Plans Set in Motion

In the morning, the king, crown prince, the Albanian emissary, and Will sat in his study. The king sat behinds Will's desk, the crown prince and Will sat of the sofa and the emissary sat in an adjacent chair.

"I hope you have had a pleasant morning, your Grace." Will greeted the emissary Duke vont Khan.

"Likely not one as pleasant as your own, I would guess. I must say I enjoyed your party yesterday," Duke vont Khan said.

"I am honored to hear his grace enjoyed last festivities," Will said bowing his head.

"I particularly liked your garden. I went for a walk this morning after breakfast," the emissary said.

"Wonderful, it is not often that I get to visit my garden these days," Will said.

The king, crown prince, and Duke saw the piles of documents on his desk to corroborate Will was not lying.

"I pray that you will be able to have such peaceful days once again," the king said moving the discussion forward beyond niceties.

Will did not mind, after all he planned to profit now that the war ended.

"I guess we should move forward with our negotiation. Now, Fermion suggested that the King of Albania grant Fermion merchants access to our markets.

Moreover, the King Remus Albus specifically mentioned you be given authority of trade route and tradesmen.

But you must know that your kingdom's embargo on Albania works both ways, we want our own merchants to gain access to Fermion trade routes. We are tired of having our tradesmen being frequently turned away from entering Fermion," Duke vont Khan said.

Will was expecting that question. After all, trade was an exchange, not a one way street. If Fermion merchants could trade with Albania, there would certainly be Albanian merchants wanting to trade with Fermion.

"After inspection, we shall allow an equal number of Albanian tradesmen to enter our kingdom,"

"Indeed, that seems fair. Now, Baron vont Ballard, I must ask, since King Remus Albus has given you decision-making power over who is allowed to trade with us, do you have that same power for us trading with you?" the Duke asked.

"Indeed, he does," the King said answering for Will.

"So long as they carry my seal," Will interjected.

"Perfect, then I have a list of my own merchants that I would also like to request to bear your seal," the Duke said handing the king a list of names, which was then given to the crown prince, before being handed to Will.

Will felt his blood boil with excitement. So far, the negotiation was civil, on par with standard negotiation tactics.

Standard negotiation tactics required both parties to quickly agree on simple issue. Once cooperation was established, it set the tone for the rest of the meeting. Leaving the contentious negotiations in the middle, and the trivialities at the end.

Will did not care what the king and emissary discussed as long as he got his trade route and the ability to set tariffs.

"Additionally, the kingdom wants to sell Will games and build the cafe and casino in our port cities and capital. We also want the patent for the bicycle, or the deals off," the Duke said.

"I'm fine with the cafe and casino as long as you put my earnings in a trust and send me weekly financial reports," Will said.

"And the bicycles," Duke asked.

"Shall be available for trade," Will said.

"That's not acceptable," the emissary sounded disappointment.

"I plan to build bicycles in my barony. How many bicycles does the king want?" Will asked.

"Roughly 5,300 a year," the emissary said.

"That's doable, we currently produce 15 bicycles a day. When our third bicycle plant in Gadreel is operational, that quantity won't be a hassle," Will said.

"My king wants to foster his own merchants. Would you consider co-owning with Albanian nobles to manage your business?" the emissary probed.

"I'm fine as long as my coin is placed in trust and I receive monthly financial reports…and a shipwright," Will said.

"A shipwright? For what purpose does a landlocked country want a shipwright?" the emissary asked.

"I plan to use the river to transport goods to Albania faster!" Will said emphatically.

"I believe your idea is a huge wast of time, that idea has already tried and fail multiple time," the emissary laughed.

"Your grace, I heard nobles say the same thing about building a fiefdom in Friendship Valley. Yet, here we stand in a burgeoning city," Will retorted.

"That is fine by me, only our shipwrights are known the world over as the best ship to set sail. The kingdom agrees to loan you a shipwright for a heft sum," the emissary said.

