Third Date

After Will bowed goodbye to the crowd, he left for the theatre with Mei for the bank. Will wanted the bank director to keep an accurate record of who open a saving account and who paid their bids.

After speaking with the bank director, Will left Mei in charge and went home to change for his date. Today, was this date with Elizabeth.

It was late in the afternoon by the time Will returned home. Micheal opened the door. The first thing noticed, was how silent the house felt.

"Micheal, where are my parents I have good news to share?" Will asked happily.

"Master Will, your parents, and sisters are shopping," Micheal replied in his normal stoic voice.

Will was a little hurt, that his family wasn't there to share the good news. Truth be told, it was also felt good to see Kathryn again.

"Master Will, you received two letters via the courier this morning," Micheal said handing Will two poster card-looking envelopes.

The letters were from Jason and Marcus. The letters congratulated Will on becoming a baronet. Will placed the letters in his office, with the rest of the congratulatory letters. On the last count, there were over 1,000 congratulatory letters.

After the hundredth thank you reply, Will put down his pen and fell asleep in his chair. A few hours later, Michael woke Will.

"Excuse me Master Will, but you have a date with Lady Elizabeth in a couple of hours. Might you take this opportunity to get ready?" Michael asked suggestively.

Will agrees and went to his room and bathed. Coming out of the washroom, Will saw a new suit on his bed, with a recently pressed shirt. Will looked in the mirror

Will wore a clean shirt and buttoned it up fully to support the graceful black bow tie he's wearing. On top of the shirt he wore a chic grey vest with 5 buttons, it has a fairly deep v-line, it's just narrow enough for the top to remain visible, adding another layer to the overall damper look of the suit.

The black suit was trim and fit his figure nicely. The suit jacket had an elegant windowpane pattern which radiates confidence.

The four buttons of his single-breasted jacket were all buttoned, giving him a sophisticated look. The jacket was the same cut length all around, with vents on either side.

To complement the outfit, Will wore white gloves and a square handkerchief in his sole breast pocket. Will wore an expensive new bought lavish pair of Oxford shoes and refined beast leather belt.

After dressing, Will visited the restaurant in the casino to check on the preparations before directing the coachman to the duke's chateau.

When Will arrived a the duke's estate, he was ushered into Gentleman's drawing-room. The room was massive, larger than his master bedroom. Sitting at two chairs drinking brandy, were the duke and his older brother the king. Will immediately drop to a knee upon seeing the king.

"My brother Francis tells me you're talking little Elizabeth on a date," the king asked.

"Yes, your majesty," Will answered a little anxious.

"Baronet, I'm told you plan to take six young ladies on dates before deciding who to engage?" the king continued his inquiry.

"Yes, your majesty," Will answered. Having the king meddle in his love life was a rude awakening.

"Baronet, surely you understand that your recent investment of gold has earned you even more attention. Moreover, with this money you've become a security risk. You could spend a portion of that money and purchase every mercenary in the kingdom to do your bidding.

Even now my military advisers want to jail for fear of insurrection. Don't you see, the headache you've caused your king? Grandmaster Thaddeus assures the court you are loyal and Cardinal vont Gaius enjoys your strong financial support.

I also do not think you've thoroughly thought through your dating arrangements. Surely you know different fractions exist in the capital. If you were to marry outside the Royal fraction, that might make you my enemy.

Even worse, your presence would embolden the competing fractions. You are quite the political headache. Oh, Francis please pour me some more brandy," the king said holding out his cup.

"Dear brother, we could always ask Will to forgo his other dates and become engaged to Elizabeth, surely that would make your sister-in-law happy?" The duke laughed as he joked.

"Francis, you are my Financial Minister and economic adviser, what say you?" the king asked ignoring Will.

"Brother, this young noble is heaven blessed. Even I don't have his financial acumen. However, to engage in the affairs of youth is the greatest triviality. Baronet vont Ballard is intelligent and industrious. Trust your tutor, his advice has never been wrong yet," the duke said earning Will's heartfelt thanks.

"Listen well Baronet William vont Ballard, I decree you have six months to choose a wife. If you have not found a wife by then, you forfeit 49% of your wealth to the state," the king said directing the King's Head Stewart to take down the decree.

Will looked horrified, he could taste blood in his mouth. What kind of decree was this? Didn't the duke suggest not to get involved in his live life, but now he was threatened to lose almost half his wealth. Being engaged quickly moved up Will's list of priorities. Even worse, the king threatened Will to join his fraction or become an enemy.

"Thank you for majesty!" That was all Will could mumble.

"You may rise. Let us work together in the future," the king said making sure Will heard the veiled threat.

The King and Duke stood, they ushered Will out the drawing-room door to the front stairwell. As the three men stood below, Elizabeth walked down the steps slowly, her lady in waiting walking behind her.

Elizabeth wore a purple and gold dress that's covered her shoulders. The dress had a delicate keyhole neckline with gold features. It's a snug fit that highlighted her breasts but in a refined and modest manner. The dress had ruffled sleeves that covered her arms, which hung down by her waist.

The dress' waist is broad, but it's a loose fit. A cloth purple and gold ribbon had been wrapped around her waist and was tied to one side.

