Marquis vont Hanover

"Prince is coming!"

"The Prince, really?"

"Do you think he's looking for a new mistress,"

"Why's he coming?"

The arrival of the youngest prince, Roland Godwin vont Whitby was the talk of the town after the was announced.

"Officially, the prince came to encourage the troops off to war. Additionally, he would also chaperone his cousin, Elizabeth, to the Winter Ball," however most nobles guest correctly there was another reason.

Subterfuge was a nobles' trademark. Everyone rightly guessed, his real reason had to do with the Winter Ball.

Nonmage or knight women, seduced male mages and knights to escort them, at the displeasure of escort less female students. It was no secret, the women were using the second-year male student to get to the prince.

In Fermion, concubines and mistresses were common for the elite nobles. Although, only nobles flaunted concubines. Most noblemen discretely slept with their mistresses.

It was important for royals to have several concubines, to secure the royal line. The current king has several concubines, but only two recognized children.

An unfortunate reality of medieval times was that every child born from a noble was not recognized as such. Unless a noble publicly acknowledged a child, the child was disregarded as a commoner.

Regardless, becoming a concubine to the prince, meant one step closer to becoming queen. The intrigues of palatial drama were only known to a few, but queens have died before of unknown causes.

Guidon was certainly in a frenzy with the arrival of the youngest prince, Roland Godwin vont Whitby. Banners were hung, performers impressed, music played loudly as people lined two to three rows deep on the promenade to see the prince pass by. As the prince waved to his adoring fans, Palace Knights rode their horses in a tight formation keeping a watchful eye on the crowd. Certainly outside the palace, the youngest prince was exposed.

Generals, majors, colonels rode on followed behind the Prince's gold carriage on horseback. For Will, it certainly gave the impression of a military parade. Will remember that Elder Thaddeus, the prince was back by the military. This display certainly gave Will the impression that was true.

Will stood inside the Mage Academy's gates on a cold winter morning looking out at the prince's entourage. Will wore a heavy wool navy trench coat over his cadet uniform. with black leather gloves. It was cold enough this morning, that his breath lingered in the air, but he was curious to see princes arrival in Guidon. As the carriage passed the Mage Academy, just for a second, Will felt he and the locked eyes. The Prince gave Will a coy smile before he moved down the street.

As the carriage passed by, heading to the makeshift barracks on the outskirts of Guidon, Will returned to the cottage.

"Did you enjoy the show?" Elder Thaddeus lightly chuckled.

"I was just curious to see the youngest prince," Will said.

"I suspect he feels the same about you?" Elder Thaddeus said smiling.

"I thought I had more time to make my decision," Will said.

"You do, you haven't met with the crown prince. No doubt, he'll find a pretext to see you as well," Elder Thaddeus said grimly.

"Master, are you coming to tonight's ball?" Will asked.

"No, I'm too old to be around that many hormonal children. I also paid my respect to the princes, when I stayed in the palace," he said.

"Master, you stayed in the palace?" Will asked surprised

"Of course! All the King's advisers have rooms in the palace," Elder Thaddeus said

"I just thought you had your own house in the capital," Will said.

"I do have my own estate, but the king invited me to stay in the castle. I could not disappoint Remus, so I agreed," Elder Thaddeus said.

"Master, only you could call his majesty by his first name," Will said laughing.

All of sudden, Elder Thaddeus became very serious.

"Will be careful arrange the prince. I suspect tonight, he may try to trick you into joining his faction. Be alert!" Elder Thaddeus advise.

"Thank you, master, "Will walking upstairs to get dressed.

Will had dealt with politicians, almost his whole life. He felt comfortable knowing how to navigate those land mines. As he went upstairs to his loft to dress dressed, wondered what trap the second prince had planned for tonight.

Will bought a new suit for just this occasion. Tonight, Will wore a plain shirt buttoned it up fully to support a graceful black bow tie. Over the shirt, he wore a dashing four-button white vest with a v-line, which caused the vest to remain hidden when the back suit's jacket was buttoned up.

The three buttons single-breasted black jacket perfectly wrapped around his body. The jacket was solid black without a pattern which radiated a sophisticated look. All but the first button was buttoned, which gave the suit a bit of both worlds' formal and stylish.

