
"So how does it feel to now be an Earl?" Katherine asked as the family rode back to Will's new mansion in his carriage. Her once prideful attitude was replaced by humility.

Other than his status screen updating he felt the same.

"I feel no different," Will said truthfully.

"Katherine you should remarry you're still young and you come from a long noble ancestry," Helen vont Ballard encouraged her eldest daughter.

"I'll do whatever's best for my children. As long as Will signs off on the marriage, I'll agree to it," Katherine said.

What surprised Will was that no one objected to the youngest child choosing his eldest sister's new husband. Over the years, his parents and siblings deferred Will on every important decision.

"Then it's agreed! Elizabeth, can you help me vet candidates," Helen asked knowing Elizabeth's approval could convince Will.

"Don't forget Will, let me know when you're free to visit the Chamberlin tomorrow," Jason reminded Will. Jason wanted to expand the barony.

By the time they parked, a line of merchants wrapped down the sidewalk.

"Congratulations, my lord Earl vont Ballard," Micheal smiled.

"Thank you, Micheal. How long has it been like this?" Will asked.

"Not long after the criers announced your peerage, then did the line began to form," Micheal replied.

"Does Ms. Park have the house fit for company?" Elizabeth asked Micheal.

"Yes madam. The moment the line formed, Ms. Park had the house prepared for company," said Michael.

"Then open the house to guests in half passed," Elizabeth commanded like a field marshal.

Five hours later, a tired Will met his 56th or 65th merchant.

Will set between Mei and Miles, also seated in the room were Vanessa, Jesper, and Elliot. Will tried to keep his eyes open, as Mei led the negotiation.

With his five clerks, each deal was slowly discussed, and the contracts signed.

"Yes, the first ship sets sail in two days. Be sure to have your goods in the warehouses by then," Elliot repeated to the 65th newest customer.

Thank you for your support!" Will replied shaking the man's hand.

Merchants had the option of signing short-term or long-term exclusive contracts. The benefit of the long-term contract is that Will agreed to split the sale 60/40. For short-term deals, Will charged them 75/25 to ship their products. Regardless of whether the goods were shipped, by land, air, or sea he was always paid first on every sale.

With Will's ships going out first, he received a windfall, that he used to reinvest in his shipping company.

"Is that the last of them?" Will asked stretching out across a couch. Micheal put a cold towel on his forehead.

"Yes, Boss Will," Jesper said.

"Then good job everyone! Mei, please report on Duke vont Khan's confiscated ships," Will asked.

"According to Claud, they were in pristine condition. I have the contract here," Mei said handing Will the contract to review.

"Elliot make sure the first ships sets sail on time," Will ordered.

"Miles did you get the king and queen's wedding presents," Will instructed.

"Yes, but there was some problems, but I'm resolving them," Miles said.

"There can be no problems. If you need help reach out to Kurosawa. Use every resource and force if you have too, just get it done!" Will said frustrated at the news.

"Master Duncan finish ahead of schedule. The pieces are finished, they just need to be enchanted. The enchanting was delayed unexpectedly. He's also not sure he'll be able to add all the enchantments you want," Miles informed.

"Make sure it's ready no matter what!" Will said to Miles.

"Micheal, tell my father and brother, I'm ready to visit the Chamberlin," Will replied taking the cold wet towel off his forehead.

"Alright you all head back, I'll see you the morning of the wedding," Will said, as his Head Clerks walked through their spatial portal.

For the second time that day, Will rode to the castle.

"Bryson! Congratulation Lord Chamberlin," Will said greeting Bryson. Only close family members could address Bryson by name.

Bryson, led Will, James, and Jason into a map room.

Overlayed on the map was a square grid. The grind was based on square hectares. The map was also colored-coded by current fiefdoms. Small pieces of paper were pinned to the map. Every noble wanted a piece of Fermion and wasn't shy to admit it.

"Bryson, my father, and brother want to expand their landholdings. What has Earl vont Hannover asked for?" Will asked curiously.

"Due to Earl vont Hanover's soldiers impressive war effort under General vont Khan, and gracious monetary support the king granted him custody of Guidon," Bryson said.

"Then his land is open for picking, correct?" Will confirmed.

"Yes, that is correct," Bryson replied.

"Then my family wants his river holding and farmland," Will said pointing to four large hectares. It was prime real estate.

"Will isn't that too large?" Jason asked

"Not at all, this step in the process was meant for nobles to let the crown know what they want. We may not get all four hectares but we can at least ask for them.

Right now, no one can imagine the final map. Most likely the map won't be released until after the wedding. So, make sure you bring the king and princess good presents," Will informed them.

Bryson smiled, hearing Will perfectly summarize how noble holding shall be determined. Those with expensive nice presents shall have their fief confirmed first.

When the king learned Will was in the castle, he went to see him personally.

"Greeting Earl vont Ballard," King Roland said entering the map room.

"Greetings your majesty," James and Jason were so surprised by the king they accidentally kneeled. Will bowed.

"Let's see why you're here? Oh, you want to expand your ancestral barony. Your family has been loyal to the crown since your promotion to peerage, over 500 years ago.

