City Administrator and Planner

Elizabeth and Will were eating breakfast at breakfast when Michael announced an invitation from the king. Will had grown accustomed to his daily meetings with the Crown Prince, but an invitation from the king was surprising.

"Michael, have them pull the carriage around," Will asserted.

"Master Will the invitation is for both you and Lady Elizabeth," Michael said.

"Sasha please get my traveling cloak," Elizabeth said nicely.

For an entire week, Elizabeth left her house and had breakfast with Will. Elizabeth stayed in Will's manor and conducted business.

By week's end, she had select more than 100 servants personally for the manor in Gadreel.

Michael and Ms. Park helped her interview all the candidates. Most candidates were scared about moving to Death Valley, but Elizabeth did her best to ensure their safety.

Now Elizabeth's time playing house came to an end. The spring semester started next week. The idea of not seeing Will in the morning, noon, and night hurt her feelings, but she wouldn't tell Will.

Elizabeth wondered if Will felt the same way. Her mother always said men were different. Men kept their feelings hidden. It was very annoying.

As Elizabeth thought to herself, the carriage arrived at the castle. To Elizabeth, the castle held no mystique or power. It was just another house. She and her sisters grew up playing in the castle, with her cousins. She knew all the rooms and secret passageways by heart.

The vont Whitney's had ruled Fermion for more than 1000 years. Although they were not the founding family, her family was one of the founding clans.

Now she was back in the castle to see her uncle. Elizabeth loved her Uncle Remus, but she had not talked to him since she heard the news. What do you say to a dying family member? Her eyes swelled thinking of what she would say to her uncle.

Steward guided Will and Elizabeth up to the king's study. Prince Roland and the king were drinking tea and talking. When Will and Elizabeth were introduced they greeted them.

Immediately, Elizabeth ran up to her uncle, the king, and cried. He hug the king around the next and just cried and refused to let go. Neither the steward, advisers, nor the prince said anything. They just waited for Elizabeth to regroup.

While Elizabeth cried, Will remained kneeling. Just because he was marrying the king's niece didn't excuse him from chivalric etiquette.

Eventually, Elizabeth's tears stop streaming down her face.

"Now, now, Uncle Remus shall be fine," the king said his voice wavering.

Everyone in the room pretended not to notice his voice quiver.

"Uncle Remus, I love you so much!" Elizabeth cried.

"He's not dead yet Lizzy," Prince Roland joked.

Elizabeth stuck out her tongue at her cousin, the Regent.

"Baron, you may rise. Please forgive our lack of decorum," the king said.

"There is nothing to forgive your majesty," Will said.

"Come now, sit" the king directed Will to a chair without an armrest. In Fermion, only the king could sit in chairs with armrests.

Elizabeth sat next to the king locking elbows with him. Elizabeth wanted to spend as much time with her uncle as before he died.

"Bring me the map," the king said softly, patting Elizabeth's head.

The map was huge 610 long by 765 centimeters wide. They showed the entire world and the continent. Will could see the borders between Fermion and the Beastmen, Dwarfs, and Elves! Will saw that Albania bordered not only Fermion, was also the Orca Tribe.

"The is the only world map in Fermion," Prince Roland.

"I'm sure you heard stories about the missing people who last tried to settle Death Valley?" The king said.

"Yes, your majesty, Will said. He could see the surprise and concern in Elizabeth's eyes.

"First answer me this question, where do you plan to build your settlement," the king asked.

"Here your majesty. Will pointed to a rocky mountain on the Far East of the valley. Next to the waterfall," Will said.

"That's what worries me. The last two settlers had the same idea," the king informed Will

"Hmm!" Will said in surprise.

"What they didn't know, was across the eastern mountains is the sacred ground of the Wolf Tribe. That's where they bury their dead and hold ritual meetings. They are concerned a human city in Death Valley would threaten their sacred ground. Moreover, their elders have made their homes on the other side of the mountain. Know this, if you build there you will be kidnapped, or worse killed," the king warned.

