Shocking Announcement

Sitting in jail, Anne's anger kept increasing proportion to the time she was separated from her child.

"How dare that bitch lock me up, how dare she take away my child! What gives her the right to make such a decision! I wonder how she'd feel in my position?

My Goddess Nyx, help me seek revenge. Help me return the pain my enemies have given me.

Help me destroy that dog Elizabeth vont Ballard and her family. The woman who's stolen everything from me, even the man I love!" Anne prayed on her bended knees.

"Child, I've heard your prayers. Swear fealty to me. Become my warrior priestess. Lead my troops into battle!

If you succeed, I'll grant you sovereignty over all of Fermion. All shall bow before you. All shall be yours, and your citizens shall adore you.

Then and only then can you take what's rightfully yours and punish that evil temptress who stole your husband and child.

That false light mage steals from you and calls it her own. And her light gods support her.

Pledge your soul to me. Follow me.

Name yourself a child of the night and become my servant. Only then can you achieve your revenge and safeguard your children from thieves!" the Goddess Nyx whispered in Anne's mind.

"I Anne rebuke the false Gods of light. I swear my allegiance and pledge my soul to the Goddess Nyx. May eternal night reign forever!" said Anne cutting her finger.

On her forehead, she drew the alchemical symbol for death.

When she finished, the blood on her forehead disappeared into her head. It was a peculiar sight to witness.

Anne's head tiled down, and her pupils turned an eerie black.

Anne could feel power, unbelievable power coursing through her veins. In a minute she broke through the Journeyman rank to master, and from the master rank to grandmaster.

Then she felt Nyx's Dark Bible etched scriptures on her bones.

She instantly knew the entire Dark Bible by memory. She also felt a strong connection to the Goddess Nyx, like they were connected.

After the power subsided, Willow magically appeared in her jail cell.

Anne held her daughter close. Her precious daughter returned to her. She blessed the goddess for doing such a deed. She cried tears of blood in happiness.

While she held Willow, she felt herself slowly descending to Tartarus. She felt like she was melting away and would reappear in the blossom of her goddess. It was a magical feeling.

Back on the surface, while Elizabeth was worrying, a knock came on her guest room door.

"Milady, I'm sorry! I beg forgiveness! I ask you to punish me and not my family. Milady, it was just my fault," said the wet nurse.

"What happened?" Elizabeth wondered if Anne had escaped.

"One minute I had the child. The little one was asleep in me arms, I was rocking her, I was.

But then she melted out of me arms like snow and disappeared!

Please don't kill me, I'm so sorry!" the mountain woman prostrated herself in front of Elizabeth.

She knew how important Elizabeth and Will were. She didn't want to offend such a powerful family. That's why she begged Elizabeth only to harm herself and not her family.

The nurse also knew how important this forum was to the mountain folk.

This forum gave the mountain folk a great sense of pride.

If the nurse cause Elizabeth any animosity, Will might remove his investment in the region.

"Milady, the prisoners she's gone. She disappeared. It's strange really, the jail doors were still locked. It's like she disappeared out of thin air," said the jailer.

"She didn't disappear, the woman you're looking for is down here with my in-laws. She turned to darkness and sought revenge against you," the Goddess Persephone whispered in Elizabeth's ear.

"You two are free to go. I shall not penalize you. Here take ten silvers each. You both did well," said Elizabeth.


Standing outside a closed door, Samuel felt a chill run down his back when he learned that Anne and her baby disappeared.

He did his best to show his surprise, but he was really curious about what happened. But he knew one thing now. He could no longer keep this a secret from Will.

If Elizabeth didn't tell him, he had to. Only Will might know what Anne was capable of, and what she may do when she came back.


Will sat next to Elder Thaddeus in a security committee meeting with various world leaders.

Sages, emperors, kings, princes, dukes, senators, and cardinals all gathered to speak about global threats to power.

The only reason Will was allowed in this room, was because he served as Elder Thaddeus' steward.

Each committee member was allowed to bring one slave or steward into the room. Will sat next to Bryson. Both men sat quietly and knew their job was to sit and not to speak.

"This is boring!" Sage Thaddeus said.

"I'm sorry we bore you so. Maybe you'd enjoy being outside at the Theta's Bordello. Hopefully, your rooster still knows how to crow," laughed the Great Eastern Emperor.

"I'm bored because of your all's self-gratification. You praise each other for being sons, grandsons, a great-grandsons of kings.

