Run On The Banks

Will sat in his mansion giddy about today. Today, he'd finally get this revenge on Marquis vont Hanover.

The fool actually agreed to pay his customers a 10% monthly compound interest. Compound interest was the interest paid to the principal + interest.

Will had Mei and Vanessa each deposit a million dollars in the Marquis banks as soon as they opened. They were even instructed to deposit 10,000 gold a month.

That meant after a year Marquis vont Hanover owed Will $1,231,429 gold at each branch for a total of $2,426,858 gold.

With a lack of people paying back loans, if the Marquis couldn't pay him the money, the king would force him to sell his property to pay back the loan.

Worse still, when people found out the money they deposited wasn't available to withdrawal it could start a riot. However, Will prepared his bank on what to do.

Yorkshire was full of noble excited to learn about the treaty and awards the king dole out. Every day the king's court was full of nobles. With the king's failure to declare a successor the princes' fractions openly recruited and argued.

One of the reasons why the court was crowded was to hear if the king would once and for all declare his heir.

"Master Will, your carriage is ready," Michael said with a bow.

Will but the cork back in the decanter of whiskey and asked, "Is Mei here?"

"Yes, she arrived just before the carriage," Michael said.

"Very good," Will said walking out the door.

"Good morning, Boss Will," Mei said.

"Yes, what a lovely morning to crush my competitor!" Will laughed.

"Indeed," Mei said demurely.

"Are preparations at bank complete?" Will asked.

"They are nervous but prepared. This morning bank manager swore an oath to kill himself if he failed you. It motivated the employees," Mei said.

"That seems a bit extreme, no?" Will asked.

"It shows his passion and dedication, certainly," Mei laughed.

"Let's go, driver! My entertainment can't wait any longer!" Will smiled greedily.

The carriage driver pulled Will to the Marquis vont Hanover's bank. It was even larger and more ostentatious than his.

Will walked into the bank and was greeted by a very pretty junior clerk.

"Greetings Welcome to First Hanover Bank. How may I help you?" she asked.

"I'd like to make a withdrawal," Will said smiling.

"Very well, please make your way to the counter," the clerk pointed the way.

Will went to the teller exclusively for nobles.

"How may I serve you Baronet vont Ballard," the teller asked sweetly. She had golden hair and soft blue eyes.

Will was sorry he have to embarrass her. He swore he hire after this bank closed. He would tell Mei.

"I'd like to close my account and withdraw my savings," Will said.

"Let's see, oh this is a rather large deposit. Shall we handle this someplace more private?" the teller asks discretely.

"No, I'm fine here," Will said nonchalantly. He wanted to make a big performance.

"Baronet, please wait while I get the bank manager," she said nervously.

"That's fine," Will said bored.

A few minutes later, a sweaty bald man over to Will.

"Excuse me Baronet William vont Ballard could you please follow me?" the bank manager asked diplomatically.

Finally, his performance could begin.

"No, just hand me my money and let me be on my way!" Will shouted angrily.

"Sir, if you only follow me?" the bank manager said.

"Don't tell me your bank has run of money? My deposit? My money's gone? It's not here? Pay me my money now or I go to the king!" Will demanded.

"Baronet, please let me explain!" the manager was visibly shaking.

"Give me my money this instant!" Will shouted.

"Sir, you have quite a substantial account. It will take some time to put the money together," the manager explained.

"This is an outrage, a crime. I deposited my money with the understanding I can withdraw it at any time. I demand my money from this sham bank!" Will yelled.

At once other customers began asking to close their accounts and withdraw their money. The tellers looked nervously at the bank manager.

"We do not have enough money to pay every one!" the manager told the tellers. When the other customers heard, their saving was closed from them, some people became riotous.

"Good people, I shall argue our mutual case before the Royal Court!" Will said and left angrily.

In the carriage, Will turned his head to Mei, "How was my performance?" Will asked.

"Very Good, Boss Will! I'm off to our bank to monitor," Mei said.

"Farewell then Mei," Will said and the carriage set off at a fast clip to the castle.

By the time Will got to court, the nobles were already discussing the run on the bank.

"Baronet William vont Ballard, Lord of Games, your majesty!" a steward introduced Will at court.

Will continued his production and quickly approached the king and dropped to one knell with a fist over his heart.

"I had a feeling I'd see you," the king said.

"Your majesty this morning, I was not able to close my account and withdraw my funds.

Your majesty, we negotiated the terms and you decreed the terms yourself.

I demand the Marquis vont Hanover pay the amount I'm owed due $2,462,858 gold immediately or as negotiated sell me his bank!" Will pleaded you the king.

"Marquis vont Hanover, pay the man what he is owed or lose your bank!" the king demand.

"Father, surely the Baronet has enough money to wait until the Marquis can gather the sums?" the crown prince persuaded.

"Father, the Royal Family would lose face if our decrees weren't honored. You've heard the reports the Marquis' bank is closed but the Baronet' bank is open. Force the Marquis to open his bank!" the second prince encouraged.

"What's the opinion of my economic advisers?" the king asked.

"Your majesty we agree with the second prince," the economic advisers said nervously after a brief conference. The king's ministers did not want to choose a side, because death awaited the losing fraction.

"I agree with the second prince as well. The Royal Family must honor their decrees!" said the King.

"Captain send the Royal guards and force the Marquis' bank to open. Also, bring the ledger to court. I want to know how the money disappeared?" the king commanded.

"Your majesty I asked you reconsider. Surely a Baronet can not make demands of a Marquis," Marquis vont Hanover looked at the court.