"Now that it's settled. I plan to sell my seal for 25 gold. The tariffs on the trade route, Will be 25 silver entering and exiting. I've notified the fort to begin accepting tolls after our meeting," Will said.

"So how many are we talking about then? What do they trade-in? Their reputations?" the king asked demanding to know about the Albanian traders.

"Pearls, seaweed, rice, fruits, and vegetables shall be traded for iron, wheat, and gems. Wheat does not grow well in our tropical weather, and we need iron for our ships…" the emissary was cut off.

"And weapons," the Crown Prince interrupted.

"Yes, and that too! I imagine Fermion's Regent, plans to purchase kilograms of iron as well?" the emissary asked.

"It's our iron, of course we plan to use it. But mostly for infrastructure projects…" now it was Crown Prince's turn to be interrupted.

"And weapons," the emissary laughed.

"Yes, and weapons," the Crown Prince agreed.

"And your merchant's reputation?" the king asked.

"Second and third non-magical noble sons scheming to make a profit, much like yours I imagine?" the emissary said nonchalantly.

"Indeed," agreed the king.

"Shall we agree to a trade pact?" Will said clapping his hands together.

"Yes, our merchant using your seal shall gain access to the Albanian market. As well as the deal with the bicycles and co-ownership, for a shipwright!" the emissary accepted the negotiation.

"Yes, we are agreed," said the king.

Will immediately began to write the trade agreement.

Will called for Micheal to bring in expensive champagne to toast.

The trade union stipulated that both countries agreed to trade more than one commodity, merchants must use Will's seal, and he was to keep close tabs on all of the merchants.

"May your two great countries allow unfettered international trade!" Will freely toasted.

"Yes, here's to the first step of reunification," Prince Roland said arrogantly.

"I'll toast to the arrogance of youth," the emissary said sternly.

"Yes, it seems the younger generation is slowly coming into their own," toasted the king.

Neither of them was going to admit that they were actually looking at the long-term benefits.

"Your majesty, your highness, your Grace may I congratulate you three on a historic achievement!" Will said.

"Might you stay for lunch, your Grace?" Will asked.

"No, I must leave and return the trade agreement to his majesty," the emissary said.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Duke vont Khan," Will said bowing respectfully.

"Farewell Baron!" he said and then walked out the door.

"Michael has Kurosawa, Mei, Vanessa, and Miles meet me in my study," Will said authoritatively.

"Right away, sir," Michael said, going off to fetch a servant to deliver the summons.

Will returned to his office and was surprised to find the king and regent still seated.

"Your majesty and highness, I suspected you had left already," Will said surprised.

"We decided to stay and chat a little longer," said Crown Prince Roland.

"Then excuse me, for interrupting you. I shall take my leave," Will said turning to leave.

"Baron, may I ask what's next on your schedule? Perhaps a staff meeting?" the king asked inquisitively.

"Your majesty is correct. I shall take my meeting in the library," Will said turning away to leave again.

"Baron, please stay and sit. I wish to listen in on your meeting, if that is okay," the king said passive-aggressively.

"Why of course your majesty!" Will obliged.

"We must applaud you. You did an excellent job of sneaking two of your senior clerks into Gadreel," Crown Prince Roland laughed.

"Thank you, your highness, I shall try harder next time?" Will said playing along with the cat and mouse game.

"Do you wish to hide your affairs from the Royal Family? Your cousin?" the king asked entrapping Will.

"Never sire! I pledged my loyalty to my king and country," Will said mockingly offended.

"You have the backing of the Royal Family our faiths are entwined," said the king.

"Yes, your majesty! I would hate to offend my vont Whitby in-laws.

"Excellent, have no fear our family has many secrets, keeping yours shall not be a problem," Crown Prince Roland said.

It was at that moment Michael introduced Mei, Vanessa, Miles, and Kurosawa. Immediately, Mei, Vanessa, and Miles kowtowed in front of the king and regent. As noble Kurosawa bowed at the waist.

