we've gone to your behalf.

Do you know the number of assassinations, robberies, threats your family has received!" she said throwing a file of papers towards Will.

"You are too naive! You should be thanking us for protecting you.

In Fermion, you join a fraction or you get eaten alive! Tell him, Thaddeus, you're in the Royal Fraction. Tell him about your daily meetings with the king," Cardinal Silva vont Gaius said.

"Will, Silva is right things in Fermion are tenser than you may know. This church has done you a great favor. Now it is your turn, to be honest with us," Elder Thaddeus said.

"Will after your baptism, I spent days in the library trying to find your tattoo. The ouroboros tattoo represents eternity. Either, you shall live forever as the divine.

Or, as Thaddeus and I suspect, your name shall go down in history forever remembered. Seeing your great wealth and inventions as an indicator, we can expect your name to be etched in history," the cardinal declared.

Will was stunned. This was his worst nightmare. Will knew eventually his secret would be found, but he wasn't ready for the shock of today.

"Eternity? My tattoo means I'll be listed in history books to come. I mean, as things go, that's not so bad. I'd rather be a footnote in a history book, then to live an unremarkable life," Will chuckled.

"Please know what you shared will not leave this office," the cardinal said comforting Will.

"Yes, thank you. I always suspected there was a reason for your behavior, but I would have never suspected this," Elder Thaddeus said.

"Yes, innovators and inventors of your caliber are rare. Some men see things as they are and ask, 'Why?' You dream things that never were and ask, 'Why not?'

Will, I want to offer you an opportunity to become our champion," the cardinal said.

"Your eminence that sounds like unpleasant," Will said honestly.

He had no desire to be someone lackey. Moreover, as an agnostic, he didn't care to get tied up in church polity and politics.

"Consider this just the opening bid of a negotiation," she said looking at Elder Thaddeus for assistance.

Will also looked at Elder Thaddeus. Will wanted to know on which side of the negotiation his Master was on.

"Elder Thaddeus want is your role in this negotiation?" Will inquired.

"I am the moderator. I think Silva let out some details. First, Will, you should know the king is dying.

My former student has not been able to breakthrough to grandmaster and extend his life. He has a little over 10 years before dies. At that time the country will devolve into a civil war.

The crown prince is supported by orthodox nobles. The crown prince has a limited mana pool and many people see him as unqualified to become even though he was the firstborn.

The youngest prince is a graduate of the Knight Academy. He is beloved and respected by the military. He is backed by, nobles who believe the king should be a magic-user.

The young prince is also the queen's son. The crown prince's mother died during childbirth. The king knows both princes are trying to increase the fraction," Elder Thaddeus said.

"Very soon you'll be forced to choose a faction to join. Not choosing a faction, would create animosity from both princes.

This civil war will change the balance of power in this country. What I offer you is bigger than becoming the champion for the Church of Gaia. A champion has the rank of bishop.

You'd be able to serve on the Council of Bishops, you could help select which prince the Church of Gaia supports and help direct the church in the future," the cardinal said enthusiastically.

"What if the Council of Bishops and I disagree on which prince to support?" Will asked.

"You would have to support the Council of Bishops' decision. The Council of Bishops' decision is absolute," Cardinal vont Gaius said sternly.

"I am not in favor of being a champion. If this is a negotiation, besides protecting my family, what else is in the deal?" Will asked.

"Silva, he's concerned about mercantilism. He's not concerned about gods and the churches. Disciple, you must understand this opportunity is rare and coveted by many. If I was offered this chance in the past, I would've felt extremely lucky," Elder Thaddeus said.

"Please don't ask to stop surveilling you or spy on you. We also protect your family, except for Marcus. The priest task with guarding him, refuse to follow to certain places.

Please note those are expensive countermeasures. Now, demands might you want?" the cardinal said.

"First, I want it in writing you support all my business and investments.

Second, the church be amenable for help when I ask.

Third, never ask me to commit public executions.

Fourth, I'm exempt from dues, fees, or tithes.

Fifth, I'm not forced to attend the Council of Bishops.