"Marquis you agreed to negotiation. Are you going back on your word, that's not very noble of you?" the second prince chided.

The court watched the proxy battle between the princes' fractions with great anticipation.

After half an hour, a steward gave a report.

"Your majesty the bank vaults are emptied except for 10,000 gold in total. Your majesty here are the accounts," the steward handed the ledger to the economic advisers.

"Marquis how do you plan to reimburse the Baronet his two and a half million?" the king asked.

"Father, the Baronet is a nuisance. Has this farce not gone on for long enough?" the crown prince asked.

"Father did not the Marquis begin this farce by threatening Baron vont Ballard's father," the second prince immediately retorted.

"Enough!" the king demand.

"I am still king! Marquis, you will adhere to the oath you made during the negotiation or lose your head and property," the king demanded.

"Your majesty, we have ascertained where the money went," said the chief economic adviser.

"Then tell the court!" the king shouted frustratedly.

"It appears the Marquis has been paying 100,000 gold a month to the Mercenary Guild to build a substantial army," the chief economic adviser said.

"Speak quickly before you lose your head, what is the purpose of building such a large army?" the king said. All the nobles leaned in to hear his answer.

"Father, I'm sure it has to do with the war. The Marquis must have been planning to send them to the frontline," the crown prince said grinding his teeth.

"Indeed, your majesty. That is truly the case," said Marquis vont Hanover sweating profusely.

"If that was the case why did none of them participate in the war?" asked the second prince.

"Since the war is over, quickly send word to the Mercenary Guild, to disband this contract under the authority of the king. And return any monies to Baronet vont Ballard," the king commanded.

"Marquis, unless you can pay the Baronet, a portion of your property will transfer to him?" the king commanded.

"I cannot," the depressed Marquis said.

"Then I, King Remus Albus Fermion IX decree the Marquis' bank insolvent and transfer ownership of the bank, and a portion of Marquis vont Hanover's property to Baronet vont Ballard," the king said.

"Thank you majesty, you've given me a great justice! I humbly ask that any money from Mercenary Guild be used to pay off the debt owed to the former customers. However, I still seek recompense for my lost money," Will said.

"So do I your majesty!" said many others joining Will kneeling before the king feeling a change of wind.

With the crown prince's army and funding gone, many nobles decided now was an opportune time to switch factions to the youngest prince.

"For his egregious crimes of fraud and theft, Marquis vont Hanover is stripped of his title and his property and estate sold to compensate the victims. Moreover, he shall be jailed for 10 years. The title of Earl shall be passed down to his eldest son," the king said to loud gasps of shock.

The crown prince huffed out of court angrily.

"No, your majesty! I beg forgiveness, take pity on me! This was all the crown prince's idea, I was merely a pawn. Have mercy, your majesty, have mercy, your majesty!" Mr. Hanover screamed as he was escorted to the castle's prison.

"Baronet vont Ballard, should you Bank ever commit the same crimes, the same punishment awaits you!" The king said angrily.

"Yes, your majesty," Will said shocked at the penalty for bank fraud.

"Royal Steward, send criers announcing my decree!" the king commanded.

"Yes, your majesty!" the Royal Steward bowed low.

"Thank you, your majesty!" Will and the other knelling lords said happily.

"Bring back the crown prince and bring the queen!" the King said.

Immediately everyone at the court knew an important announcement was forthcoming.

The queen only made a court appearance on special occasions. For the king to request, the king meant he had important business to share.

The queen arrived at court wearing an elegant, gold, and purple gown with a sweetheart neckline. The queen wore a diamond-encrusted crown and large diamond necklaces.

When the queen arrived at court, everyone kneeled in respect.

"Greetings your majesty," the queen curtsied to the king.

"Sit, I wish to share something at court," the king said.

After the queen entered, the fuming crown prince returned as well.

"Rise!" the king said to his captive audience.

"My death is near. I can feel it. No one lives forever, even a king.

However, this bickering between my sons before my death is bothersome. I want this court United behind my heir.

How can this country endure a civil war, after the one we just ended? It cannot!

Therefore, I announce today the second prince shall become the crown prince and my heir," the court erupted in loud gasps of astonishment.

"Prince Roland Godwin vont Whitby approach the thrown and kneel!

As my heir do you swear to protect this kingdom and ensure its security? Do you swear to uphold the law and protect the kingdom's citizenry?" the king asked.

"The I crown you my heir and crown prince. Long may your reign serve!" the king said.

"Long may he reign," Will and audience repeated.

"Royal Stewart, announce my proclamation across the kingdom. Send the announcement by carrier pigeons!"

"Why father? Why would you take the crown away from me? I'm your first born! Is it because I can't use magic?" the first prince cried.

"You failed to behave beholden to your position. You disgraced the Royal Family. Do not think I am aware of your corruption," the king said.

The first prince began to cry, "you've taken my one achievement! Now what am I?"

"You will become a duke like your uncle! Support your brother, when he becomes king," the king said.

"Never! I will never accept his reign!" the first prince shouted.

"Then you will be imprisoned in your castle wing until you die!" the king said forcefully.

"Son, please don't listen to your father. You too used to the closest of friends," said the queen lovingly.

"You are not my mother! I know you pushed father, to place your son on the throne over me!" the first prince whined.

"You are excused from court. We shall speak tomorrow," the king said signaling the palace guards to escort the first prince to his room.

"The award ceremony will happen in two weeks, until then court is adjourned!" the Royal Stewart said.