Valley A&M Academy II

Kurosawa coordinated the citywide Endowment for the Arts announcement, with the annual open enrollment for the Valley Agricultural and Military Academy. Three years ago, the academy opened and each year the number of applicants grew.

The College of Agriculture was the most selective of all the colleges. With an admission rate of less than 2.1%.

When VAMA's College of Agriculture enrollment was announced over 12,000 applicants applied in a single day. With the high number of applicants and a scant number of dormitories, the enrollment was closed after a single day.

The following day, all 12,000 applicants sat in the coliseum. To earn a spot in the academy, the instructors gave each applicant three Cloud Bergamot seeds to cultivate in a week.

Cloud Bergamot was a notoriously difficult plant to grow because it needed 24-hour care until it sprouted.

Moreover, the plant was native to the Great Empire, making it a challenge for the students to cheat. Even more stressful, only the first 250 were allowed to enter, and preference was given to Gadreel citizens.

While the agriculture students did their best to cultivate their flowers, the Warriors College's enrollment depended on battle prowess. Again, only the top 250 students were admitted and were quickly sectioned off into classes of 25 students. The strongest class was 1-A and the weakest class was 5-E.

Just like Knight Academy the students would compete in a midyear tournament and be sent into the Friendship Forest for combat training.

The College of Arts and Music required applicants to exhibit their work. Students deemed worthy were brought in for a second audition. Elizabeth was asked to participate as a guest judge, along with the college instructors. Singers, dancers, thespians, artists, and sculptors all competed. In the end, the College of Music was able to field a class, albeit small, for each discipline.

The last college was the College of Business. Gadreel Merchant Guild Master Mr. Murphy, Will, and the instructors oversaw the curriculum and admission. First, applicants had to pass an arduous two-hour written mathematical and statistical examination.

The applicants that passed took a second test over the Merchant Guild's rules and policy. Any student that passed both exams was given entry. Neither Mr. Murphy nor Will expected both tests to weed out 95% of students.

On the first day of classes, the students and instructors gathered in the coliseum to mark the historic achievement of opening the newest academy in Fermion.

As Will, Elizabeth, and Kurosawa watched over the opening day processional, Will felt full of hope and optimism.

Will examined the students and instructors, feeling a sense of pride. He didn't care how nobles ridiculed his 'Commoners' College.' He was proud, nonetheless. Will knew this was a gem that would only shine brighter over time.

As Will's eyes traveled over the crowd, he momentarily locked eyes with Bradley. It had been over five years since he last walked in on Bradley and another man embracing. Will could still see fear in his eyes.

The fear of being convicted for sodomy. In Fermion, being homosexual was a crime. People who were convicted of being gay were branded with a hot iron and lost their standing in society. Even worse, repeated offenders were castrated.

The primordial churches outlawed gay and lesbianism as crimes against the gods. As such every country that worshipped the primordial gods had crimes against homosexuality.

Moreover, being gay was considered the highest form of hedonism. Unlike peasants and commoners that gave in flesh, nobles had to show restraint. Thus, nobles who were convicted of being gay lost their nobility. Losing nobility was tantamount to losing one's life.

However, it had been Will's perspective that more often than not commoners showed more restraint than nobles. From Will's experience, nobles were much more hedonistic due to their access to money and privacy.

Will was certain of one thing, he held Bradley's life in his hands. As the City Lord, a Master Spellsword Knight, and Champion of Gaia, his pronouncements were absolute in Gadreel.

What Bradley did not know, was that Will did not care about a person's sexual preference, but their job performance. Before Will reincarnated, most industrialized countries did not penalize gay people.

Sodomy had long since been decriminalized, and the stigma against homosexuality had waned.

Looking at Bradley's unease, Will felt he had to let Bradley know his secret was safe with him.

When the opening ceremony concluded, Will, Elizabeth, and Kurosawa were given a tour by Headmaster vont Cheng, Will's former Troop Leadership and Noble Etiquette professor.

