Assassination Attempt II

"Let me heal you," Elizabeth sitting up in her bed, and hanging over the side. She wore a white cotton, body-length nightgown.

Elizabeth touched Will's chest. What Will did not know was that by touching his chest Elizabeth could diagnosed his injuries.

Even though Will had put on a brave face for her, she could tell his body was much more beat up than he admitted.

"[Heal]," Elizabeth said, sending light magic into Will's body.

In a few seconds, Will's body was completely healed.

"Elizabeth why don't you come home tonight?" the Duke asked politely, hiding his anger, and restraining the urge to pummel Will.

"No, I'm fine. I grew up watching nobles plotting to kill you or Uncle Remus. I remember you dealing with threats, but mother never left you, and I shall not leave Will," Elizabeth said defiantly.

"Leave us," Charlotte demanded to the Duke Francis and Will. Hearing her tone, both men left without protesting.

Outside Elizabeth's bedroom door, the Duke refused to speak to Will. While inside Charlotte spoke honestly to Elizabeth about her feeling towards Duke's multiple past assassination attempts and nefarious plots again him.

"While I might seem courageous to you, I am a mess inside. I didn't want my children to worry, so I chose not to look scared in front of you, children. Instead, I'd cry all night in my room, until I fell asleep. I'd spend entire nights worrying about raising my children fatherless. Elizabeth, being a wife and mother is the most difficult job," Charlotte spoke candidly.

"I never knew mother. You were always the picture of strength. I thought you never worried, that it was only my siblings and me. I love you mother," Elizabeth said hugging her mother.

Charlotte hugged her youngest daughter back, kissing her forehead. She cried. She never wanted her children who live the life she led. She prayed, that her daughters would never have to stay up late at night wondering if her husband was alive or dead. She prayed that her daughters would not have to come home and see their husbands lying in a pool of their blood.

The life of the Royal Family may appear majestic to outsiders. But in reality, it was a life filled with constant political strife. How many times had nobles plotted to overthrow the vont Whitbys? How many times had nobles plotted to take advantage or disadvantage the king? It was an endless sea of shifting sand.

The Duke and Duchess left after the Royal Mages put multiple protection arrays over Will's mansion. When finally everyone had left, the house settled, and Elizabeth feigning she was fine, Will walked into the study.

Samuel sat in a chair, still covered in Knives' blood, drinking a bottle of his hidden fine Dwarven whiskey.

"Good Evening Will," Samuel said wryly.

"Thank you for saving my life. No doubt you'll inform me about what happened," Will said.

"The local Assassin Guild has multiple quests for your life. With the array down, this was our best shot to kill you before you married Elizabeth and joined the Royal Family," Samuel said.

"Our?" Will questioned.

"Yes, I am both a guildmember of the Black Nights and the Assassins Guild," Samuel said nonchalantly.

"And you decided to warn me because we're friends?" Will questioned in disbelief.

"Yes, and no," Samuel said.

"Why did you help me?" Will asked.

"Because I'd believe we could reach a deal?" Samuel said slyly.

"And why should I deal with you?" Will questioned.

"This is the second time I've helped you. And I believe we could strike a deal that benefits you greatly, while also helping me achieve my goals," Samuel said honestly.

"Second time?" Will asked surprised.

"I fought beside you during the war. When the king asked you to stay and fight in the front lines, I fought beside you?" Samuel said dryly.

"I don't remember you fighting beside me?" Will said.

Samuel looked at Will like he was an imbecile.

"You weren't supposed to see me, that's the point of fighting incognito. But if you have doubts ask the king, he'll tell you the truth," Samuel said.

"Incognito?" Will said momentarily stunned.

"Yes. I was a spy in the war. I worked alongside your brother, but he wouldn't recognize me now," Samuel said.

"Say I believe you, what's the deal that benefits me?" Will asked.

Samuel took out Knives and Bones' daggers.

"The Assassin's Guild has a rule. If the victim should slay the assassin, and return the assassin's daggers to the Assassin Guild as proof, all the quests against the victim shall be abolished. When that happens your name gets added to the Hall of Worthy. Afterward, no quest may be received or dispatched against you," Samuel said.