"You may rise," the king said accepting their submission.

The senior clerks stopped kowtowing, and rest their knees on the floor, with their heads pointed down, in respect. The only commoners that raised their heads in front of the king were dead ones. It was illegal for a commoner to look royal in the eyes. Even being this close to the king, they could be killed for lese majeste.

"May I speak?" Mei asked Will.

"Certainly!" Will said.

"Boss Will May I sit further away from the king, this study is quite large," Mei asked.

"Of course," Will agreed.

Will watched in amazement as Mei, Vanessa, and, Miles crawled backward on their knees away from the king, never turning their face from his majesty.

The respect a monarch engendered, stupefied Will.

After pressing their backs against the wall, they knelt ready to receive their orders.

"You may begin your meeting," the king commanded.

"Thank you, your majesty. I wish to inform you that the trade pact with Albania was signed.

My seal shall cost 25 gold, and the tariff is set at 25 silvers using the Friendship Valley trade route both ways.

I set the price low enough to encourage trade and high enough so that merchants must carry large loads.

A merchant carrying my seal shall earn a 5% discount at all of my establishments," Will finished.

"Miles is the Gadreel Merchant Guild finished?" Will asked.

"Yes, Boss Will!"

"Vanessa, how are the bicycles selling in Guidon?" Will asked.

"Boss Will, the bicycles are still an in-demand item.

"Mei, and for you how fares the auction and banks?" Will asked curiously.

"Boss Will, after Grandmaster Thaddeus connected all the banks, and the two auction houses, customer satisfaction rose," Mei said.

"Kurosawa, how our my city?" Will questioned.

"The number of residents continues to increase quickly, more quickly than anticipated. The city is experiencing a housing boom. Every day more merchant shops are opening and the city treasury is full," Kurosawa said.

"Any problems?" Will asked.


It was quiet, so quiet that Will could hear the gardens working at a distance.

"You ask the opinions of commoners?" the Crown Prince asked amazed.

"Yes your highness, I depend on their opinions. I trust their opinions and heed their advice," Will said.

"What a novel idea?" the Crown Prince said in disbelief.

"Come now, speak freely," Will encouraged his staff.

"Baron, my stewards tell me…there is a rumor that you'll create something new, a unique game just for you barony," Kurosawa said.

"I don't have anything in mind? What are they expecting?" Will asked.

"Most are hoping for a new gambling game in the casino?" Kurosawa said.

"Are you three hearing the same rumors?" Will asked and saw all three nod their heads in confirmation.

"Boss Will, commoners are asking when they can purchase bicycles," Vanessa said courageously. She was nervous about speaking in front of the king and regent.

Will thought for a little to himself, he had already made up his mind, but he wanted to put on a show for the king and crown prince.

"Okay, here's what we'll do. We'll sell bicycle rickshaws to the poor. They can use the rickshaws to carry goods or guests," Will took a pencil and drew a rickshaw that was common in Singapore and other Asian countries.

A rickshaw was a tricycle that could carry a large wide basket or a passenger seat.

"Before selling both designs, let the customer choose. Right noble the bicycle is a high-end product only for the nobles.

Kurosawa as far as Gadreel, I want you to have a race track built, and work with Miles," Will said excitedly.

Horse racing was an old sport the world over back on Earth.

Horsing would generate income and tourism. First, horse tracks required guests to pay an entrance fee and place bets.

Second, tourists would visit to see and enjoy races. Gadreel would become the number one tourist destination for Fermion and Albania.

A horse track was also expensive, the cost of housing, feeding, and cleaning up after events would be pricey. But, Will knew he'd still turn a profit, especially during jousting and racing tournaments.

Will smiled greedily, soon Gadreel's Horse Track would be one of his biggest attractions on the Friendship Valley trade route, and he would reap the benefits.

Will smile vanished, when Michael knocked on the door.

"Master, your brother Marcus is here to see you. He said it's an urgent family business," Michael said.