Goblin Boss Fight

Even though the damage dealt to the Goblin army was considerable, Will knew the chief had yet to join the fight.

After killing another 30 Goblins, I saw an angry two-meter tall, ugly green giant Goblin who looked like he woke up from his deep slumber only to observe his troops being massacred.

Looking at the chaos and destruction the Goblin Chief angrily shouted. "I'll flatten you, puny human!"

With giant strides, the Goblin Chief ran Will holding a large truck for a club. The Chief slowly maneuver the battlefield, dodging the crevices, stalagmites, and sand traps. Will watched the Chief deftly doge all of Will's obstacles.

Preparing for the inevitable battle, Will cast [Rock Golem] to block the chief's path. Then Will cast [modeling] to equip Rocky with a sword and shield. Will used his Arcane Blacksmith training to conjure a golem size two-handed 1.5-meter long Dwarven Steele Dadao sword and shield from [modeling].

When the Goblin Chief finally arrived, Rocky began a fierce assault. The Chief swung his club at only, only for Rocky to block the weapon, and riposte with a sword strike.

For several blows the Chief and Rocky parried, never giving the other the upper hand. The long they fought, the more frustrated the Goblin Chief became.

Using his mana, the Goblin Chief, enhanced his body, landed a loud attack on Rocky's stone abdomen knocking Rocky against several trees breaking them in the process. As Will was fighting a Hobgoblin when he heard a loud, "boom."

Will looked over his shoulder only to see a club size dent in Rocky's stomach, and Rocky sitting against an almost broken tree. Will sent Rocky more mana to repair the damage.

While the Chief focused on Rocky, Will cast [Entangle] and [Poison Cloud]. Soon a giant vine began to whip the Goblin Chief and bind his legs. The poison powder from the vine's flowers looked like a haze of dust around the Goblin Chief's head.

With the vine now receiving the brunt of the Chief's anger, Rocky was able to stand up and heal.

Together Rocky and the vine began attacking and striking the Goblin Chief. Between the binding plant and sword strikes, it wasn't long until the Goblin Chief went berserk.

Instead of receiving attacks, he flexed his muscles and broke free of the plant. Then it lifted its tree trunk-sized foot and trampled the vine, destroying the spell.

Now with his feet free, the mad Goblin Chief began swiping his club at Rocky. It was clear the Chief sought retribution.

When the Chief's club finally connected with Rocky not only did the golem body dent, Rocky struggled to get up. To Will, Rocky looked like a limp marionette slumped against a tree.

Will was running out of mana fast. With Rocky and Nisha, the situation was handled pretty well. But, with Rocky out of the fight, holding off the Goblin hoard and the Chief would be difficult.

Nisha was the first to panic and turned her attention to the Goblin Chief, as Will circulated his depleting man to heal his wounds.

She ran over a bit the Goblin Chief's neck trying to tear off his throat. Her thick sharp teeth tore in the chief's next like scissors tear through the paper.

The Chief wailed in pain! He grabbed Nisha's body and began to squeeze, his hands were like a vice grip. He began to crush her lungs, while Nisha tried to crush his trachea.

10-minutes later the Chief's berserk phase ended his movements began to slow. When he let go of Nisha's body, her body fell limply to the floor.

Blood erupted from the chief's neck, while blood oozed out of Nisha's orifices.

Even though Chief's momentum was gone, the situation was still the dour situation. Rocky and Nisha were injured, and Will was running out of mana.

Now only Will remained. He had to kill Goblin Chief while fending off a Goblin army.

'Do I give up?' Will thought.

'How can I run away from my responsibilities? No, I'll defeat them. I can hear to get stronger," Will said filling his persistence rise, he came too far to let this opportunity slip away.

Will gathered his mana and cast [Iron Armor].

Then he began to rain arrowhead and shot at the Goblins charging towards him brandishing their weapons.

The Goblins fell one after another, a few Goblins were shot through the neck, head, heart. Will's concentration and focus had never been higher. These were high stakes, without much mana, he could not afford to miss.

