
The soirée, as Bryson called it was really a celebration party.

The king, queen, and princess greeted their guests one after the other.

Before the guest greeted the king, they handed Bryson their present. Bryson ingeniously handed every present to a steward, who passed the presents down until it was tagged and placed in a designated room.

The king, queen, and princess stood near the entrance surrounded by loyal knights and mages. Every guest was searched before meeting the king.

The vont Whitby family was excused from presenting presents but Emma and Emilia's husband gave one, nonetheless. The guest that brought the most expensive present was Duke vont Khan who gave away his prized stable of horses.

With two ducal families, one in the north, the other in the southeast fractions arose. This was the congress' purpose to redraw the power boundaries.

Yet, the most powerful in attendance was Will, who cared not for politics. With his international trade pacts, vital trade route, airships, trains, casinos, banks, auction houses, race track, theaters, and 5&10 copper stores he had both the most money and the best-weaponized army.

Nobles even discussed if the king could siege his territory. Fighting humans is one thing, it's a different matter fighting elves, dwarves, beastmen, and humans.

Will sat at a table with his family ignoring the soirée. Nisha and Kalista decided to stay in the manor.

It had been so long since he'd seen Jason and Katherine. The once-proud Katherine sat next to Elizabeth. Katherine lost her husband, and it was possible she'd lose her son's estate. She came to Tirana to beg Will, not the king, to help her son.

Will's Tirana manor was filled to the brim with family and guests. Jason, his pregnant wife, her parents, Katherine and her children, and Rebecca were guests in his manor.

Both Katherine and Jason greeted the king gifting their obligatory presents of gold or goods.

Elizabeth sat next to Will. Since arriving in Tirana she was busy updating the mansion and getting the rooms together for Will's family. She was busier now than during her wedding. Every day, nobles dropped by to chat with Will or have tea.

Equally as busy was Mei. When she arrived, she organized and staffed all of Will's businesses and oversaw the expansion of the 5&10 Copper store across former Albania.

However, all her hard work paid off as the congress created a city full of customers.

The nobles enjoyed Will's theatre, auction house, casino, and horse track. Will's new businesses were extremely busy as hundreds of nobles elegantly mingled.

"Excuse me, Viscount vont Ballard," Vincent vont Wright interrupted.

"Sit down, join us! Everyone you know Vincent, a former classmate of mine," Will introduced him to his family.

"Could we meet in private?" Vincent pleaded feeling humiliated.

"I'll just be a minute," Will told his family excusing himself.

"Vincent get straight to the point," Will encouraged. His cheerful demeanor was gone.

"I wish to be your vassal!" Vincent exclaimed kneeling for all to see.

"I'm not sure what led to this, but the answer is no. You killed Mark and burned Anne's bakery, why should I take you as a vassal who hates commoners?" Will asked.

"I'm worried the king shall strip me of nobility," Vincent said. There was a rumor going around that some nobles would be stripped of their peerage and some knights promoted to baronets or barons.

"There's nothing I can do, you know that. The king decides that with his advisers. I am not an adviser nor minister!" Will said to a dejected Vincent.

When Vincent left, Will motioned for Elizabeth to follow him.

"So? Who are we meeting first?" Elizabeth whispered in Will's ear.

"Duke vont Khan," Will whispered back.

Even if they had to wait in a long line of other lords, they were expected to greet the new Duke. Will wanted to have a favorable impression with the new Duke.

People watched as Will and Elizabeth walked to greet the newly transferred Duke. Will knew it is uncertain if the Duke vont Khan could tame his vassals. Even with the king's support, there were rumors some vassals may start an uprising in his duchy.

At the soirée, the strongest people present were the king, the dukes, and Will. Everyone was anxious to see how Will would get along with the new power in the south.

Even King Roland had his suspicion about how their first gathering would go.

Both the king and Duke vont Whitby paused their conversations to watch Will and Duke Ahmed.

The question was whether the new Duke could keep his various vassals in line, bring them to heel, and tone down the infighting.

Trade would greatly help in exerting influence, but Will controlled the bulk of the trade. And money would go a long way to help his vassals accept the king's influence.

It was well known that Will's train lines were expanding north, and southward and the number of airports was also increasing across former Albania.

Of course, there was another way to view Will's trade expansion. If Duke vont Khan and Will decided to team up their power could limit the influence of the king. The duo could well become two spheres of influence constraining the king. But Will had no interest in counterbalancing the king's power.

"Viscount vont Ballard and Lady Elizabeth, it is a pleasure to see you today. To what do I owe the pleasure." Duke vont Khan stood up, bowed, and welcomed them. For a duke to bow to a lesser noble was significant by itself.

"It seems we're quite the spectacle," Elizabeth replied first, curtsying.

"The pleasure is all mine. You should know you are the first person that I have taken the initiative to meet," Will bowed and returned the pleasantry.