Below the waist, the dress widens and has a medieval dress style. The dress reached down, almost covering her feet, and is the same length all around.

On her feet, Elizabeth wore wedges, no other shoe would've matched this dress better. To top it all off she's wore a subtle gold necklace with the vont Whitby coat of arms, and large diamonds earrings.

Will stood there looking at her in amazement.

"Will say something!" Elizabeth demanded to the chagrin of her mother and sister, who looked like she just ruined the date.

"You look beautiful! Like an angel from heaven," Will said.

Most of it was true, the cringe line was to appease the family and asset stealing bastard of a king.

Elizabeth blushes, as did the other women who've never heard such a saying.

The duchess smiled grew and she looked at her husband and nodded. The duke felt bad for Will, if he didn't choose Elizabeth and broke her heart, the duchess would probably ask him to convince Will or worse.

Elizabeth (and her lady in waiting) and Will loaded into his carriage as they made their way to the casino. The duke's butler rode alongside the coachman.

"Will tell me the truth what did my father and uncle discuss with you? I was told, I wasn't allowed downstairs until you met with them?" Elizabeth asked sincerely.

Will told her the truth, he figured it would even leak anyway.

"Thank you, Will. Please continue to tell me the truth in the future. As you know lying is the one thing I detest the most," Elizabeth said.

Will nodded in agreement. He agreed he could not marry someone did not trust.

In the empty restaurant, Will led Elizabeth to a small table (A/N the butler and lady in waiting sit at a table not far from the couple). As the restaurant owner, Will had Mei reserve the entire restaurant for this date. Will pulled out Elizabeth's chair. She sat, and he sat across from her.

The restaurant was dark, the only light are from a few well-placed candles. A waiter approaches and, without saying a word, pours them wine and leaves the bottle. No menus. Will had ordered for them in advance. Will didn't want any interruptions from waitstaff aside from the bringing and clearing of the courses.

As Will watched Elizabeth sip the wine. Elizabeth noticed and blushed, a shy smile slipped out.

"Elizabeth may I ask you a serious question?" Will asked.

Hearing Will tone, Elizabeth fidgeted a little before agreeing.

"Would you consider marrying me? Your status is much higher than mine. Yesterday, you were very candid. You told me, you dislike Yorkshire and noble schemes. I intent to rise in rank, and marrying me would only keep you in the life you hate?" Will said

"Ahem, it's true I do not enjoy the drama and intrigue of Yorkshire. But, this city and lifestyle are what I know. This city is where I found my passion, and..." Elizabeth squirmed "And if we married, I would still pursue my passion and I would assist you to achieve your endeavors," she said her face reddening.

Will watch her talk. He smiled warmly back at her. Elizabeth enjoyed his gazes, soaking it in, it felt comforting.

"So what is your passion project?" Will asked.

Elizabeth could feel his eyes move over her. She could tell Will found her attractive and as his eyes drifted to her eyes to her nose, cheeks, lips. She caught Will looking at the curve of her neck, the slope of her shoulders, and her chest.

"How about I show you after dinner," Elizabeth said with a mix of expression. She had never taken someone with her to her. The place was special to her heart. It's the place where she felt the happiness and most loved. To bring someone there, made her feel vulnerable. What if Will made fun at her expense or even worse told everyone her secret. Taking Will felt like a big step, but her heart told her it was okay.

Their eyes locked across the table. To Elizabeth, everything around them fades away. She knew then that taking Will to this place would help him understand her better. She wanted to convince Will that she could support him. That even in this despicable city, there was still some good.

Both were so engaged in their conversation they barely noticed the waiter as he placed the first course. The first dish was simple, fruit and cheese.

Will watched her eat. Elizabeth concentrated on each morsel as it slowly moved to her lips. He marveled at the pleasure she took from each bite. He chucked to himself because her face was very expressive. She treated each bite as if it was the most delectable.

Elizabeth gazed over her glass to look at Will as sipes her wine. She smiled coyly watching Will look at her eat a grape.

Next, she reached for a strawberry, but Will deliberately snatched away and ate it, laughing and grinning. Seeing Elizabeth give a convincing pout, he affectionately let her eat the rest.

After refilling their wine flutes they continued to enjoy each other's company. The dinner plates arrive. Grilled seasoned river fish, leafy greens, and crisp vegetables.

The food was light, bold, and satisfying. They ate slowly and quietly. Sipping wine throughout, they savored the meal.

Only in barony did Will eat fish. Since Fermion was a land lock country fish was considered a delicacy, especially large river fish. The fish was well seasoned and the vegetables complimented meat. After feasting, they began talking again.

Dessert was tea and egg custard topped with caramel and honey. Creamy and rich dessert paired well with the mellow caffeinated tea. Elizabeth could not help but smile with pleasure at the creamy sweet treat. She let slip an innocent moaned across the tiny table as he ate her first bite.

Will could see himself marrying Elizabeth, not for her status or the king's threat, but her openness and honesty. Elizabeth reminded Will of his former wife, Nicole. She too eschewed business and politics. Nicole only wanted to raise her kids in peace and love. Nicole had a rule, no work at home. The home was for family. While Will always broke this rule, he admired Nicole's devotion to family.