The Goblins' eyes were wide open in terror. This one-man was like a god of death. They did not understand where this human came from, but many decided to flee.

While the Goblin Chief sat down, holding his riddled neck, Will increased the speed of his arrowheads.

He shot the Goblins one by one, never letting them get a chance to get close. He maintained his quicksand and earthquake spells.

The Goblins could not reach Will in mass, instead, they lined up in a single file line only to die by his blade.

However, things did not go smoothly for long. The Goblin Chief was still alive and could not stand for his army to be killed like ants. The Goblin Chief rolled to his side and stood.

He kicked Nisha's injured body out of the way. Nisha's body slammed against a tree, Will saw blood spurt out of her mouth.

Seeing the dead Goblins, the Goblin Chief became assert. He yelled to his soldiers "Raise your shields and throw rocks!"

Suddenly, hundreds of rocks shot towards Will, pelting his armor. Thankfully, only a few Hobgoblins knew how to spears.

Will had already expected the Goblins' reaction. Will sheathed his sword and conjured a shield to block the Goblins' counterattack.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Countless rocks smashed onto Will's shields, producing a loud sound. But no matter how hard the Goblins tried, they were unable to break the Dwarven Steele shield he cast.

"Chief, now's a good time to flee? If we continue to stay here, all of us will die!" one of the Hobgoblins said to the Chief.

"Flee? How can we survive without our fort?" Goblin Chief's eyes burned murderously

"Chief, if we continued to stay and fight only death awaited us," said another Hobgoblin.

"Fine! Abandon the fort, flee for your lives," the Chief said.

The Goblins looked received to have received that order.

The Goblin Chief led his men towards the door. Will breathed a sigh of relief. The fighting would soon be over, but he still has to avenge Rocky and Nisha.

Will decided to cast [Sandstrom], [rock spike], and [quicksand]; while continuing to arrive at arrowheads at the fleeing army.

The escaping Goblins suffered a barrage of arrowheads corralling to his spike and quicksand traps.

The Goblin Chief kicked open the forts and took the lead to rush out. However, before it could take two steps, more than twenty rocky brown spikes emerged from the ground and pierced into its legs shattering his bones.

The Goblin Chief fell to the ground unable to move. Between the blood from his throat and legs, he knew a swift death awaited him.

The Goblins who followed closely behind did not have time to stop and were also impaled by the rocky spikes. Dozens of Goblins had sharp spikes pierce through them.

One after another, the Goblins' corpses collapsed to the ground or sank into the sand below.

Goblins who were behind were all dumbfounded. Their two choices were to die by the arrowheads, or by spike or sand traps.

The confused Goblins stared blankly refusing to move forward or backward. Yet Will did not give them too much chance to think. He directly shot arrows at the group again.

A series of arrowheads once again killed a few Goblins on the spot.

"Jump!" a Hobgoblin yelled. "Jump for your lives!" the Hobgoblin shouted.

"Quickly follow me, let's jump together!" the craft Hobgoblin said who secreted coveted the Chief's throne.

The Goblins began jumping forward one after another. The remaining Goblins became even more flustered, as they saw their tribesmen die.

The Goblin Chief watched his tribe of over 400 Goblins die after another. This was the saddest day of his life. He remembered being born in the tribe and the day he was chosen chief. Now, his once might tribe was slaughtered like damn beasts.

The Goblin Chief was publicly acknowledged as the king of his part of the forest. Now he watched as the traps in front and deadly arrows behind killed the last of his tribesmen.

"You wretched human! I curse you!" coughed the Goblin Chief, blood seeping out from his throat.

Will walked over to the dying Goblin Chief, he unsheathed his sword, and in one fluid motion decapitated the Goblin Chief.

The Goblin Chief's head rolled onto the dirt. His open eyes still glaring angrily at Will. Will saw his status screen flash.