You congratulated each other on remaining enthroned, while simultaneously investigating each other's weaknesses.

Now is not the time for self-pleasure, but a time to strategize for The Great about to come!" Sage Thaddeus passionately emphasized.

"What Great War?" asked the Emperor of the Qhosnir Empire.

"Did you all ignore my disciple's welcome speech yesterday? Did no one hear what he was alluding to?" Sage Thaddeus asked in amazement.

"We have," Bishop Omar said. "Gaia has spoken to the Cardinals. Her orders, prepare for war!"

"Yes, the same for us," said an imperial Cardinal of Aether.

"Although, we differ in religion. The One True Gods has told us the same. The last Great Schism approaches!" said Papal King of Ionic.

"Aye, the same can be said for us as well. The only reason I came was to take your equipment orders," Dwarven King Druker Flameworn smiled greedily.

The Beastmen Tribal leaders agreed the war was why they came and were also tired of the humans' self-approval.

Queen Sylvania spoke, "Before we debate our war strategy, we should elect a person or a council to oversee battle's deployments and make the necessary changes."

Will winced. While her suggestion was wise, it was also the fast way to kill a committee.

Immediately, and to Will's discontent, the committee began deciding who should lead. Every ruler thought of themselves as a wise choice.

Smaller kingdoms sided with their larger neighbors, not wanting to spark wars.

The three largest empires began jockeying for regional hegemony.

While humans were busy fighting amongst themselves, the Dwarves and Elves were untied behind their rulers.

Similarly, Beastmen were untitled each tribe's leader should have a seat.

"ENOUGH!" Sage Thaddeus yelled releasing his aura. For over an hour he listened to human rulers make passionate speeches about why they should be the only ruler.

At once, Sage Thaddeus' aura suppressed everyone except Queen Sylvania, King Flameworn, a mysterious man dressed in black.

"I've heard enough! My disciple should decide, he invites us here after all," Sage Thaddeus said.

The humans wanted to object, but when the Elves, Beastmen, and Dwarves agreed they felt like it was an option worth exploring.

No human ruler wanted to miss this opportunity to build trade relations with these lucrative non-humans kingdoms.

While everyone reluctantly agreed, King Roland looked like his worst nightmare had come true. If Will asserted his claim to sovereignty, it could cause his new kingdom to destabilize.

He wanted to object but doing so would cause him to lose face.

Rather than refusing Will, he decided to trust in his cousin's lack of interest in governmental affairs.

"I want to thank you sovereigns for allowing me to speak. I shall keep my comments brief.

It took me years to learn this, but this is a world where strength is respected.

Let us also remember, that we must face the soldiers of Tartarus. Who among us has the strength to fight against demons, skeleton soldiers, and dark priests?

I've fought a lich, and I can attest to their difficulty in fighting.

That is why I suggest we chose leaders who have the strength to fight the demon kings!

Therefore, I suggest we elect a Council of Sages to oversee our Allied Army!"

Will's word had an instant effect. Fighting against humans was one thing, fighting against demons was another.

Who had the strength to fight demons one on one and win? Moreover, who could order a Sage? The answer to both questions was only Sages themselves.

Yet, not every kingdom had Sages. Excluding the ancient dragon realm, only the empires, Tiger Clan, Elves, Dwarves, and a few kingdoms. Other than Dragon City, in the entire world, only nine Sages existed.

Before anyone could speak, a strong man with long black hair and shaved beard spoke first and dressed in black clothes.

"On behalf of the Dragon Clan, we accept this proposal. The Goddess Mother Tiamat, she'll take the first seat on the Council of Sages," Dracul smiled a bowed to Will.

Will was stunned looking at Dracul's human form. He looked like a young Russian oligarch's son and spoke like one too, with a thick rough, and aggressive accent.

With the dragon's quick acceptance, most humans missed it as they were still dealing with the shock of a being in the presence of a dragon.

Next to speak was Queen Sylvania of Yllamoira who agreed and accepted the second seat.

"My grandfather, Thunderous White Tiger shall take the third chair," said the White Tigerman Will had not seen this Eleanor's wedding. If things had worked out, he'd been Eleanor's father-in-law.

Only after the Dwarves agreed to take the fourth seat did the humans realize what happened. And quickly claimed the seats for their Sages.

Ten sages sat on the Council of Sage, six humans and four non-humans.

When the Security Committee announced the upcoming Great Schism and the Council of Sages, the announcements shocked the world.