"Lady vont Ballard, it is my pleasure to make your acquaintance. I must admit, I admire your philanthropy. You also have the peculiarity of being more beautiful every time I greet you," the Duke said, kissing her hand.

"No doubt, we'll become the best of friends," added the duchess.

"I look forward to spending more time together," Elizabeth politely replied.

"Please call me Ahmed. My wife told me the ladies at court are anxious to join Endowment for the Arts and attend your next fashion show. Isn't that right dear?" Amed said.

"Yes, quite so. It seems the schedule of events for the wives is particularly lacking. Do you plan to have any philanthropic meetings?" the duchess probed Elizabeth's intentions.

The question caught Elizabeth off guard, thankfully Will answered for her.

"Please keep this secret, but Gaia's Purse and the Endowment for the Arts shall open two new chapters in Tirana and Durres. However, the announcement shall not be made until after the soiree has ended," Will said coyly.

"I see, that's wonderful news, Viscountess vont Ballard. That should liven things up a bit, no?" the duchess courteously replied.

"I shall send the invitations soon," said Elizabeth with a curtsy. She briefly glanced at Will. She didn't show it, but she found it a bit amusing too. She was happy to see both organizations expand.

"Do not let me keep you standing, please come and take a seat," the Duke said sending his vassals away.

The entire soirée continued to mingle, but everyone kept one eye on the conversations between the Duke and Viscount.

"Thank you," Will and Elizabeth said in unison as they took a seat next to each other.

"Since you are expanding Gaia's Purse and the Endowment, may I assume you have plans for Tirana and Durres," Ahmed asked inquisitively.

"The king and I have not discussed my plans for either city, but I do have plans in motion. No doubt you've already seen my Tirana businesses were opened long before the Congress of Nobles commenced. As for Durres, my plans are private for now," Will said.

"Ha-ha, that is good to hear. I've already heard rumors that you have a Marine and Claud the shipbuilder in Durres purchasing tens of caravels and carracks. The rumor is you also bought several large warehouses. Can you tell me if there is any truth to this?" Ahmed asked.

"I'm exploring the possibility of operating shipping vessels. If I decide to own a fleet, it won't be a rumor," Will laughed.

"Then I look forward to your announcement. While we're together, I want to enquire if you have any plans for the southeastern region, I govern. The southeast is known for its fertile soil and crops. Many resources there may interest you," Ahmed encouraged.

"Oh? You have something in mind?" Will said curiously, not wanting to give up the upper hand in the negotiation.

"Oh, nothing imperative. I just I hope we can cooperate in future. I know you have an uncanny ability to find something ordinary and turn it into something extraordinary," the Duke shrugged.

"You must have something in mind? So, what do you have in mind?" Will asked, knowing exactly what Duke Ahmed vont Khan wanted, but he wanted to hear the offer before he said anything about his opinions.

"While I am happy to retain my status, I doubt that the same could be said for all my vassals. I would be more than willing to help increase trade, where it is reasonably within my power," Ahmed said.

'Reasonably within my power,' meant he'd help Will with his shipping company if Will helped fund his vassals.

In essence, Will would pay more for goods from southeastern lords, but in return, the Duke can help open doors for his shipping company.

"That is indeed rather kind of you," Will replied, nodding as if Duke vont Khan made the offer from the goodness of his heart.

"Indeed, I only wish help. You only need to let me know where my help might be useful so that we can come to an amicable solution," the Duke said cheerfully. Truly, he was glad his proposition was not turned down.

"You're sincerely is heartfelt, but I would need an example of what you consider 'reasonably within your power,'" Will replied coyly.

Will was happy to let the Duke say what he had in mind. If it did not meet his expectations, then he renegotiate the price down until it suited him better.

"Viscount vont Ballard, no doubt you learned by now some rebels sailed to the Eastern Empire to petition the emperor to join the war. These rebels sailed to the empire in 30 pristine caravels.

When the empire turned them down, they petitioned me, not knowing I had already sworn allegiance to King Roland. I imprisoned the rebels and confiscated their ships.

The ships have been docked in my harbor ever since. As a sign of admiration, I'm willing to give you those ships for a 50% markup on goods," Ahmed said.

"Duke vont Khan, the markup shall depend on the word 'pristine.' If the ships are as good as you say I'm fine with 50% markup, for five years. I'll send Mei, Claud, and Elliot to examine the ships. Mei shall ultimately determine the final exchange value, deal?" Will asked looking forward to receiving those ships. With those ships, his business could start at the end of the conference.

"Five years is agreeable," Ahmed said rising from his chair and catching everyone's eyes.

"Then let's shake to a prosperous union," Will said shaking Ahmed's hand.

When the guests saw Will and Ahmed smile and shake hands, they realized something big was on the horizon.