"Thank you, your majesty. Your guidance has been most helpful," Will said.

"I know you visited the Beast Tribal Lands two years ago. Your connections may not be as strong as when you left, consider yourself warned," the king advised.

Elizabeth and Prince Roland gasped when they heard the king say, Will, visited the Tribal Lands. To their knowledge, no one had ever gone there and survived. Yet now the king said Will had connections. They wondered if Will owned businesses in Rijilir, the Beastmen's capital.

"Will do you own property in Rijilir?" Elizabeth asked bluntly, without thinking. Both the king and prince wanted to know but had sense enough not to dig.

"Yes, I own a general store, bank, cafe, and, casino," Will said.

"Can I go with you on your next trip to Rijilir? Elizabeth asked excitedly.

"Not on my next trip. But, I promise to take you at least once in your life," Will promised.

"I know you're cunning, and I look forward to your success. You have the kingdom's backing for this project," Prince Roland said flabbergasted by Will and Elizabeth's conversation.

No member of the Royal Family had set foot in the Tribal Lands for hundreds of years. Now, Will talked about the Rijilir with the same emphasis as he did Guidon or Yorkshire. He was simply too incredible.

"There's also another matter to discuss! I received a letter from messenger bird. The Dwarven King wants to send workers down to help you build your territory. Why are the Dwarves reaching out to me? In return, what did you offer them?" the king looked at Will suspiciously.

Prince Roland almost fell on the floor and died. Wasn't relations with one demi-human group enough? This man had relations with the Dwarven kingdom as well.

'How powerful was this man?'' Prince Roland wondered to himself.

"Your Majesty, I asked the Dwarven emissary for the trading rights of the Northern Dwarven kingdom, an excellent plot of land, and a business permit. I imagine the Dwarven king is willing to meet my demands if I offer him mining rights to the Eastern mountains," Will theorized.

"What made you ask for so many demands?" the king asked in surprise.

"They offended my master," Will said bending the truth.

Now the king looked even more shocked, "who has the gall to offend such a monster?"

"Monster?" Will asked.

The king immediately recognized his error. If Will could fleece a whole kingdom for a slight, what could he do to Fermion?

"I meant Grandmaster," the king backtracked.

"Then forgive me, I miss heard," Will said allowing the king to save face.

"Here is the missive from the Dwarven king. I understand now why you chose the name Friendship Valley.

"Albania wouldn't dare invade a trading partner, nor could they afford to offend the demi-humans. I cannot imagine the horror of fighting three kingdoms at once," Prince Roland said.

"A neither could we," the king reminded.

Prince Roland looked horror-struck! His father was right. With that kind of backing who could insult Will? Not even a king could risk such. If Will's fiefdom become reality, it would be the kingdom's greatest weapon and its biggest weakness.

In his mind, the king applauded Roland for realizing the problem so quickly. Thankfully, Will would marry into the family and could be firmly kept in the king's faction. If Roland was smart he would treat Elizabeth's children as well as his own.

"Cousin!" Prince Roland hugged Will.

The Royal Steward coughed blood.

The king face palmed himself. How shameless was his son?

"From now on, you must call me cousin in private," Prince Roland said to Will.

"Yes, your highness," Will said.

"Tut, tut, I said cousin. We are cousins. I shall love your children, like my own," Prince Roland said shamelessly.

King Royal Stewart's nose began to bleed.

'Although his diplomacy skills are bad, at least he's a quick study,' thought the king.

"Ahem," the king coughed.

"Finally, we must discuss when you plan to build your barony. I heard you bought slaves with the grand coins I gave you. When do plan to leave?" the king asked.

"Tomorrow your majesty, I plan to travel to Guidon and unenroll from the academies," Will said.

"Have you talked to your master yet, about your plans?" the king asked.

"No, your majesty. I will seek his permission first before I address the headmasters," Will said.

"Your master has already sought permission for you to graduate early. The Knight Academy's Headmaster has already permitted you to graduate. While you will receive your diploma, you will not be given your 4th-year lion pin.

