Women’s Politics

With the plan successfully hatched, Elizabeth, her sisters, in-laws, and mother prepared to host the party and become a catalyst for women's rights. Moreover, the tea party was the first of many events scheduled for only women. And Elizabeth was listed as either host or co-host for everyone.

What none of the women knew, other than Elizabeth, was that this was merely the start of her revenge plan.

Elizabeth was a very popular woman as Lady of Gadreel, her family background, and the wealthiest woman in the kingdom. Only the Queen Mother, had more power, but she didn't have a fraction supporting her.

Elizabeth's plan began with a tea party. Elizabeth had Sasha 'accidentally' let slip the story of Princess Rosalind slapping Will and Elizabeth's displeasure with the king's bride.

As planned, women in Elizabeth's fraction began frequenting her mansion to determine Elizabeth's position on the royal bride. For which, Elizabeth would simultaneously reject the rumor as hearsay, while voicing her displeasure of the princess.

With the rumor well spread, the day of the tea party arrived. Neither the queen nor her mother had yet learned of the rumor. However, they'd certainly learned of it at the party. Yet, Elizabeth was a mature woman ready for battle.

As the guest arrived and the music played, the guest greeted the host. Wives whose husbands were in Will's Bourgeoisie fraction, or Trade Commissioners, Merchants, or Humanists were the first to support Elizabeth. Next, to join were nobles looking to get closer to Will.

In short, Elizabeth's fraction included the educated and wealthy nobles.

To Elizabeth's surprise, Duke vont Khan's daughters joined her coalition, but his wives remained neutral.

With such a large fraction, the support for Princess Rosalind fractured. Moreover, when Christina, Emilia, or Emma learned the rumor they were put in a difficult spot. Helen, Katherine, Rebecca, and Jason's wife quickly joined Elizabeth's coalition. For them not to join Elizabeth would be self-sabotage.

By the time Charlotte and the Dowager Queen Ashley Maria learned it was too late. The queen frowned but was impressed by her niece, nonetheless.

Elizabeth had set a dangerous precedent, as the future queen's challenger. Furthermore, she was sending a strong message to women in attendance, never to cross her family.

By the time Princes Rosalind arrived, she was greeted by a less than friendly reception.

Her first greeting with her soon-to-be subjects was not welcoming. Immediately, she learned of the reason and sought to address Elizabeth.

Only for Elizabeth to take that moment to powder herself. She deliberately left the princess waiting for her to return. That power play sent a message to all in attendance. The princess waits on Elizabeth and not vice versa.

Only two women had the power to offend the princess in such a spectacular display of contempt: the queen and Elizabeth.

Everyone knew the princess had no political backing, and the king did not choose her as a love match. Thus, the princess had no choice but to wait until Elizabeth returned to greet her.

While Charlotte was upset, the queen smirked at the display of boldness.

Neither Will nor Elizabeth were known to actively use their influence. They were more subdued, as far as fractions went. Elizabeth showed the consequences of waking a sleeping Phoenix.

Outside the princess being ostracized, Will's plan for a charter for women's rights was followed.

The wives of the retainers, expected to commit social suicide, raised the topic as the king instructed.

Elizabeth at once supported the ideas, to the relief of the retainers' wives. However, Elizabeth appealed to Queen Mother, not the princess, to raise the topic with his majesty.

With Elizabeth's faction supporting her, Princess Rosalind lost her shining moment. Queen Ashley Maria had no choice, but to act the script written for the princess. While the former Albanian princess was castigated to the sidelines, no longer the protagonist.

The next day was the meeting for the Endowment for the Arts, once again the humiliated princess came, mingled, but did not participate.

Elizabeth used social engagement to sharpen her knives. The event discussed building a conservatory and art museum in Tirana, as well as spreading public art.

Elizabeth's ideas were lauded, women in her fraction heaped lots of praise and swore to donate. To repay, the women she gave them exactly what they wanted an intimate dinner invitation to her house, allowing their husbands one-on-one time with Will.

"So sweet," they said.

"So generous," they said.

"So magnanimous," they said.

Elizabeth's social calendar was booked, as Princess Rosalind's calendar remained open.

What benefits could the princess give them?

On the other hand, Elizabeth's husband was the Lord of Commerce and had a history of turning poor noblemen into wealthy noblemen.

While Elizabeth hosted the EFA, Princess Rosalind had dinner with her sisters.

"What have you done? My husband's landholding is likely to move, and now we can't socialize because you slapped Earl vont Ballard's face," said Rosalind's eldest sister.

"Are you trying to damn us? How are we expected to live? We didn't suffer, until your foolish action. I don't care what you have to do, just fix it!" said her second eldest sister.

"Yes!" Rosalind's half-sisters encouraged her.

"This shall blow over after the wedding," Rosalind mistakenly said. She did not realize these events would forever scar her reputation. Even worse when the Women's Rights charter would be enacted she'd forever be overshadowed by the former queen.

"Fine, have you asked the king about our future land holdings?" her eldest sister asked again.

"No, his schedule is too busy," Rosaland said disappointedly.

"You really are worthless. Use your feminine wiles, to help us out. Goddess, I should've been queen. I'd already have this family back in power," her second sister lambasted Rosalind.

Rosalind felt palpitations rise in her chest. Her father asked her to do one thing, yet she seemed to fail at every point. Her anxiety rose and her heart began to panic, was she really so worthless?

How could she rectify the situation, she needed help, and nobody helped her? She didn't know what she was doing. She was just trying to live day by day. And, her one outburst damned her sisters' family, and herself.

The only people who could help her, had already stigmatized her as a worthless misanthrope. All Rosalind could do was cry and numb herself to the insults. Was this to be her new life, a useless punching bag?

The third day was the fashion show. All the women were excited to attend the fashion. The crowded event was moved to the Royal Gardens. Once again, Elizabeth hosted the event. Compared to the first fashion show, there was thrice the number of designers, models, and fashion changes. Each attendee donated five gold to Gaia's Purse.

The event was such a huge hit among the women, Elizabeth even invited Princess Rosalind to sit next to her, so they could make up. However, that was pretense. Elizabeth invited Princess Rosalind to join her, so Sasha could add a late release laxative to her tea.

All the women were excited to see the two powerful women make-up. And Elizabeth looked like a mature woman for putting her differences aside.

Elizabeth even announced their amends after the fashion show. To cheers from the ladies. Charlotte was happiest of all, but Queen Ashley and others were more suspicious. Some women wondered if Will had ordered her to make amends.

The last women's event before the wedding was the widow's luncheon which was hosted by the Dowager Queen Ashley Maria. This event was to be the plan's culmination, where Princess Rosalind agreed to present the charter to the king. But she was sick and could not get out of bed.

The queen had lived long enough and seen enough court intrigue and drama to know that Princess Rosalind was poisoned.

Yet, Elizabeth had the perfect social alibi. She and the princess had made up yesterday. Why would Elizabeth choose to befriend someone and then poison them?

Rather, the queen blamed the princess' absence on her ailments and frail constitution, eschewing Elizabeth from blame.

True to the script, they summarize the women's rights charter, gained the support of widows like dowager queen, and petitioned the king.

In truth, the king was more concerned with offering nobles a release valve than the public opinion of his bride.

With Elizabeth's sabotage complete, and the charter on the king's desk, everything returned to normal just in time for the wedding tomorrow.