But this land is the size of a viscounty. Earl are you hinting at something?" the King teased.

"Your majesty, I don't hint. I bribe," Will and the king laughed.

"Very well, I'll consider appointing Baron James vont Ballard, and his heir viscount…after the wedding. I too believe in extortion," the King and Will laughed again.

"Then I hope your majesty and his bride shall me moved my gift," Will said.

"I look forward to your present. Oh Will, I have two documents to give you one for your disciple and the other for Vincent vont Wright," the king smiled and walked away.

"Bryson it was good seeing you," Will said secretly handing Bryson ten imperial gold coins.

"Farewell Lord Chamberlin," James and Jason said.

In the carriage, James asked Will, "what is your present to the king?"

"It's a surprise," Will smiled secretly.

When they arrived home, Will ordered Micheal to summon Vincent. Then he went up and knocked on Kalista's door.

"Coming," Kalista yelled opening the door.

"The king asked me to give this to you," Will said handing her a proclamation.

"The king has granted my family an honorary Ducal House," Kalista smiled.

"Congratulations, your duchess," Will teased. However, Kalista mistook Will's tease for a compliment.

"I must write grandmother again as soon as possible," Kalista beamed excitedly and closed the door in Will's face.

"They grow up so fast," Will said to himself, as he walked downstairs to his office.

On his way, he saw Elizabeth, Charlotte, Helen, and Katherine helping Elizabeth prepare for her tea party. Both the dowager queen and princess were set to attend.

According to Elizabeth, there were so many RSVPs, that they moved the tea party to the castle's great hall.

Moreover, Elizabeth had planned the first Gaia's Purse and Endowment for the Arts meeting later in the week. She even planned a second fashion show.

Edward and Camille enjoyed playing with their cousins and other children.

Will worked for a few hours before Vincent arrived.

"You summoned me my liege," Vincent said making both him and Will feel awkward. Those words did not seem right coming from his lips.

The king gave this to me today," Will said.

Vincent snatched the proclamation and read nervously.

"I'm demoted to Baronet and given Kukes as my fiefdom. Where is Kukes?" Vincent asked.

"Kukes is a northwest mountainous town. It's very quaint and the people are very friendly," Will said.

"I'm demoted and banished!" Vincent said dumbfounded.

"You are neither when I brought up your name. The king planned to demote you to be a landless knight. I also asked the king for Kukes, but he declined," Will said.

"Is there gold in the mountains?" Vincent asked.

"No, but I plan to build up that town. As my vassal, you'll be expected to follow my orders. If you don't, I'll have you expelled from the kingdom or killed," Will said truthfully.

Vincent quickly kneeled on the floor, and kissed Will's family crest ring, "I will forever be your faithful vassal. I pledge my family's devotion for five generations," Vincent said.

"Then you may leave tomorrow! Meet me here, by the 10th bell," Will said.

"Yes, my liege," Vincent said. This time it sounded less awkward.

After Vincent left, Will summoned Bradley and Rupert to a private lunch.

"Hi Will!" Rupert said confidently.

"Greetings Will. I imagine you have another challenge for us?" Bradley laughed.

"Ha-ha, you know me so well. But let's discuss your next project after lunch.

For lunch, they ate apple roasted hog, pheasant eggs, spring squash, and lots of wine.

The women chose to eat in the lady's drawing-room.

While Will, Rupert, and Bradley dined; James and Jason visited other Western Fermion lords' manors. Baron vont Ballard wanted to strengthen their influence upon their neighbors.

"Will why so much expensive wine?" Bradley asked.

"I want to celebrate my awards from yesterday's ceremony," Will said raising a cup.

"I guess you're happier about the shipping charter than the rest?" Bradley asked.

"While I appreciate the promotion to Earl, house, tax exemption, and Lezhe, you're right I am happier about the shipping charter," Will smiled.

"You're forgetting you're a Colonel now?" Rupert joked to everyone's amusement.

"After lunch, Rupert and Bradley followed Will to the library, where Will took a document from a secret desk compartment. Will unfurled a blueprint of a car and cargo box truck.

"Will, what is this?" Bradley asked.

"This is a truck, and this is a car, they both run on magic cores," Will explained.

"It looks like a horseless wagon. Will you have the most creative mind," Rupert admired the blueprint.

"I want you to work in Durres. Elliot has already secured a warehouse for you," Will informed them.

"We knew this break would not last forever," Bradley said.

"Will, how many of these do we need to make?" Rupert said.

"Make as many trucks as you can and one car for now," Will informed them.

"Ah, Will are you forgetting something…we used all our wyvern cores," Rupert reminded him.

"Well, I'm hoping that we can use normal dire beast cores, instead of pricier dire beast cores. Hopefully, we don't need wyvern core for every new invention," Will said.

"Theoretically, you should be right," Rupert said scratching his chin and thinking.

"Rupert, feel free to ask Master Nuvian for help. Tell him, I'm willing to pay for a working prototype," Will said.

"He'll be happy to hear that," Rupert smiled.

"Ha-ha," they all laughed.

The men spent the rest of the night talking and laughing. It was late at night by the time Bradley and Rupert left. It was just the fun relaxing night Will needed.