The suit jacket was the same length all around, with vents at the back, there were also two pockets on either side and a breast pocket that contained a stylish pocket square. Over his suit jack, Will wore his baronet sash, with his cadet pins, and medals.

Will wore black trousers the same black color as the jacket, but a velvet sideline, similar to a tuxedo on Earth, going up the leg. The jacket and pants were an ideal combination with his shoes. He wore a fancy pair of cap-toe monk straps. To top it all off he wore a classic black belt and white cotton gloves. Covering his ensemble he wore his second-year Mage Academy heavy wool robe.

As Will stepped out of the cottage, he watched the snowfall. He observed how it accumulated along the stone pathway leading away from the cottage. The sun was still in the sky, but dusk was not far off yet.

In the Mage Academy courtyard, Will saw several dapper-looking mages congregating outside the women's guild dormitory, waiting on their dates. At the Knight and Mage Academy, first-year students stayed in single-sex dorms. Neither men nor women were allowed past the single-sex dorm' lobby.

However, once cadets or mages joined a guild, they were given the opportunity to live in the guild dorms. The most immaculate residences at the academies belong to the guilds. Moreover, guide recruits were also allowed to tour guild residences during the first opening week of school.

As Will passed the courtyard, he saw a downtrodden Rebecca sitting on a bench near the Mage Academy's gates.

"Sister, are you well?" Will asked.

"Oh Will, you look handsome," Rebecca said cheerily.

"Why are you out here sitting in the code, you'll catch sick?" Will said.

"Will, you're worried about me?" Rebecca said happily.

"You're my sister," Will said, sensing danger.

"I have a letter for you from Kathryn and mom. Kathryn's fiancee's family withdrew their date request. Mom wants you to choose a young to marry within the month. This is all moving too fast," Rebecca began crying as she handed the letter to Will.

"Is this why mother and father stayed behind, in Yorkshire?" Will said.

"No, the king invited father to court," Rebecca said.

"Why?" Will asked.

"He didn't say. All he told mother and me, was that king asked him to come to court," she said.

Will turned and ran back to the cottage, be slammed open the door. Elder Thaddeus was sitting on his rocking chair reading a book.

"Master, did you know my father met with the king?" Will asked.

"Yes, I'm the one the recommended the king invite your father to court," Elder Thaddeus said.

"Why,?" Will asked.

"Will you just earned over 14 million gold. Have you not thought about the repercussions against your family? Your family, are vassals of the Marquis vont Hannover. Your indifference to him has caused him great consternation. He was upset and petitioned the king to mitigate a dispute. I'm surprised your father has not told you?" Elder Thaddeus said.

"What will happen to my father?" Will asked.

"I imagine that has much to do with you," Elder Thaddeus said.

"Me?" Will asked surprised.

"Yes, Marquis vont Hanover wants financial compensation, he's suing your father for withholding taxes. However, what I suspect he really wants is the patent for your bank," Elder Thaddeus said.

"Why?" Will asked.

"I believe it's a plot to rope you into the Crown Prince's faction," Elder Thaddeus said pensively.

"They want me to choose between my family and my business?" Will said angrily.

"Surely, you know your bank would be a boon to whatever side you join. Wars are expensive, and civil wars are the most expensive. The Crown Prince must have been worried you'd join the younger prince's faction given your ability to use magic, this was a logical preemptive measure," Elder Thaddeus said.

"You're saying it was my fault for not being ready for this?" Will exclaimed.

"Your father could have at least offered the marquis a bicycle or some of his nonvoting shares." Elder Thaddeus chastised him.

"If I join the Royal Faction, will that affect the king's ruling?" Will asked.

"I'm afraid not, Will. Marquis vont Hanover, as the Guardian of the Western Fringe, has every right to sue for compensation," Elder Thaddeus said.

"Does it not matter, that the auction happened after I already became a baronet. Am I head of my own lineage?" Will asked forcefully.

"Again, the Marquis is not suing you. Now off you go, do not keep the lovely Lady Elizabeth waiting," Elder Thaddeus smiled.