Slave Auction

Will's second week quickly flew by. The routine of Tai Chi, sparing, class, elective, work, and nightly meditation became a pattern. The little time in between classes brought a much-needed break from the monotony of his schedule.

For Will, the week came and went, and Will found the weekend return. Last weekend, Dhriti asked Will to purchase her from the slave market. Will knew slavery was legal on Terra, but the thought of owning a slave made him feel uncomfortable.

On Earth, slavery was frowned upon. However, that didn't mean slavery didn't exist. Will had even owned stock in companies that had allegedly used slaves. Although the allegations were never proven. With a couple of kickbacks and bribes, even Oxfam could turn a blind eye once in a while.

However, Will didn't need to worry about the negative press for owning slaves. It was an accepted form of everyday life. After Dhriti asked Will to purchase her brother, Will read several books about the practice of slavery in Fermion.

There are three different types of slaves: sex slaves, war slaves, and debt slaves. Sex slaves were women sold explicitly for the pleasure of men. Most sex slaves were used as maidservants for men.

This was such a common practice wives and daughters thought nothing of the practice. It was just expected men that men would have intercourse with their maidservants. Sex slaves were even taught maid skills before they were sold.

Moreover, most fathers bought young sex slaves for their newborn sons. Fathers did this to help their sons with puberty. Which made Will wonder if his father bought April as a sex slave when he was born.

The second type of slaves were war slaves. These were either enemy soldiers who surrendered, kidnapped beastmen, or debt slaves with a former military history. The soldier slaves, were strong, fierce warriors, with proficient fighting abilities.

These men were the most expensive and sought-after slaves. In addition, these slaves were also given the most flexibility. It was a common practice to financially reward or free war slaves who performed well in battle.

For most lords, defending their borders from domestic or foreign enemies was their number one concern. It was common in Fermion for lords to battle one another for territory. Every year, lords would lose soldiers to battling their neighbors, that was why war slaves always sold for the highest in the auction. The most expensive war slave ever sold, sold for 1,000 gold coins.

The last type of slaves were debt slaves. These slaves were considered the least desirable. These slaves were unable to pay their creditors, and the only way to pay them back was to be sold as debt slaves.

But, debt slaves were more like indentured servants. The lord who bought a debt slave would agree to pay their creditor over time for a set number of years. After the loan was paid off the debt slave was freed. At least, that's why it was supposed to work in theory. Sad to say, some debt slaves were never freed due to duplicity of the contract between the lord and the creditor.

Most rural lords, would buy cheap male debt slaves and use them as farmhands, or construction workers. However, life on a farm can be very brutal, accidents and deaths were a common occurrence. Female debt slaves could be used however, a lord saw fit. Mothers with newborns or children were sold as wives to males debt slaves. Without a doubt, life as a debt slave was not glorious.

Will walked out of the Mage Academy wearing his cadet uniform and mages robe. He had grown used to wearing them together it no longer felt awkward combining the two uniforms. Although, Will still felt it was a bit flashy.

Vanessa and Dhriti met him outside the gates. Chloe was also standing outside the gate as well. Chloe and Will had gotten closer this week due to their pairing in Noble Etiquette. In the past, Will and Chloe talked in passing or with class in the dining hall.

"Greetings Chloe, why are you waiting with Vanessa and Dhriti?" Will was curious.

"I was headed to the slave auction when Vanessa told me you were also going. I was hoping to sit with you in your box?" Chloe said animatedly.

"My box?" Will asked curiously. Will had not inquired earlier about where the slave auction would take place.

"Yes, Boss Will. The slave auction is being held in the theatre," Vanessa said.

"Who gave permission for that?" Will asked momentarily stunned.

If this was Earth, protesters would be camped outside this theatre. Will didn't want any bad publicity. The Merchant Guild has already told him, people were beginning to plot against him.

"I did serve, the slave auction paid 100 gold to use the facility, and contractually agreed to split the entrance fee of 10 silver 50/50. Boss Will, I suspect the theatre will fill to max capacity," Vanessa calmly spoke.

