First Date

Thanks to his master's new training regimen, the first week of classes flew by. Will's monotonous schedule of Tai Chi and sparing in the morning, followed by classes, and meditation at night. His work at the library and guild was the only time, he was able to spend with his classmates outside of class.

Today marked the anniversary of Will registering at the Merchant Guild. Will thought about how his life changed after registering. He mostly thought about his growing piles of coins. He heard from the Thompson brothers that his bank would be complete shortly after fall break. Mei sent a letter saying the same, but for the bank in the capital.

Will was excited to visit Fermion's capital, Yorkshire, for fall break. Will had always wanted to visit the capital, and now he had the opportunity. Compared to Guidon and Rijilir he imagine how the city looked.

"Focus Will!" said Elder Thaddeus.

Will focused on eroding a giant boulder in the middle of the backyard. Will cast [erode] for the hundredth time, and slowly the boulder disintegrated into dush.

This morning, Elder Thaddeus made Will practice all 19 spells. They worked on improving each spell and [erode] was the last spell.

Before [erode], Will casted [rock armor], [earth spike], [earth wall], [meteor], [earthquake], [rock golem], [iron lance], [quicksand], [iron body], [sandstorm], [modeling], [earthen dome], [fertile soil], [nature's blessing], [entangle], [poison cloud], [radar], and [tectonic earth].

Move and cast, casting while sword fighting, quick casting, and casting while severely injured; Will was not allowed to lose focus for even a second. Elder Thaddeus did not let up for even a second. Will could feel his master's killing intent. After every practice, Will smelled like he walked out of a burning building.

Thousands of swords and spell lacerations covered his body, he felt like a pincushion. Yet, he endured the training each day. Whenever he felt disheartened or like giving up, he'd remember Teacher Eleanor's death. This barbaric world, of sword and sorcery, where might was right and the meek were trampled upon, was his life now. Will knew money meant nothing if he wasn't strong enough to safeguard it or his loved ones.

Every day Elder Thaddeus pushed Will harder and for longer. Will learned to keep focus, even during the worst of duels. Will wondered if this training was the medieval equivalent of what special forces received. Every night, Will would take his Aether pills and an herbal bath.

But now practice was over, and he had the weekend to himself. At least that's what he thought before he received a knock on the door, and he remembered. He remembered his mother's recent letter, instructing him that his father schedule his first date for this evening. Will opened the door, and a courier handed Will an envelope.

Will opened the envelope and read the contents.

'To the Esteemed Baronet William vont Ballard,

We are so humbly honored to invite you this evening for dinner at our manor. Baron Morgan vont Hernades hopes our two houses good fortune in the future. His daughter Marlicia looks forward to a prosperous union. Please come to the manor by 18th bell, dinner will be served at half-past.

With best regards,

Baron Morgan vont Hernades

Inscribed, L.E.'

Will stared at the letter. He had never heard of Baron Morgan vont Hernandes. By addressing him by his soon-to-be bestowed peerage, this family certainly wanted to leave Will with a good impression. Will was reviewing the letter when another knock on the door brought him out from his thoughts.

Will opened the door to see Vanessa, his trusted senior clerk in Guidon. Today, she wore a satin blue dress with small blue and white flowers. She had her hair today, in a bun, which was unusual.

"Hello, Boss Will," she greeted him, stepping into the cottage.

"Welcome Vanessa, have you heard of Baron vont Hernandes?" Will asked showing her the letter.

"Yes sir, he is technically your largest competitor. He owns the largest general store in Guidon and Yorkshire, the Fermion General Store. Even with the recent success of rose soap, we haven't closed the distance between the two stores. He also owns several smaller shops across the country. Until you came, he was the wealthiest merchant in Fermion.

His daughter Marlicia is said to be the most beautiful girl in her generation. She has several suitors in the capital. Moreover, Marlicia is also his only child. Rumor is the baroness had difficult childbirth, and now she is unable to bear any more heirs. She is three years younger than you and has no magical talent. A marriage between you two would bring the two, would give you an unparalleled business empire. Your earnings might equal the dukedom.

However, several people would be threatened by that man with that much power. Your list of adversaries would certainly increase," Vanessa explained.

Vanessa's description of Baron vont Hernades' family holdings, interested in Will. This opportunity presented a potential merger with appealing properties. He thanked his stars, that his mother at least knew his interest. Thankfully Marlicia was underage, which if he propose, would give him a few more years of bachelorhood.

"Vanessa go find everything you can about Baron vont Hernades' ledger. I want to know how his accounts look. Find out what you can, and meet me at the café at 17th bell," Will said heading up the staircase to his loft to get dressed.

"Boss Will, I also wanted to inform you the tailor should have your new suit ready by then," she said.

"Wait, new suit. Vanessa, I didn't order a new suit, did I?" Will ask, stopping at the top of the staircase.

"No sir, you did not. Your mother wrote me and told me to purchase a new suit for you. She also provided the funds for the suit. There is still some money left over. What shall I do with the money, sir," Vanessa asked.

