Wedding Preparations

A week after the Stag Party and a week before the wedding, Will's manor went into overdrive. The number of servants tripled for the occasion.

Will had considered the number of servants excessive, but he was rebuffed by Elizabeth who assured him it was a necessity. Servants to clean the rooms, servants to manage the meals, servants to manage the grounds. There seemed to always be feet scurrying back and forth from room to room, up and down the stairs, in and out the doors. The manor felt overcrowded.

The house was not just full of servants. The servants were the least trouble. Houseguests ran everywhere as well. They were curious to tour the house.

The wedding was getting out of hand. The guests wanted Will to tell them about the various rooms and led them on a tour of the grounds. The more information they gathered the more they could gossip about it later.

As, if their constant questions about the house were not enough, they'd also asked for free theatre and horse track tickets, or discounts at Will's establishments. Whenever prompted to purchase or offer discounts to guests, of course, Will's answer was always no.

If anyone should be paying full price, it should be family to show support Will, not vice versa. There were only two people who received free tickets or discounts, his parents. Will could never repay his parents for taking care of him after he reincarnated.

Later in the week, the King, Queen, and Crown Prince arrived with their retinues. The party was well beyond 50 people, which didn't include the guards. The king and regent were given the best rooms and access to the house.

The last to arrive was the Cardinal, her staff of Adepts, and servants.

Not only did Elizabeth hire more servants, but the houseguest also brought their servants.

The most difficult servants were the lady-in-waiting for Kathryn, Emilia, Emma for Will, and Elizabeth's sister. At one point, Will almost asked the sisters to leave.

The jealousy, passive-aggressive comments, and faux happiness were due to Will's and Elizabeth's wedding prestige.

All three women married men who had peerage of Earls or higher. Yet Will who was a Baron, had the entire Royal Family attend and were being married by a cardinal.

Each woman was married by a priest, not even a bishop, and neither the king nor queen attended. The only person who had a similar wedding was Francis vont Whitby II, who would inherit the familial duchy.

When he went about the house, all he heard was his mother, future mother-in-law, sisters, or Elizabeth's friends arguing over clothes, table numbers, table placements, and menu cards.

At one point he had thought his sisters would come to blows but they had simply begun crying and ran from the room.

On more than one occasion, Will tripped over a bag of imported pink and white flowers. He was often puzzled by the abundance of items being carried into the house. There were flowers, chairs, linens, candles, dishes. He had just hoped the removal of all the items would come as swiftly as their arrival.

Unless called upon by his mother or his majesty, Will hid in either Miles or Kurosawa's offices. The constant assault of guests and servants was more than Will could imagine. Will would often sit and receive his accounts to obtain peace and serenity.

Amazingly, more guests petitioned to attend the wedding and reception. Everyone wanted to be a part of the wedding as though Will and Elizabeth were a part of the royal family.

The ability for guests to say they were in this wedding led to their haughtiness.

Moreover, as the guest list increased so did the ostentatious of the wedding presents. It became a competition, even the king was impressed by the gifts Will and Elizabeth received.

The wedding was a nightmare, it almost seemed the wedding became an unruly beast. After the 600th guest, Will demanded the guest list be permanently closed.

In an attempt to escape the madness, Will ventured outside on the terrace. But Will quickly returned inside upon seeing the garden and greenhouse were a mess.

This was where the wedding and reception were to be held. The greenhouse was close to completion, he could hear a conversation about the seating charts and arrangements.

No doubt, guests were angling for prime seats, closer wedding couple, and king or queen.

He was exhausted by the crowds and constant wedding conversations.

Will was eager for the wedding to end and for peace to return to his home; as well as to rid himself from the bickering of his guests.

When he returned inside the manor after watching a carpenter struggle to finish lacing a lattice archway, that would be decorated in pink and white flowers.

Once inside Micheal informed him, he was summoned to the Ladies Drawing by Elizabeth.

Will walked inside the crowded drawing-room. His mother was crocheting a small blanket. His soon-to-be mother-in-law was barking orders at Ms. Park who looked annoyed.

Emilia, Emma, and Kathryn were sipping tea, no doubt pestering Elizabeth with passive-aggressive comments about how their weddings were better and less gaudy.

Rebecca lit up and hugged Will. She had a frown on her face like she was being held captive.

If not for his mother, no doubt Rebecca would be chasing him around like a lost puppy.

"You summoned me?" Will bowed to the women present.

"Why did you tell the servants earlier to not hang the lanterns in the greenhouse?" Elizabeth asked concerned.

All the women stopped what they were doing, ready to enjoy the couple's second public squabble in two days.

"I'm afraid my bride and I must address private matters. If you be so kind as to give us clearance?" Will bowed again respectfully.

"Surely, you jest? Are we not your future kin?" Emilia asked sweetly as a mocking bird.

"We are family, but this involves my business and that is not a family matter?" Will reply.

"The Silver Phoenix plans hang a new type of lantern, is that the big wedding secret. How to drool!" said Emma getting up to leave, no doubt to spread a rumor about what she heard.

"Dear son, do you wish your mother to leave as well?" Helen asked.

"Only for a moment mother, I hope my conversation with Elizabeth would last long," Will said.

Charlotte was very upset about being kicked out, but she agreed after Helen convinced her she was past due to check on the wedding set up in the garden.

Once they were alone Elizabeth sighed.

"Thank you! I do not remember the last time I was by myself," Elizabeth said.

"Sasha, you may be excused as well," Will said.