"100 gold and half the entree fee," Will mumbled to himself.

That was quite a large amount of money to pay before they even sold a single ticket. Will secretly wondered how much money they were going to make tonight.

"Well done Vanessa, I commend you!" Will praised.

At first, Vanessa wasn't sure how Will would respond to the news. She wondered if Will would be upset because she did not consult him when she was first presented the offer. In truth, the offer caught her off guard too. The slavers offered half the entrance fee, which was their normal rate. But, Vanessa had talked them into the 100 gold convention fee. Seeing Will's stun gaze and praise made her feel triumphant.

The four of them quickly walked to the theatre. Outside a person, Will did not recognize sat next to a troubadour collecting entrance fee. On seeing Will, the paroled troubadours immediately stood up and bowed at the waist. His immediate subservience caught unknown man, and guests by surprise.

The troubadour, immediately created a path for Will to cut to the front of the line, and walk in the theatre entrance without losing his stride. Vanessa flippantly paid the entrance fee for the four people, as Will made his way to his box.

As Will walked up the stairs to his box, he noticed several prominent lords were present. Will saw the Timothy vont Alms, speaking with Dwight von Wright, Vincent's father, and Earnest vont Washington. Will had not seen these three men together since they asked Will to severaly injure Mark in last year's midyear battle finale to 'put commoners in their place.'

Will greeted the men, with a bow of his head, and continued advancing to his box. In the his Guidon theatre, only Will and the City Lord had a box with six seats. In capital, the theatre's royal box sat eight, and Duke's box sat six. Will's box sat four, the same as the other boxes, but in his absence, Will's capital box could be rented.

Will, Vanessa, Dhriti, and Chloe made their way to the box. The theatre was noisy, and the standing area below was packed with nobles who weren't able to afford a box. As Will looked around the theatre he could only imagine the amount money he was going to earn.

"Chloe, are you looking to purchase or just browse?" Will asked couriously.

"I'm here to purchase a war slave. I need another sparing partner. My master wants me to practice fighting off multiple opponets. She recommend my father purchase another combat slave, and he gave me some money to attend tonight's matches.

"Multiple partners, eh? Your guild certainly preparing you well. I always wanted to know, with your combat prowress, how come you never joined the infantry command? What made you interest in the signal command?" Will asked.

"Will, you know everyone is working hard to improve their rank this year? My goal is to place in the top three again this year. My master is just wants to make sure I am throughly prepared for this years' midyear exam," Chloe said.

"Oh, yeah. Honestly, I haven't thought much about the midyear exams, I'm been concerned with other things," Will answered truthfully.

"Oh, my dad wanted me to ask you how you like your new suit. He worked all night on your suit. He always puts more effort into the clothes he makes for my classmates. He's afraid a bad stitch my cost me friends or to lose face at the academy," Chloe said in a earnest moment of truth.

"Chloe, I didn't know your dad made my new suit, but tell him is my favorite suit. I received several compliments," Will said, looking over Chloe's shoulder to Vanessa, where he whispered, "why didn't you tell me Chloe's father made the suit?"

Vanessa, mouthed back ,"I didn't know he was Chloe's father."

"Congratulations, on becoming a baronet, my grandfather was bestowed a baronet title, when he made set clothes for his majesty's grandfather. Even though, it may be a stepping stone for you, it's a title that has brought my family great honor," she said examining the crowd below.

Chloe and Will had never conversed by themselves until they were paired in Noble Ettiquette. Will thought that he a Chloe must have grown close, without him noticing, for her to converse so informally.

Unbeknowst to Will, several people in the audience thought Will and Chloe were dating. Will's dinner with the Marlicia vont Hernandes was week old news. Seeing the duo in the box, surrounded with Will's senior clerk as a chaperon. People though Dhriti was brought along as an crafter advisor, to help Will distinguish between slaves.

Chloe could see people, staring at Will's box and talking, but she couldn't hear what they were saying. However, she noticed the people excitedly gossiped with each other.