"My mother asked you to buy me a new suit?" The words sounded funny out loud. Why didn't she ask me to purchase a suit for myself?" he asked her.

"Your mom was afraid you'd return the coin, and not purchase a new suit. She afraid, you're not taking this serious enough, and solicited my help,' Vanessa said.

"Do you and my mother correspond often?" Will asked in amassment.

"Yes, Baroness Helen vont Ballard and I correspond weekly," Vanessa deadpanned.

"Weekly? You correspond with my mother as much as I do?" Will asked in disbelief.

"Yes, sir," Vanessa said.

"What do you and my mother discuss?" Will asked.

"Your mother has tasked me to help her find suitable finance candidates, sir. I was the one that mentioned Baron vont Hernades to her." She said as if this was the most obvious thing to everyone.

"You and my mother are conspiring to marry me? Why, would you help Vanessa. You know I have no interest in marriage," Will said frustratedly.

"Respectfully, sir. You are 14 years old, a year above the marriageable age. You have considerable wealth, a good reputation, and a long noble lineage. Moreover, your sister Rebecca and brother Jason have also gathered acclaim. Mothers see you as a prize to be won, and until you find finance this matter won't be settled," Vanessa said.

"I do not pay you to serve my mother, nor conspire behind my back!" Will said firmly.

"Yes, sir," said a dejected Vanessa.

"Return the money my mother sent you. Let her know this conversation of yours, must include me. No matter the drivel it is my life," Will said returning to his room to rest.

Four hours later Will woke up refreshed, albeit groggy. Yawning, Will awoke to the chimes of the 16th bell. Remembering his date this evening, Will wanted to immediately return to bed. However, the thought of disappointing his reincarnated mother spurred him to wash and get dressed.

After washing up, Will noticed a new black suit hung in his closet next to a clean uniform. A letter stuck out from the suit's front coat pocket.

The note read, 'The tailor finished earlier, I took the opportunity to drop it off, Vanessa.'

The suit was common for a noble in Fermion. The cotton suit coat draped to his knees. There was a ruffled linen blouse and cotton breeches. There was a short black top hat and long black riding boots. In Fermion all nobles wore a pin to designated their peerage, however, instead of his baronet pin, his Academy pins and medal of valor were placed.

As Will walked downstairs, Elder Thaddeus and Archimedes simultaneously looked up at Will.

"Yes, how handsome indeed. You look very impressive young vont Ballard. I think the rank of baronet will suit you well," Elder Thaddeus said.

"Thank you, master," Will replied before walking out of the cottage.

Will walked across the Mage Academy, the students outside all looked at Will in astonishment. They had seen him take the path from the cottage to the Mage Academy gates hundreds of times, yet this was the first time they had seen him dressed in noble attire.

Seeing Will like this made many girls increase the admiration they secretly felt for Will. Seeing the girls' eyes Will like prey, the male mages' jealousy rose. This only served as a reminder, that the gap between Will and themselves was growing farther apart.

As Will walked to the cafe, to see Vanessa, he heard his stomach growl.

'I should eat a lite snack before dinner, ' Will thought, as he made his way to the cafe.

As Will turned the corner into the cul de sac where cafe, theatre, and casino were located; many noble couples were astonished to recognized Will out of uniform. As he walked, other noblemen would tip their hats to Will, as a polite acknowledgment. Will would return the gesture, as he learned to do in his Nobel Etiquette class.

As Will turned to enter the cafe, he looked over his shoulder and saw several nobles whispering back and forth. Will ignored the whispering crowd and entered the front of the cafe.

Will sat at his favorite table in the back, away from the men playing chess, reversi, or go. Before sitting he told the maître d' inform Vanessa he was here.

As he sat waiting for Vanessa, Anne came out from the back wearing an apron.

"Hi Will," Anne said pulling a strand of hair behind her right ear.

"Hello, Anne. I thought you'd stop working here during the school year" Will replied.

"I didn't plan on it, but my mother said she needed my help. Ever since you recommend Ms. Pamela add seasonal dishes, my mom decided to take the same advice. Now, the cafe is even busier than usual. My family and I want up for the lost profit we caused you," Anne said, the last sentence had a hint of sadness and embarrassment.

"That is most welcome news; however, tell your mother there is no cause for recompense. Thanks to your family I feel I've earned more than I bargained for." Will praised her family.

"No, Will! If it wasn't for you, we'd be homeless or enslaved. You are my hero," Anne blurted out without thinking. She quickly turned her head away from Will hiding her blushing face.

"No, it's fine. I guess we both got what we wanted in the end, an equal partnership," Will said.

"Partnership, wait...why are dressed up like that?" Anne's pink blushing transitioned into cherry red.

When Will said, 'partnership' it sent Anne's mind racing toward marriage. It was at that time, Anne noticed Will was out of uniform. All of sudden, Anne thought she became the main character in a steamy romance novel. She wasn't ready for rich merchant Boss Will to ask her out on a date, while she was wearing an apron. Wait, was this the real story of Cinderella?