Sasha looked to Elizabeth first who nodded, before Sasha stood outside the door next to Micheal.

"What is so important my maid, has to be excluded?" Elizabeth said surprised.

"First, how are you feeling?"

"Nervous, my mother tells me the carpenters and blacksmiths are behind schedule."

"Besides the wedding preparations, how are you feeling about our guest?"

"I'm fine, and you?"

"I'm ready for the guests to leave."

Hearing this elicited a chuckle from Elizabeth.

"If that is your opinion, then I join you in that sentiment."

"Since you summoned me, let me explain the reason why I refused to let the servants hang the lanterns," Will said telling Elizabeth about electricity and the lights he planned to use instead of candles, as well about the firework.

"It sounds like magic!" Elizabeth said in amazement.

"It's science. I had Bradley look the whole project over. Besides me, he's the only one that has access to the dam. When I first explained it to him, he was as giddy as a child getting his first red card during New Year," Will laughed.

"I'm sure he did. Thank you for telling me, I was curious myself. And now that I know, I look forward to your surprise with bated breath."

Alone in the room. Will walked over to Elizabeth and kissed her goodbye.

After their conversation, Will returned to dodging servants and wedding supplies.

Even though Elizabeth was stressed, that moment with Will, helped her to cope with her mother who acted as a momzilla.

The entire week Charlotte shouted orders as the servants. More it got worse as the weak progressed. It got to the point that when people saw her coming, they actively ran in the opposite direction. If not for Queen Ashley Maria, who talked Charlotte down, several of Will's servants would've quit.

The day before the wedding, a sumptuous 10-course feast was held in the Grand Hall. The table in the hall was extended to include all the guests.

King Remus Albus Fermion IX sat at the head of the grand table. To the king's right sat his wife, Queen Ashley Maria, and next to her sat Crown Prince Roland Godwin. Upon the Royal Family's arrival, they toured Gadreel, surprised at its fast development.

To the king's left sat Cardinal Silva vont Gaius and next to her sat the wedding couple. The Duke and Duchess sat next to the Crown Prince and the Baron and Baroness sat next to Will and Elizabeth. Then the rest of the dinner guests followed by order of peerage, except for Rebecca who was now an ordained Disciple of Aether.

The dinner started with a baked expensive cheese with fruit-nut bacon crumble hors d'oeuvres.

The second course was an amuse-bouche of marinated small river fish with prawns and with fried apples.

The third course was an appetizing soup. A simple tomato soup with goat cheese dumplings was served.

The fourth course the servants brought out was a leafy garden salad with balsamic vinaigrette.

The fifth course might have been the most impressive. The fifth was pan-seared sea bass with lemon caper sauce. Savage Wolf had it imported from the Orca Tribe as a wedding gift. This was the first time eating an ocean fish for the majority of the guest.

The first main course was Peking Duck with plum sauce. Each guest received their small crispy duck.

In between the first and second course, the servants gave each dinner guest a palate cleanser.

The second main course was roasted dire beast venison with lentils.

The eighth course was lovely cheese and chutney plater with bread and crackers.

Between dinner and dessert, the king stood quieting down the dinner guest.

"Please allow this old man to make a few remarks. Tomorrow, my precious niece and Baron William vont Ballard shall wed.

It is with great joy, that Queen Ashley Maria and I welcome you into our family. I know my brother Duke Francis is thrilled that his youngest daughter found such a distinguished suitor," the king said. Emilia and Emma unconsciously frowned, mistaking the king's comment as an insult about spouses.

"Baron James, I would be remiss not say the fine job you've done raising such accomplished children," the king as James and Helen nodded in thanksgiving.

"Tomorrow is an auspicious occasion. To communicate my happiness of adding Baron vont Ballard into the Royal Family, I hereby grant Elizabeth the privilege to walk down the Palatial Runner Rug. The same rug that the I, the Duke, Francis II, and the Crown Prince's future bride walked down," the king said to which Emma and Emilia became irate. Neither sister was extended such a privilege.

"Moreover, after the wedding, Will and his offspring shall have unfettered access to the castle," the king said. There was only one other person who was given such privileges, Francis II.

The table guests were stunned. If there was any doubt of Will's position in the Royal Family, it was now clear. Will held the same position, as Francis II.

Once this got out to the public, it would immediately change how people saw Will. He was no longer the up-and-coming youngest son of a Baron, now he was king's respected nephew, and close cousin the second king.

This also meant his children, ascended Emma and Emilia's in-line to the throne. How could both sisters insult their younger sister now? Elizabeth had overtaken them in importance.

On the other hand, when information gets out James and Helen's status would elevate. For a brief moment, Helen and James forgot to breathe.

"There's one more thing, I'll announce but I'll wait until after the wedding," the king said. Earlier he summoned the cardinal to his room to deliver another decree. A decree she would announce after the wedding sermon.

After the king's announcement, the ninth course, a decadent fruit cobbler was severed with whipped cream and tea.

The last course was the mignardise, bite-sized dessert paired whiskey.

After the dinner, the men and women departed to their respective drawing-room, for two hours of conversation.

It was late at night, under the cover of darkness, while everyone slept, that Will exited the house with Micheal, Miles, and a few servants went to visit the Alchemist to pick up the fireworks.

After hiring the alchemist, Will put the alchemist under Miles. Miles' daily report not only detailed the business accounts but also the alchemist's progress.

The reason for visiting the alchemist tonight was to move and set up the fireworks and lights for the wedding reception tomorrow.