Chicken War

The next morning Will and his entourage traveled back to Gadreel. Only after the train arrived in Gadreel, and his family safely embarked, did Will see spies in person. Three men dressed in military attire, new additions to the voyage, tipped their hats in thanks to Will.

And with the spies safely on board, and the manifest changed, Will's brief return to military service ended.

After the children fell asleep in the sleeper suite, Will told Elizabeth his epic tale of heroism back in Korce. For which Elizabeth was of course charmed at his minuscule act of bravery.

After laughing, they discussed the destruction they witnessed and how it reminded them of Guidon when they flew to the old king's funeral.

Yet, Will and Elizabeth had different perspectives.

Will saw a nation struggling in need of cheap resources. Elizabeth saw a kingdom in need of charity.

When they returned to Guidon, Will and Elizabeth were stunned to see such a large military presence inside the city.

"Guard, bring Captain Bubba to me know and the City Administrator!" Will said to the closest guard.

Soon both men arrived at Gadreel Station.

"What's going on," Will asked as he watched Marshall vont Smith board an airship to Yorkshire, with a company of soldiers.

"Bandits, sir! The traders coming from Albania are being terrorized by bandits," Bubba said.

"This message also arrived after you left for Korce," Kurosawa said handing the letter to Will.

"Greetings Viscount vont Ballard. This letter is to inform you the Kingdom of Albania shall set a tariff on all imported goods. The inexpensive supply of poultry, grains, and clothing. The king no longer wishes for the unfavorable balance of trade, sincerely City Lord Ibrahim vont Dervish."

With industrial innovations in textiles and agriculture, it became cheaper to import clothes from Gadreel than for women to knit or sew clothes. The importation of cheap clothes and food coincided with mercantilism. Which meant peasant families had more discretion money to spend on clothes and food.

The changes in the economy created new opportunities for wealth and new mobility. As people flooded into cities or farms in search of new employment opportunities, hierarchies based on established patriciate relationships broke down. In a small village, everyone knew their place—and the place of their neighbors. But under mercantilism, the butcher's wife could wear expensive clothes and eat like an aristocrat.

Yet, those cheap imported textile and agriculture only increased the hostility direct towards him. For example, in Korce why farm if you could import goods directly from nearby Gadreel. Will inadvertently, crippled Korce's domestic economy. Cities like Korce, which had few workers, slowly became dependent on cities like Gadreel.

Just being in Korce, Will realized that Lord vont Dervish must be close to bankrupt, and hatched his smug plot.

"That dirty bastard! He's robbing his kingdom's traders and raising tariffs. He's too greedy," Will said crumpling the paper in his hands.

"Kurosawa, add a 25% tariffs on all Albania imports. And stop trade until the bandit problem is resolved," Will ordered.

"Why are there so many soldiers here?" Will asked.

"This is their last stop on the recovery plan. The soldiers were sent here to help us recover," Kurosawa said.

"What's the real reason?" That is the real reason," Kurosawa said.

"But the treaty stipulated no soldiers were allowed to be in Friendship Valley. Why are these soldiers here?" Will asked again.

"The king wrote these soldiers are here to help us recover from the pandemic and famine. We can use them any way we sit fit. They're ours to command for the next two years," Kurosawa informed Will.

"Oh, I see now," Will said.

"You see what?" Kurosawa said.

"I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet?" Will said.

"Just tell me," Bubba said.

"The treaty end in two years," Will said.

"I should have put that together, you're right?" Kurosawa said shaking his head.

"Let me guess, there's a battalion of 1,000 soldiers stationed in the city?" Will said.

"How did you know?" Bubba asked amazed.

"Because he holds the rank of Major in the army," Kurosawa explained.

"Don't let this get out. For now, move the out the valley to the military base, Bubba under my military command," Will commanded.

The three men disperse, with Will running home to bathe and get proper rest.

In the morning, Will was summoned to the Trade Commission.

Will laughed because knew nothing galvanizes merchant's attention more than trade wars.

Will arrived at the Trade Commission to see all 20 commissioners seated. It was obvious, that this issue required their total focus on energy.