Sixth, the Council of Bishops consults with me, before sending me on a quest.

Lastly, I want a monthly stipend of one 10 gold," Will said

"Yes, we'll support your business. But, the church wants the second right of refusal after the king on investment properties.

We also plan to support your Home for Children in the Rabbles by sending down a weekly healer. The 10 salary you request is also for the orphanage, correct?

We agree to no public or private executions. We are a church, not a guild Baronet there are no dues or fees. If you wish to donate you may.

No Bishop if forced to attend Council. However, I suggest you visit. Despite what you think of us, we are very nice going. We do not bite.

Finally, of course, we'll consult with you, we are a civil bunch," Cardinal vont Gaius said slightly annoyed.

"Thank you, your eminence. One last thing, can you please explain the job of a campion. What does a champion do?" Will asked.

"A champion is church's word for general. If called upon, you lead troops into battle.

But really, you'd just be a figurehead for the church.

The church wants to name you as our champion, to capitalize off your fame and notoriety to gain more members.

Honestly, no one expects a journeyman Spellsword to do much fighting," Elder Thaddeus joked.

"That's it, you just want to use me for my popularity! That's terrific. I planned to use the church for the same reason!

As long as I'm a champion in name only. I'm more than happy to let the church use my name, image, and likeness to however they deem fit. It seems we have a deal!" Will said enthusiastically.

"Thaddeus Ming! If you knew the negotiation would be that simple, why did you let me struggle?" the cardinal asked annoyed.

"For the fun of it, of course!" Elder Thaddeus said chuckling.

"Thaddeus Ming!" Cardinal Silva vont Gaius chuckled too.

"Follow me, Will, the Council of Bishops is waiting for us," she said getting up and leading Will to a small conference room, with three rows of benches to either side. It reminded Will of British Parliament.

The cardinal and Will stood on the floor with Bishops seated to their left and right. An old man with a powdered wig sat in the middle of a tower, the size of an adult man.

"Your eminence, you have the floor!" The old man said.

"Baronet William vont Ballard has agreed to be our champion!" She said to a chorus of applause.

Will saw Bishop Lang from Guidon's church clap excitedly.

"He does have some simple demands. The most serious being he's just a figurehead." The cardinal said

"That's fine with me. The church of aether champion is a figurehead too!" Said on Bishop

"Yes, yes, our knights are perfectly capable of what we need, we don't need him to fight," said another bishop.

"Indeed," said the other bishops in agreement.

"Good, he also wants his family protected and a stipend of 10 gold," she said.

"My those terms are very agreeable indeed," said a bishop.

"Yes, what a good member indeed. Your faith, devotion, and service are to be admired," another cardinal said smiling.

"If we're on one accord, everyone come forward to your lay hands on Will," the cardinal said.

The cardinals got up from their bench and laid their hands on Will's shoulders. The bishops began to pray, Cardinal vont Gaius said, "Mother Gaius please bless you champion!"

Once again another column of light descended on Will and his status screen blinked.

Race: Human

Rank: 1 (Baronet)/ Lord of Games/ Gaia's Champion

Class: Merchant

Sub Class: Spellsword







Ranks Skills: Management (50), Diplomacy (35), Accounting (52)

Class Skills: Appraisal (15, 100), [Radar]

Abilities: Journeyman Swordsmanship (1, 50), Journeyman Terramancer (1, 50), Gaia's Blessing (multiplies your spell strength x2), Novice Blacksmith (20, 25).

"Will is there anything you'd like to say Council?" Cardinal vont Gaius asked, bring Will's attention back to the conversation.

"Yes, to show my piety to the church I plan to donate one million gold!" Will said.

"One million?" The bishops around Will were stunned.

"Thank you, champion. To show our thankfulness we will encourage our members to open a bank account like everyone here already has!" Cardinal vont Gaius said assuming Will's anterior motive.

"Now, the campion must return to Guidon. He has his midyear battles in five days," the cardinal said, calling over the same adept that brought him to see the cardinal to lead him back out.