War 7: Saving the Day

A day and a half later the supply caravan pulled to a stop in the Fermion camp late at night. Other than Will, Vincent, and Ryan arguing nonstop; the trip was peaceful.

Many of the soldiers were emaciated and looked diseased. The army was excited to the caravan, like starving wolves staring at a crippled lamb.

Will's logistic officers and soldiers under his command, worked quickly to unload the rations and other supplies. Once the supplies were housed and guarded. His troops handed out double and triple rations.

The troop morale instantly improved, men celebrated as kegs of beer were emptied instantly. Boon fires roasted deer, warthogs, rabbits and other game Nisha hunted under Will's order. Archimedes killed a master-level bear dire beast.

When the troops saw the fresh meat, double rations, and kegs of beer, the once dower morale became a festive party. Groups of soldiers thanked Will. The Quartermaster of the Fermion army was hailed as a hero and savior. The soldiers gorged themselves until their bellies protruded. The soldiers laughed, burped loudly, and patted their swollen stomachs.

After eating their fill, they slept like the dead, but with smiling faces.

Only after the infantry, signal, and engineering soldiers ate, did Will allow his soldier to eat. As Will told his men logistics officers were the tail of the tiger, they naturally could eat before everyone else.

"Quartermaster Baronet William vont Ballard, the king requests your presence," said the Royal Stewart.

Will made his way through the camp to the largest tent. Unlike the small triangular tents of infantry soldiers, noble officers slept in slightly larger rectangular tents. But, the king slept in a massive round tent similar to Genghis Khan. Purple and gold frills and lace adorned the outside of the tent. Two palace guards blocked the entrance.

When the guards saw the Royal Stewart and Will they moved to the side, to allow them entry.

"Your majesty, Baronet vont Ballard!" The Royal Stewart announced.

Will got down on one knee and bowed his head, "Greeting King Remus Albus Fermion IX," Will saluted with his right fist over his heart.

"No need for formalities Baronet. My niece has told me about your journey. You certainly came in the nick of time. Any longer and General Brash was afraid he have deserters," the king said.

"Well done Captain vont Ballard, your action might have saved war," the General said.

"Your majesty, is there any news of my brother?" Will asked. He wanted to ask something else, but he thought the concerned brother's act, made for a better impression.

As Will notice the grandeur of the tent. A golden throne, silk rugs, sweet selling incenses, and bags filled with gold and expensive pottery, jewels, and gems glittered. The king's full might was on full display. The king's tent made the battlefield feel like a relaxing vacation.

Will had no doubt the other nobles' tent also had treasures indicating their prestige.

"Prince Roland and Colonel vont Smith arrived two days ago. They returned when they ran out of rations and hunting became too problematic," General Brash said.

Thank you General," Will said with a salute. Will was amazed at how easy he had gotten used to the Fermion military salute.

"Baronet, when can we expect the next caravan?" the king asked.

"The day after tomorrow, your majesty. The supplies I brought should last well beyond then," Will said.

"Very good! You've done an excellent job," the king said.

"I am undeserving of your praise," Will said diplomatically.

"Bring me, Prince Roland," the king said to his Royal Stewart

While they waited for the second prince, the King and General Brash spoke politely to Will about his duties and responsibilities. They questioned Will about his year in the military.

Will answered each question diplomatically, to leave them with a favorable impression of himself. Will treated this informal discussion, with the same diligence as when he addressed United States congressman and senators, or when he was called to speak before the European Union commissioner.

When addressing politicians diplomacy was a business necessity.

By the time Prince Roland strolled, Will has gained a measure of favor, especially with General Brash. General Brash had the opinion that Will was the best wartime Quartermaster in Fermion

"Baronet, Prince Roland believes I should seek your economic advice about the war. I'm intrigued what advice would you give," the king asked

"Your majesty, I do have the credentials to advise the king," Will obfuscated.

Will had done his best to leave the king and general with a positive opinion, and this request could ruin Will's previous effort.

"Your majesty, I am a young newly bestowed noble, I suggest asking someone more established than me," Will once again tried to get out from this request.

"Why are you hesitating? Father, I believe he does not wish to upset you," Princethanand laughed.

"Enough, no matter what you say my opinion won't change. Speak now," the king declared.

"If I must, your majesty this war is causing a recession. I fear it won't be long until there is a depression. My business suffered a loss of 40% revenue. There's a critical shortage of currency, and if this continues the price of goods will rise, and mass starvation is likely," Will said.

"What's a recession and depression?" the king asked unsurely.

"A recession is when the tax collection decreases for two seasons, production decreases, and thousands of people have no work. Right now a lot of wealth and food is being held among a few people, there is not much currency in the kingdom as there once was.

Also, the cost of food has increased in the kingdom as much of the food is bought by me to send to the frontlines. That means the cost of bread increased from 15 coppers to 30 coppers. Depression is when tax collection decreases, unemployment happens for years," Will said.