"City Lord vont Ballard, Lady vont Ballard, and City Administrator Mr. Sato greetings," said Headmaster vont Cheng.

All three bowed as he was the heir of a Marquis.

"Truthfully, I was surprised when Duke vont Whitby recommended you for the position," Will said first breaking the proverbial ice.

"Ah, well, I classify myself as a Warrior Poet. Poetry and war complement one another. Poems depict heroic glory or the sting of defeat in battle.

It's my experience, men often fail to understand the poetic themes of honor and virtue on the battlefield.

In battle two enemy soldiers meet, facing deadly peril, one to die and the other to live. Death makes life worth living and helps mankind contemplate the meaning of life.

Viscount vont Ballard, in Troop Leadership I often taught you to understand war with a greater purpose in mind. Poetry, philosophy, and music helped me become a better commander," Headmaster vont Cheng said, drawing all three into his lesson.

"How?" Kurosawa asked fully immersed in the conversation.

"Because dear pupil, poetry is built on the optimal deployment of limited resources, words that fit together with other words, and with words that aren't there - not unlike the strategic decisions an officer must make on the battlefield," Headmaster vont Cheng said.

Will, Elizabeth, and Kurosawa held their breath, their eyes open as they finally understood the deep meaning behind those words.

"Oh, my William, you were very fortunate to have such an erudite professor at the academy," Elizabeth said captivated by the headmaster.

"Indeed," Will said trying to engrain those words in his head.

"Shall we begin the tour? Please follow me," Headmaster vont Cheng asked.

"While classes do not start until tomorrow, I'll show you the classrooms and introduce you to the professors.

Let's begin in the College of Agriculture. The first-year students shall take coursework in four classes on husbandry, irrigation and waterways, plant and soil science, and agricultural Economics.

Every student is expected to manage a farm or greenhouse on campus. Upper-level classes shall emphasize fruit and vegetable production, nursery crop production, plowing management, horticulture, and harvesting.

Upper-level classes shall also emphasize animal medicine, animal reproduction, equine and dairy, nutrition, and feed sales," he said while showing the classrooms, dormitories, greenhouse, and farm.

"Very impressive," Will said. This was something he always said when touring manufacturing plants.

"Per your instructions City Lord vont Ballard, we added forestry classes where students shall learn forest management, conservation, and restoration.

For students to graduate, they must complete two years of studies.

Students shall spend half their time in class and in the woods. To prepare students in forest management, they must complete horticulture, irrigation, waterways, plant, and soil science, in their first year. And complete arboriculture, dendrology, wildlife the second year," he said as they walked to the Warriors College.

"Welcome to Warriors College, where fourth students graduate as sergeants.

The college works very closely with the Knight Academy, even though the classes are different.

You'll notice Viscount vont Ballard the warrior classes are different than your college experience. While the insignia are the same for consistency, the uniforms look different.

The first-year students take classes on roles and origins of the army, army customs and traditions, and branches of the army. They'll take these basic courses, along with physical training, spearmanship, and swordsmanship.

The second-year students take classes on the role of the officers and enlisted soldiers, communications, code of conduct and principles of war, and battlefield medicine.

Starting the third year, students may choose from sergeant command and staff functions, laws of war, Sergeant at Arms, introduction to military operations and tactics, or troop leadership.

The fourth-year students may choose to take: military justice, arts, music, army personnel management, army logistics, or advanced military operations and tactics.

Viscount vont Ballard, some Knight Academy cadets have expressed interest in your army logistics class. Headmaster Abe wants you to offer the class at the Knight Academy as an exclusive class for guild Quartermaster Commanders," Headmaster vont Cheng said.

"Please tell, Headmaster Abe it would be an honor. However, I'd like to teach the class over winter break, please ask him if that's acceptable," Will replied.

"I shall," Headmaster Cheng smiled.

"Excuse me, may I have greeted my old classmate," Evan interrupted.

