King Roland Godwin sat on his throne. For the past week, he greeted Albanian lords who swore allegiance. The number of Albanian lords who swore fealty was like a patchwork quilt.
Until Duke Francis vont Whitby arrived, Will stood next to the king as his Temporary Finance Minister.
In the past, Will had only served as the king's temporary economic adviser. Economic advisers have no administrative duties, except to share their opinions with the king.
The Finance Minister was the Chief Administrative Officer that oversees the kingdom's three finance departments: revenue, treasury, and commerce. Each department was composed of several offices and was run by a Deputy Minister.
The Department of Treasury inventoried and monitored the kingdom's treasury.
The Department of Revenue oversaw collecting taxes and the tax collectors.
Department of Commerce managed international trade, enforced tariffs, and oversaw the Merchant Guilds, Crafter Guilds, and shop owners.
The Finance Minister was the king's most trusted minister. If the Finance Minister misappropriated or mismanage funds the kingdom would end up in jeopardy.
Until Duke Francis arrived, Will agreed to serve as Temporary Finance Minister. It was an easy decision, especially after the King gifted him Tirana's best casino, banks, theatres, and horse track. Tirana had three casinos, two theaters, five banks, and one horse track.
As temporary Finance Minister, Will oversaw the Fermion and Albanian Deputy Finance Ministers. Will reviewed thousands of documents and reported to the king during the daily Ministry Meeting.
The Albanian lord who owned those businesses had fled to Durres. He left behind competent staff and millions in worthless Albanian coins. The senior clerk's name was Jesper. He was a short fat bespectacled man, who was an excellent delegator and accountant.
As much as Will praised Jesper, Will needed a dependable senior clerk who knew his leadership style. Therefore, Jesper replaced Vanessa who was promoted to Yorkshire, and Mei was promoted to Tirana.
With Mei in place, Will felt confident his new Albanian employees would be molded to his preference. This also gave Jesper a chance to learn Will's style of operation and learn more about his business ethos.
With Mei as his senior clerk, Will was able to tamper with hyperinflation. Will increased the interest rate to 34%. Like a vacuum, Will's new bank sucked up excess coinage. Tirana rushed to the banks to deposit coins in their savings account.
With inflation and trade returning to normal, the king paused the war until after New Year's holiday. Moreover, he gave soldiers coins to gamble and drink
The holiday was over much faster than expected. In the blink of an eye, time had passed.
Will was sitting alone in his castle office, reviewing the latest reports. Will planned to return home for the holiday, but King Roland requested he stay by his side. Little had happened over holiday days, other than administrative meetings.
As Will worked, he heard a knock on his door and then a familiar voice.
"I heard you've been serving well as my replacement. The job is yours if you want it. I'm getting too old to sit behind a desk. I want to spend more time with my grandchildren," said Will's father-in-law. Duke vont Whitby hugged Will.
"I enjoyed the position and shall happily take the position when you retire. I'll gladly serve his majesty whenever he asks. They told me you'd be here days ago, was there a problem?" Will asked.
"No, Charlotte I just wanted to spend more time with Camille and Edward. They grow so fast. Elizabeth told me she hasn't seen you in six months. You can just zip back and forth, right? She and the children miss you," Duke vont Whitby said guilting Will.
"I couldn't leave, the king has requested me at every meeting. I never knew how busy it was being Finance Minister," Will said.
"I have good news then. You are relieved of your duties. But I do need a new Deputy Minister of Commerce. Imagine how lucrative that position shall become after we capture the ports!" Duke vont Whitby encouraged him.
"The position is appealing," Will said.
"Ah, then I'll speak to the king. I'm sure your cousin desperately needs your help. How many people in our kingdom can serve as Deputy Minister of Commerce? Or who better yet; than the Lord of Commerce. Once Albania is firmly under our control, how many people can the king trust?
The king would have already made you a minister if you lived in Yorkshire. Remember you married into royalty. Your duty now is to the operation of this kingdom, not just your desires," Duke vont Whitby jovially reminded Will.
"Thank you, father," Will bowed respectfully.
"You're welcome! Congratulations, to my soon-to-be Deputy Minister, I'm sure the king shall be excited to receive the good news! Now let's go, the War Council is about to begin," Duke vont Khan said happily.
Will knew that the king and Duke were mettlesome. But he also knew the perks of marrying into the Royal Family came with a cost.