The Mage Academy Headmaster is not willing to permit you to graduate," the king said.

"Will, you were planning to leave without telling me?" Elizabeth began to cry.

"I didn't tell, because I didn't know if it was possible. But, I know you'll visit me this summer," Will said softly. He didn't want to hurt her feeling, especially not in front of her uncle and cousin.

"You should have told me!" Elizabeth said running out of the room.

When Will stood up to chase after her, but the king held his arm.

"It's best to wait until she calms down. She'll realize eventually you're leaving for her good. There's no way, Elizabeth would be able to stay in the valley, while you are building. It would be much too dangerous for her," the king said warmly.

"Let me continue, the Mage Headmaster is fine releasing you into the care of your master for two years. At the end of two years, you must come back and prove what you learned," the king said.

"Thank you, your majesty," Will bowed.

"Don't thank me, thank your master. He orchestrated this on your behalf. He is very proud, yes a very proud master indeed," the king said.

"Indeed, I shall," said Will.

"Before you go, I have a gift for you. Bring him in," said the king.

A young man, about the same age as Will walked into the room. He had trimmed black hair and intense dark brown eyes. His frame was slender, slightly effeminate, and radiated a great deal of confidence.

"This man won a commoner scholarship to attended Royal Academy. While being the only commoner enrolled in his department, he routinely earned the highest grades.

While your Knight Academy uses Chess to teach strategy, the Royal Academy uses Go the same way. This man was the Royal Academy's Go Champion four years in a row.

When he graduated, I offered him a teaching position which he turned down. His only request was to manage an estate. Every noble I asked turned him down. Now I ask you, shall you accept him as your estate manager?" the king asked.

"What is your name?" Will asked.

"Baron my name is Kurosawa Sato," he said.

"Then Kurosawa Sato let's be friends," Will bowed.

"Please take care of me," Kurosawa said bowing lower.

The king clapped his hands happily.

"Wonderful, you two shall make a great pair! When you do want the noble to come down?" the king asked.

"At the end of next month, with my first supply wagon," Will said.

"My Lord, if I may I'd like to come down with you immediately," Kurosawa said.

"It will be dangerous, there won't be any protection? You have to sleep in a tent?" Will cautioned his estate manager.

"I'm a commoner, I grew up in the Rabble Quarter, I'm used to sleeping on the ground," Kurosawa said.


Will was impressed. The mental fortitude of this man had to be outstanding. Only less than a tenth of a percent could achieve those odds. Commoners with magic and commoners without magic were very different regarding life chances. To have risen from the bottom, to become an unranked noble was not easy.

"Very well! You will stay at my house and ride back with me to Guidon. Your salary will be 5,000 gold a month," Will said.

"My Lord, that is too high! Even the oldest managers make half that amount," Kurosawa said nervously.

"Yes, but my expectations are different than their masters," Will scoffed.

"Yes, my Lord," Kurosawa said. He was thrilled. He loved the game Go's complexity. And now he worked for the games creator. Only a great mind could dream up such a challenging game.

"Baron vont Ballard, I wish you well. I hope, I'm able to visit your Walled City of God, before I die," the king smiled.

"Then uncle, we share the same dream," Will bowed respectfully to the king and left with Kurosawa.

After, they left. The king's eyes watered because when Will addressed him as uncle, he knew the kingdom was safe at last.

Kurosawa walked behind his new lord. Thankfully, Will didn't see Kurosawa's confused face.

'When did the king become Baron vont Ballard's uncle," Kurosawa wondered. If that was the case, then his employment would require more tacit and effort. He had to perform at his best.

On the way to his carriage, Sasha informed Will, Elizabeth would not be joining them.

"Sasha, tell Elizabeth I must leave here and I'm sorry I hurt her feelings," Will said stepping foot into his carriage.

"Yes, your lordship," Sasha bowed.

As the carriage left the castle grounds, Elizabeth watched the carriage leave with tears flowing down her cheek. The thought of waiting five months to see Will again felt like a stab to her heart.