Siege on Korce 3

Will and Nisha ran to their enemy. As Will ran to his enemy he recalled his master's lessons. Leopard style is an art known for its speed, and ferocious intensity. Will and Nisha ran and released their oppressive auras.

Leopard style is cunning and uses feigns, and deception in their techniques to gain access to vital points. Will waved his sword high, goading them to a sword fight, only to cast [Ground Wave]. A tsunami erupted from where he implanted Heavenly Malice in the ground.

Hundreds of Marines had their bodies broken when the land crashed down. Several men had their bodies folding in two like paper. Hundreds more were sent flying a kilometer away.

​Imperial Leopard is a massive, complete martial art with the highest levels of toughening, intense combat training, and fully immersive sword mastery.

When Nisha and Will arrived at the Marines, Will used his sword like a Panther claw. He released a torrent of mana and used his combat training to systematically deal-killing strikes one after the other. His sword was an extension of himself.

His aura was so ferocious, that many Marines froze in fear. Will was heaven and they were ants.

Mowing down these Marines reminded Will, of Sage Aldrin's obstacle courses.

Then Will remembered Sage Aldrin's last advice, "Listen, Will, Leopard Martial Arts requires you match Nisha's dynamic moves of leaping, lunging, and fast-paced strikes.

A Shadow Leopard can kill their opponent in 3-seconds. You must learn to model that brutally efficient fighting style," Sage Aldrin instructed.

Will cast [Dragon Slash], sending a crescent-shaped beam of pure energy through the air, slicing over 200 Marines in half.

Faster and faster Will and Nisha, clawed, struck, feinted, and attacked. The next moment they moved even faster striking, kicking, punching, clawing, feinting. They worked in unison, moving like Yin and Yang, ripping, piercing, feinting, clawing, tearing, punching, kicking, striking, and biting.

Time slowed down. They were covered in blood. Will's attire was caked in blood and viscera. Nisha's mouth was red, and pieces of flesh were trapped between her teeth. In 20 minutes, 947 Marines were dead or missing. They left nonalive, only those thrown by the wave might have survived.

Before Lord vont Henrich realized what happens, Will and Nisha were already safely back inside the castle. Will saw his screen flash but was disappointed to see his swordsmanship and terramancer skills only increased by one point. He sighed, he knew becoming a grandmaster would take a long time.

Race: Human

Rank: 2 (Viscount)

Title: Lord of Commerce/ Gaia's Champion

Class: Merchant

Sub Class: Spellsword Knight







Ranks Skills: Management (87), Diplomacy (74), Accounting (91)

Class Skills: Appraisal (100, 100), [Radar]

Abilities: Master Swordsmanship (6+1, 75), Master Terramancer (7+1, 75), Gaia's Blessing (multiplies your spell strength x2), Journeyman Blacksmith (37, 50).

The Fermion soldiers looked at the one-sided slaughter in horror. They realized for the second time how ridiculously strong was Major vont Ballard. To defeat almost 1,000 body strengtheners in 20 minutes was unimaginable.

Elliot and Anne were both impressed. Elliot was both scared and amazed at his new employer. To work for a man that strong was both a blessing and a curse. Elliot swore to the primordial gods never to upset Will.

On the other head, Anne was slightly turned on. What woman didn't like seeing an alpha male mark his territory in blood? Under Will's command, a 9,000-strong army was gutted in three days.

Anne thought Will was brilliant. He kept leading the Albanians to think there was hope when there was none.

He casted spells out of the sky and lured the Albanians to think there was no array. Then he lured the Albanians to cross the array only to be pushed back. Lastly, he knew the enemy lords had to raise morale by sending out their elite cavalry units, which he abused to raise his own troop's morale.

Anne was so turned on by Will, that she pounced on Elliot. She ripped off his clothes and used his body to meet her needs. Thankfully, Elliot didn't realize he was acting as Will's body double.

When less than 25 Marines returned to camp injured and mortally wounded, Lord vont Heinrich choked on his spit.

"Once again I'm the fool for listening to Dervish! Get that miserable vermin in here, it's time for his beating!" Lord vont Heinrich yelled.

"My lord, he's fled along with his remaining army," the guard winced. Lord vont Heinrich did not receive bad news well.

"How many soldiers do we have left?" Lord vont Heinrich asked.

"Subtracting what we lost today to death and desertion, approximately 1,827 soldiers are remaining," the guard said.

"We lost over 7,000 men!" Lord vont Heinrich wanted to hang himself.

"Guard, tell the cook to deliver me hot and delicious super. Tell the men there shall be no fighting until reinforcements arrive!" Lord vont Heinrich said depressingly.

At that moment, no one dared to attack the city walls. Even Will didn't expect any more attacks until reinforcements arrive.

Using the rest time, Will continued to improve Korce's defense. Anne, Elliot, and Bubba relaxed with the soldiers.

As Will walked around to check on his men, he noticed their posture was rigid, and he saw fear in their eyes. Nisha and he laughed at their sight. The mercenaries actively tried to avoid Will for fear of getting on his bad side. And everyone walked on eggshells around Nisha, even Anne.

Behind Will's back, everyone in the city called Will, the "Demon Commander." They called him that after watching the Albanians bury the dead soldiers' Will killed.

Lying in bed, Anne said to Elliot, "How much longer until the armies arrive?"

"It's already been over half a month since we arrived. I can't imagine it'll be much longer," Elliot said.

"Yeah, it's making me lose confidence with our military," Anne said.