"Indeed, let's reminisce. Feel free to check out the College of Arts and Music in my absence," Will said to a suspicious Elizabeth.

Evan's invitation could not have come at a better time. Will could not understand why, but local musicians and artists despised him but idealized Elizabeth. After all, she spent his money to patronage the arts.

Will and Evan spoke for several minutes. Their conversation only ended when Bradly interrupt to speak to Will privately.

"Will, can we talk about what you saw," Bradley asked.

"But I saw nothing," Will said.

"We both know what you saw, and I appreciate you not saying anything.

But I want to explain it to you. The man you saw me kissing is more than some lover; he is my love.

We met when we were young and had an instant connection. We both grew up in Guidon and quickly developed a relationship.

However, it wasn't long until my father forbade us from meeting each other. His family belongs to a poor knighthood. According to my father, his family was beneath ours, and socializing with him hurt our family's reputation.

After I started working for you Guidon, we reconnected. When I relocated to Gadreel for work, he decided to follow me here. Since then, we've become a couple. I want you to know because he's also an instructor in the College of Arts and Music," Bradley said.

"You're romantically involved with a professor on campus. And you think you can keep this hidden?" Will asked rubbing his temples.

"No, I'm telling you because we're getting married," Evan said.

"You're marrying each other?" Will asked confused. Did they plan to thumb their noses in the church so openly?

"No, we're marrying women," Bradley said.

"Do these women know?" Will asked seeing the drama getting worse.

"Yes, and they're fine with it," Bradley said resolutely.

At this point, Will had to sit down. This was too much drama for one day. However, he heard the same thing happened in medieval Europe.

"Bradley, why tell me this? I was happy pretending I didn't know anything," Will said feeling an oncoming headache.

"Because I don't want you thinking about me as some hedonistic degenerate," Bradley said.

"Bradley, I never thought of you in that way. Honestly, I do not care who you love. As long you continue to work for me and do your job well, that's all that matters," Will yelled at him.

"You d-d-don't?" Bradley asked confused.

"As long as you do your job, what do I care?" Will said.

"I didn't know you felt that way," Bradley said.

"You never asked," Will said.

"Well alright, let me lead you to the College of Art and Music," Bradley said.

"Can I skip that one?" Will said rubbing his temple.

"You know that's why the artist and musicians don't particularly like you," Bradley laughed.

"Why?" Will asked sincerely.

"It's your tone," Bradley chuckled.

"My tone? You sound like Elizabeth. What's the matter with my tone?" Will asked.

"Every time you say the words 'arts' or 'music' your tone changes to annoyance," Bradley said.

"Forget, just lead me there," Will's headache was now on its way to being a migraine.

Will arrived at the end of the tour. Headmaster Cheng said something about the college's focus on music, art, theatrical history, and creative performances.

When they arrived, Will saw Bradley smile at another professor. Giving the all-clear signal to a slender man with shaggy brown hair and eyes. Will stared at the man.

"Do you know Alfonso, Will?" Elizabeth said

Immediately everyone's attention turned to Will. Bradley and Alfonso gave each other worried glazes.

"I'm familiar with his work," Will lied.

Elizabeth could tell he was lying but didn't press the issue. Elizabeth knew Will appreciated the economic value of art, not the aesthetic value.

"Then it's decided, I shall commission Alfonso to draw our family portrait," Elizabeth said.

"Thank you, Viscount and Viscountess vont Ballard, for this honor," Alfonso bowed deeply.

Finally, they toured the last college, the College of Business.

"The first-year students shall take accounting, finance, management, management information systems, marketing, and logistics management.

Second students take a more advanced version of the second year.

Third-year students may take any electives we offer here, while also taking classes on the management of coin and capital accounts, transacting and trading assets, liabilities, and risks.

Fourth-year students must complete a one-year internship before graduation at the bank. It's a rather grueling schedule," Headmaster vont Cheng laughed.

"Thank you for the tour, headmaster. We wish you a great first year," Kurosawa said.