As soon as Will sat down, he banged his gavel, "City Lord vont Ballard, did you not give us the responsibility as commissioners to increase trade for Gadreel? Why did you create a 25% tariff on Albanian imports?" he asked a wealthy old man who rose to Korce with Will.

"Gentlemen, as the city lord, I have the right and duty to restrict the free flow of goods and services to achieve political or economic objectives. Albania taxes our exports first, it was my responsibility to reply in kind," Will said.

"What did Albania tax?" asked a young textile owner.

"Albania taxed livestock, grains, and textile," Will replied.

"City Lord vont Ballard how long until these tariffs go away?" asked another worried textile owner.

"I sent City Lord vont Dervish a letter politely asking him to remove the tariffs, with three months or all exports to Albania shall stop," Will said.

"You'd stop exporting to Albania?" asked the old man again.

"Yes, I'd call upon the public to sacrifice for our national interest," Will said drawing a clear line in the sand.

"We're all patriotic here! We'd gladly forgo profit for the good of the kingdom," the wealthy old merchant was quick to point out.

"What about the bandits? They've been robbing our southern carriages, and the Albanian wagons," said a third textile bourgeoisie.

"Bubba set off yesterday, in search of their hideaway," Will said.

"Where are we headed? Tell us your opinion?" said a bathhouse owner.

"I believe we're headed for a trade war. The Sultan of Albania read, King Roland's book and now he wants a favorable balance of trade with Fermion.

However, their port cities are in shambles and their profitable sea trade needs time to develop. The easiest way to develop is to purchase our low-cost goods. But doing that hurts their domestic businesses.

If I had to guess, the local merchant demand raises a tariff so their domestic goods could compete fairly.

But the king forgets, that only some merchants are better off because of the tariff. How many cities, towns, and villages use our cheap livestock, grains, goods, and textiles?

By limiting imports, Albania's domestic livestock, grain, and textiles shall increase in price. The only thing the Albanian king shall succeed in is hurting his kingdom's already fragile economy," Will guessed.

"You think the absence of our cheap imports shall trigger a domino effect that might lead to domestic recession," said the old man.

"No, they are already in a recession. It shall create a depression," Will said.

In 10 days, City Lord vont Dervish shall decide whether you escalate the Trade War?" asked a textile owner.

"Yes, because I do not back down from threats. The 25% tariff, was only my first chess move," Will said.

"Should we be worried?" asked the old man.

"I'll tell you, exactly what I told the king. An eye for an eye will leave us all blind and the world in deep recession," Will said.

"But that's what we're doing now," the bathhouse owner saw the hypocrisy.

"If City Lord vont Dervish takes my advice, then all the tariffs shall be removed, and trade shall return to normal," Will advised.

Tit-for-tat protectionism was a feature of the 1930s, as countries sought to find ways of helping domestic manufacturers through the Great Depression.

Will hoped City Lord vont Dervish would not jeopardize the gains his kingdom and city were making.

But, Will's hopes were crushed 10 days later, when City Lord vont Dervish imposed a whole battery of revisionist trade policy measures, including canceling the peace treaty and increased tariffs on textiles, livestock, and grains.

In the letter, Albania threatened a retaliatory trade embargo and compensation for the bandit attacks on Albania merchants. Accusing Will's city guards of covertly working as bandits.

The letter all but admired he was behind the bandit attacks, and he instigated the tariffs knowing how Will would respond.

City Lord vont Dervish had done all this to end the treaty and attack Gadreel.

Will opened a spatial gate to the palace. For the second time, Will visited the king's court.

After he was announced, Will ignored the current conversation about lords' grievances and handed City Lord vont Dervish's letter to Bryson.

"Cousin, what do you need?" the king asked reading the letter.

"Your majesty, 10 days ago I send my guards to raid the bandits. I've yet to receive correspondence. I take a brigade of 1,000 soldiers with me to raid bandits near the valley's southern border.

Now, that the treatise has been canceled it should not cause problems. As you read, City Lord vont Dervish has also permitted me to raid near his territory," Will said.

"Thank you for informing me, cousin. I shall inform Marshall vont Smith where his soldiers have gone. Is there anything else?"

"No, your majesty that is all," Will bowed to let Elizabeth know he was leaving.