Furthermore, King Roland's reputation was incredibly high. Since Will was the closest family member and one of the king's friends in Albania; the Albanian lords showed Will great respect to him at court.
"Greetings your majesty," Will and Duke Francis said simultaneously as they arrived at court.
"General vont Smith you may begin," the king advised.
"I suggest Duke vont Khan's army subjugate the Central Plain municipalities. Colonel vont Valdez siege Vlore. I'll take the bulk of the troops to siege Durres. And Major vont Ballard shall capture Western Albania," General vont Smith recommended.
"Speak, I wish to hear your thoughts," the king said.
Duke vont Khan, General vont Smith, and Colonel vont Valdez spoke about how they planned to complete their directives.
"Excuse me," Will asked confused. Western Albania was a mountainous region.
"How exactly am I supposed to get there?" Will asked.
"Travel by airship" General vont Smith like it was the most obvious answer.
"My airships can't carry 5,500 soldiers. At most I could take 500. You expect me to fly to different Western Albania cities and take over a whole region by airship?" Will asked confused. That grasshopper duty sounded like an insult.
"Eastern Albania only has two large cities. The first is Lezhe. It's a sleepy coastal town. The second is Kukes up in the mountains. Both cities should welcome you," Duke vont Khan said.
I believe you were chosen because of your tact, diplomacy, and good relationship with beastmen. Lezhe is closed to Podglorica, the capital city of the Orca Clan," Duke vont Whitby suggested.
"Thank you, your grace. I now see my role clearly now. I look forward to meeting the Sea Witch again. However, to accomplish my goal, I'll need to recruit two friends from the Wolf Clan," Will said.
"Permission granted," the king agreed.
"Thank you, your majesty. When I return may I speak to you about the open Deputy Minister of Commerce position?" Will asked. His father-in-law was right that would be a very lucrative position.
Moreover, Will planned to purchase the largest private shipping he could when he returned.
"Cousin, I'm glad to see you taking an interest in administration. You must have enjoyed being Finance Minister," King Roland said giving a non-committal answer.
"Yes, your majesty," Will answered honestly.
"Then I appoint you Deputy Minister after the war. I know you have such a busy schedule ahead. Prioritize your safety and your soldiers.
Soon, Fermion should be reunified. And, I promise you who fought to reunify Fermion shall be justly rewarded," King Roland said.
"With your permission, I'd like to start at the beginning of next year. After the war, I must save my Elder Thaddeus," Will politely requested.
"Fine, starting next year, you'll serve as my Deputy Minister of Commerce," King Roland decreed.
With that, every commander left the throne room to achieve victory or death. Will and his 500 troops loaded into the airship. Will walked into the luxury quarters before teleporting to Rijilir.
Will walked out of the guest bedroom suite, to shock and surprise. The first maid to find him fainted from fright.
When the butler arrived, he had trouble recognizing Will. The last time Will came to Rijilir he was 14 years old, now he 30. The butler seated Will and brought him tea, until Lawrence, Holo, or the guards arrives.
Lawrence and Holo rushed back home from the bank when they heard there was a human intruder in their house. It was common knowledge only two humans had ever lived in Rijilir in its history.
"Will, if you're here you must need our help. What is it? Holo asked.
"I need an invitation to visit the Orca Clan. I want to meet with Madam Sea Witch in Podglorica," Will said, telling them about his orders.
"So, King Roland ordered you to attack Western Albania. Those Orcas are terrifying sailors. They practice pirating Albanian ships as children," Lawrence said.
"What? Do you know her interest?" Will asked.
"She was upset with how wealthy our clan's become. The Wolf Clan can rival the Orca Clan thanks to your business in Rijilir and crop imports.
She sought a trade agreement with Albania, but the sultan turned her down. The sultan had asked them for decades to stop pirating his ships, but she always turned him down," Holo said
"Turnaround is fair play," Lawrence said.
"She has a granddaughter, who's a tempest, that she might try to pawn her off on you. Or she may try to convince you to buy stock in her shipping company?" Holo guessed.
"Will, your life would've been easier if you had a harem," Lawrence laughed.
"One's enough for me. But, where is your harem?" Will said.
"Yes, Lawrence where is your harem?" Holo snapped at him.
"I'm a one-wolf woman, man," Lawrence hugged and kissed Holo.
"Would you be interested in coming with me to Podglorica?" Will asked.
"We're busy now, how about you come to get us at the end of the month?" Holo asked.
"It's a deal," Will said stepping through a spatial gate.