Race: Human

Rank: 1 (Baron)/ Lord of Games/ Gaia's Champion

Class: Merchant

Sub Class: Spellsword







Ranks Skills: Management (60), Diplomacy (40), Accounting (52)

Class Skills: Appraisal (15, 100), [Radar]

Abilities: Journeyman Swordsmanship (20+25, 50), Journeyman Terramancer (45+3, 50), Gaia's Blessing (multiplies your spell strength x2), Journey Blacksmith (2, 50).

After killing the Goblin Chief, Will searched his body and found a set of keys. After snatching the keys, Will fell to the ground tired. With the last of his mana, he cast [Mantel Array] and [Earth Gathering Array].

Will sat on the blood-soaked ground, recovering his mana. After an hour, he had enough mana for Nisha to use to heal herself. After two hours, Will had enough mana to heal Rocky.

"Thank you, Will, I thought I was going to die," Nisha said scared.

"When I saw you lying there," I was scared too.

It would be a stretch to say Nisha was his closest friend. After all, she was always in his head. Will and Nisha talked day and night.

Nisha knew more about Will than any other person.

When Will's mana fully recovered, Nisha, Rocky, and he cleaned up the fort and burned the Goblin bodies on a pyre.

All the iron weapons were teleported to his warehouse in Gadreel.

It wasn't until they were done that Will felt a strange presence.

"Nisha, do feel it too? Like we're being watched secretly?" Will said cautiously.

"Yes. I can see their eyes up in the trees?" Nisha said on guard.

"Are they more Goblins," Will said on alert.

"No, they look like humans. I've seen them before with Archimedes. I think he called them…elves," Nisha said unsure if her pronunciation was correct.

"Elves," Will said in shock.

"Are they planning to attack?" Will asked.

"No, they're just watching us!" Nisha said.

"Let's search this place and teleport the resources we find," Will suggested.

Using the chief's keys, Will and Nisha cleaned out the barracks, armory, and keep. The last room searched was the Goblin Chief's room.

The chief's room was decorated with thick animal hides and impressive antlers. The room looked more like a hunting lodge than a bedroom.

Nisha and Will searched the room and found a secret room inside the bedroom under the floor.

When Will opened the keyhole, he saw a small opening, large enough for only one person to get through.

With Rocky guarding outside, and Nisha guarding inside the bedroom, Will descended the latter into the dark narrow space.

Will lit a torch. The secret room was small, barely big enough to fit two people.

Using the torch, Will saw several sandalwood treasure chests filled with gold, beast cores, and jewels.

Will was impressed the Goblin Chief had quite a savings built up. Without a second thought, the sandalwood treasure chest disappeared into his mountain vault.

Will continued to look around and to his surprise, he saw a gem the size of an ostrich egg.

Will had never seen a gem of this color before. The closest color he could compare it to peridot.

The egg-shaped gem gave a gentle glow. He could feel mana coming from it! Will was shocked, how could their mana be in his gem.

Quickly, Will hid this treasure in his mountain vault too.

The next treasure he found was a book written in an unknown language. The book looked old and felt important. On the cover we're two crossed swords, it too was placed in his vault.

The last treasure was a green bow, quietly lying in an ornate ebony case. Will examined the curvature of the bow and the tensile strength of the string.

On the bow were runes, and words written in the same language as manual. No doubt this was a fine Elvish bow. But the question was how fine?

Will stashed the bow away for safekeeping.

Treasures! No doubt Will plundered many great treasures.

They continued to explore the stronghold until they came to another hidden door in the cellar.

Will opened the door to see a spiral staircase leading down to a hidden sub-basement.

After climbing an unknown number of steps, Will arrived at a passageway with ancient magical runes were carved into the walls on both sides of the corridor.

The writing and runes did match the Elvish he'd seen earlier. These runes and words felt sinister.

As Will walked down the corridor, it seemed like this passage had not been used in almost a millennia.

Will noticed some parts of the corridor had decayed, damaging the magical runes etched along the walls.

Fortunately, not many parts of the corridor were badly decayed, so Will, Nisha, and Rocky were still able to see the entirety of the long, narrow, and maze-like corridor.

Just after Will stepped foot out the corridor, his torched extinguished and they were trapped in darkness.