"Father it's just as your advisers report," Prince Roland said.

"Its true prices have increased and but once the war is over everything will revert to normal," the king said to his second son.

"For my insolence your majesty, but when the war is over the problem will get worse before it gets better. When the war is over, your going to bring a bunch of military men home. That just means the cost of food is going to increase more because more people need food, even with the fall harvest underway," Will said.

"What do suggest?" the king asked.

"Your majesty you need to circulate more currency in the kingdom," Will suggest

"That easy I can just create more currency," the king suggested.

"That is one suggestion, another would be for the kingdom to spend money in the kingdom to simulate the economy," Will suggested.

In Medieval eras wars often led to greater uncertainty in markets, and money flew into the hands of a few wealthy merchants shrinking the economy. If this was an industrial era, the war might've led to a period of rampant production and increased gross domestic product.

"Father, please let us end this war. The cost to our kingdom has been too great! We've lost hundreds of knights and mages. If we continue we won't have enough to defend ourselves later," Prince Roland pleaded.

"It's late, I shall rest on this," the king said eschewing Will and the prince to leave.

"Baronet, won't you please join me in my tent? Prince Roland invited.

"Indeed," Will graciously accepted the Prince's invitation.

It was a short walk to the prince's tent, which was slightly less grand than the king.

"Baronet, I know you return to base tomorrow, but I request you join the war effort tomorrow," the prince requested.

"Your Royal Highness, my occupation is that of Quartermaster not infantryman. Please accept Vincent vont Wright and Ryan vont Driskell into your care, I believe they are better suited," Will did his best to escape. Again, Will's place was on the side making money striking deals. Since his promotion to Quartermaster he had earned a great deal.

"Yet, neither Vincent vont Wright or Ryan vont Driskell are your equal. Know I do not make my request lightly. I ask this favor for soldiers not myself," the prince said faking humbleness.

While the prince said the favor was for the soldiers the real meaning was as a favor for the prince to show up Will as his man and increase the prestige of his fraction. Will was no fool!

"Your Royal Highness, I'm at your command," Will agreed beginning the negotiation.

"But, my businesses have suffered much at the expense of war. As a member of His Royal Highness Prince Roland's faction, I must concern myself with my reputation," Will said returning the prince's fake humility.

"Of course, I must ensure my fraction honor. Speak frankly, and I will do my best to show you face," the prince said raising an eye.

"Thank you Prince Roland, being in your faction is truly the highest honor of a nobleman. All I wish is to gain a monopoly of trading rights with Albania," Will bowed low.

"You wish to trade with our enemy!" Prince Roland looked suspiciously at Will.

"I believe that you will surpass your father and conquer Albania unlike your great grandfather, grandfather, and father. Money grants access, something neither of your relatives had," Will said encouragingly.

"You believe I conquer Albania through trade?" The prince looked even more suspicious.

"Yes, your highness! You accepted me as one of your economic advisers, and I am advising you," Will said convincingly.

"In future, when I succeed the throne, you swear I'll conquer Albania through trade?" Prince Roland asked excitedly.

"Your Royal Highness nothing is guaranteed, but I am confident," Will said.

"You won't swear, but you're confident?" The prince rubbed his stubbled chin in thought.

"Fine, I agree to your request, if you participate in the war effort tomorrow," the Prince said.

"Yes, your Royal Highness," Will said.

"Then I'll see you in a few hours a 6th bell," Prince Roland said bidding goodnight to Will.

Will was led by a guard to his tent. Will was tired it's was read past 24th bell. Drunk soldiers with smiling faces were past out on the ground. As the guard led Will through a maze of soldiers, he finally arrived at his tent. However, when he opened his tent he was surprised to see Elizabeth asleep on the pillow. Watching over Elizabeth was her maid.

"Greetings milord," the maid bowed respectfully.

"Why is she sleeping in here?" Will asked curiously.

"Milord…Lady Elizabeth…it's not my place to say," the maid said nervously.

"Just tell me, I'm tired!" Will commanded.

"Lady Elizabeth was upset that you haven't spent more time with her since she arrived," the maid said apologetically.

"Thank you," Will said as he also found a space on the expensive rug and fell asleep.

Asleep Will dreamed about tomorrow's battle. The field was littered with carnage, suits and gore. Red, gray and pink are the new colors of what was once a vast valley, which was now become the stage of a bloody war.

The air was filled with deafening loud spells, the sound of explosions drowns any other sound in the area, hell has descended upon this area.

Two parties fight each other for supremacy, but this battle has yet to find its winning side. The wounded of one side are spread around the field and the faces of the fighters are hopeful with eyes searching their surroundings and their muscles tense and anxious, they push harder and harder on the enemy.

Among the death Will stood like bathed in blood, drenched in death looking like a demon. His soul pained by lives he claimed. Yet, his remorse, was counterbalanced by the prospect of monopolizing an trade important trade.