"What do you get out of the deal?" Will asked fascinated by the Assassin's Guild honor code.

"I want you to ask Guild Master Wes, to appoint me Guild Master of Gadreel's Assassins Guild," Samuel said.

"I haven't read any reports about an Assassins Guild in Gadreel. Even the Thieves Guild asked for permission," Will said.

"You wouldn't give permission to a classmate, who saved your life twice?" Samuel said.

"Twice is dubious, no?" Will said.

"Fine, what do you want?" Samuel said.

"Information. I believe you all hear and know a great deal of information," Will said.

"You'll have to pay for it. I won't sell it cheap," Samuel said.

"I thought we were making a deal that benefits both of us," Will negotiated.

"Will, I cannot tell you why, but I need to be Gadreel's, Guild Master. Please as a classmate, believe me. After I'm appointed Guild Master, I'll give you a tour of one base of operations, then we'll settle the negotiation. Now, I have to return to the guild," Samuel said mysteriously, handing Will directions to the guild before he disappeared out Will's study window.

In the morning, Will made his way to the Assassins Guild to return the daggers. Before Will left he ordered the household staff to pack up. He planned to return to Gadreel as soon as finished his business at the Assassins Guild.

The guild's exterior looked like a burned-down warehouse. Will wrapped his knuckles on the door. Soon a dangerous man opened the door. Blood lust radiated out from the door. Will ignored the man and showed him the daggers.

Soon the door opened farther and Will gained entry. The guard led Will down a narrow passageway that led to the guild's dirty hall. The guild resembled a grimy dive bar on Earth, that WIll had visited once in college with a friend.

"Guild Master Wes, I presume?" Will asked the man walking towards him.

"You are indeed correct, Baron William vont Ballard," Wes bowed.

"There is no need for pleasantries after your assassins tried to kill me in my sleep," Will said irritatedly.

"It is the nature of our business. But, I think the fault lies with your foes, more than us no doubt?" Wes said.

"Here take these foul things," Will said handing the daggers to Wes.

"Yes, I heard last night they died. Can you tell me how you killed them?" Wes asked.

"No! I'm sure you have access to the official report anyhow," Will said.

"I read it this morning. But I wondered if you had any help?" Wes asked.

"No, I killed both men by myself. Your dam brute cracked my ribs and your assassin almost pierced my heart," Will shouted angrily.

"Thank you, Baron vont Ballard. I shall add your name to our Hall of Worthy," Wes said turning to leave.

"Wait, I had a classmate who joined the Black Nights. Is he a member? Will asked.

Wes turned around surprised to hear such words, "Yes, he is a member. Why do you ask?" Wes asked.

"Why not send him to kill me?" Will asked.

"He could not be trusted. It would be better to send a stranger," Wes responded very business-like.

"I understand. Do you have guilds in every major city?" Will asked.

"We have guild residences in several locations, why do you ask?" Wes was curious.

"What about my city, Gadreel. Can you tell me if there is a guildhall there? And if so, who is the Guild Master?" Will asked.

"I didn't expect we'd talk business so soon. Why would you give your permission for us to build a guildhall is Gadreel?" Wes asked expecting an answer.

"Only if my classmate was appointed guild master!" Will said.

"Very well, let us sign the paperwork. Someone bring me that brat!" Wes said suspiciously. He didn't know how, but he swear on his lucky knives Samuel had a hand in last night assassination attempt.

Wes had guessed what happened last night. His disciple escaped warned Will and helped him kill the assassins. What Wes could not figure out, was who helped Will escape. No doubt Samuel's Vice Guild Master would be the guilty party. Yet without proof, how could he accuse Samuel or his accomplice?

Once the paperwork was signed, Will returned home, Samuel would soon be installed as Guild Master along with his Vice Guild Master.

In the carriage ride home, Will looked at the last line for the note Samuel left. It read, "meet me at the White Lotus in Gadreel."