Elliot looked at Anne with concern and asked. "Why, don't you have confidence? It takes a long time to organize a military. I always feel bad for the quartermasters. That seems like a hard job, with too little respect. In Albania, the Quartermaster commander-general is the king's inept nephew," Elliot said.

"Why did you bring up the quartermaster? Did Will say anything?" Anne asked. She thought back to her and Will's first year as cadets. She remembered talking to him on the fort in Death Valley, all those years ago. He looked so handsome in the moonlight.

"No, why? What does Boss Will, have to with what I said? Elliot asked.

"During the last Albanian-Fermion war, Will was served as Quartermaster," Anne said.

"Do you still like him?" Elliot asked the obvious.

"No. There was a time, I did, a long time ago," Anne lied.

Elliot smiled, "It's fine if you do. I can see why. But I'm glad we're together," Elliot said happily.

"Me too, sweetie!" Anne said nonchalantly.

Ten days later, trumpets sounded outside in the surrounding.

The Albanian reinforcements were the first to arrive. Over 12,000 infantry, archers, and mage corps arrived. They made camp with Lord vont Heinrich.

Lord vont Heinrich was reprimanded and surrendered command to General vont MacPhee.

That evening the Albanians began shelling the city. The recharged array began losing power quickly. There were over 200 mages in the corp. Will couldn't guard against all the spells, but he did his best.

The next morning, when the array had 15% power left, the Fermion Army arrived.

With the Fermion Army present, the Albanian mages stop shelling the castle.

The northern gate opened, and the Fermion army marched in triumphantly. King Roland rode in on a white horse and stopped in front of Will.

Behind Will stood Bubba, Elliot, Anne, and 500 soldiers.

As King Roland hopped off his horse, Will bowed down respectfully and said, "the castle is yours, your majesty."

"Come now, rise, dear cousin. You do me a great service. Never has our country been able to invade Albania until today. Congratulations, cousins! Bryson see to it that the entire kingdom learns off my cousin's heroic deeds," King Roland said.

"Your majesty you go too far. It was your foresight that granted me the guards," Will said.

"Don't worry cousin, I shall take all the credit in the end. Does that please you?" King Roland laughed.

"Immensely, your majesty," Will bowed again.

Then Will gave the King, General vont Smith, and senior officers a city tour.

To Will's delight, Grace and Sarah were a part of the tour. The women were co-Quartermasters.

"Major vont Ballard!" Grace and Sarah saluted before hugging Will. It was a happy reunion.

"Wow, you both are captains. Congratulations!" Will said.

Grace, Sarah, Vincent, Anne, and Will caught up at a nearby tavern.

"Vincent, how are you?" Will asked.

"My family was killed in the Peasants Rebellion, alongside Bradley's father. The king revoked my family barony due to my father's cruelty and negligence. The only way to prove my allegiance and guarantee my peerage was to join the army, oh conquering hero," Vincent said depressingly.

"I'm sorry Vincent, I didn't know?" Will apologize.

"It's okay, unlike you my every move doesn't inspire gossip," Vincent said sarcastically.

"It's good to know you're still a downer. Don't think, I've forgiven you about my parent's bakery. I'll get my revenge before the war is over!" Anne said sending chills down Vincent's back.

"I can't believe we're all here. Have you spoken to anyone else? Will tell me how Mark and Bradley are doing?" Grace asked.

The five of them spent hours catching up until a guard interrupted them.

"Major vont Ballard, the king wanted me to deliver your uniforms, pins, and Guardian Guild armband," the guard handed the items to Will and left.

'Did the king stop in Gadreel to pick me up a change of clothes? I wonder how Elizabeth and the children are doing?' Will thought to himself.

After changing, he looked like an army Major.

"The Guardian Guild!" Sarah said raising her saber.

"The Guardian Guild," everyone raised their weapon and cheered.

"If only we had some alcohol," Anne said.

Grace and Sarah looked at each other and laughed, "We made sure to bring plenty. And don't worry Will, we have a contract with Miles. The Silver Phoenix is once again the Fermion Army's sole supplier of rations, weapons, armor, etc."

"I taught you well," Will said, as they all laughed together.

Soon a steward arrived, "Major vont Ballard, his majesty requests your attendance in the City Lord's manor."

"I'm off. This was great catching up," Will said before following the steward.

Will arrived before the king and bowed, "you summoned me, your majesty."

"Your men respect you and you have done a commendable job defending this castle," King Roland praised.

"Thank you, your majesty," Will bowed deeply.

"I shall reward you, what do you want?" King Roland asked.

"May I tell you after this war is over?" Will asked.

"If that is your desire, that is fine with me," King Roland looked at Will quizzically.

"Major vont Ballard, you missed the senior officer's meeting. Don't make it a habit," General vont Smith barked.

"Yes, General!" Will saluted.

"Will, tomorrow we'll crush our enemy and move onto Tiana," King Roland said.

"Yes, your majesty. What shall you order me to do? Will asked.

"What have you been doing? Defend this city, while we're out fighting tomorrow," the king informed him.

"Your majesty, I'd like to join you on the battlefield," Will said.

"Denied! Defend this castle, that is my command," King Roland declared.

"As you command," Will bowed.

"Dismissed Major. Rest well, tomorrow shall be a long day," General vont Smith said.

Afterward, a steward directed Will to a noble manor, his new quarters. The manor still had the family's drawings hung on the walls.

Will preferred sleeping in the sterile City Administration office, next to the array switch. But, soon the stress and strain of the past few days hit Will.

He hadn't slept more than three hours since he entered Korce. That had taken a toll on his body, that he didn't realize until now. He quickly fell asleep in the master bedroom, as Anne silently entered and quietly cuddled next to him, naked.