
Several weeks ago, Cardinal vont Gaius met with the cardinals of Aether, Pontus, and Nyx.

Rarely, did the cardinals formally meet? There was the oft chance they'd meet at Mage Academies Light Mage fourth year midterm.

It was more likely they meet at the king's summon than at the Mage Academies.

However, it was also common courtesy to let the other cardinals know when they planned to retire. And that was the purpose of this gathering.

Well at least the overt purpose, the covert reason was to describe the citadel's events in full to the Cardinals of Pontus and Aether.

"Have you come to tell us why your priest and bishops rush off to the Citadel of Gadreel. Did Bishop Omar heard from a deity? What was Elizabeth's purpose?" asked the Cardinal of Nyx, Melisandre vont Gaynor.

"I shall only say the Gaia advised us to know that another great war is coming. I call this meeting to announce my retirement. Please respect my successor," Cardinal Silva vont Gaius announced.

"We'll miss you. My goddess wishes you to tell me more about this Great War? What have you learned? How have you learned it? And what happened to Elizabeth?" Cardinal vont Gaynor asked.

"It is not for me to divulge my goddess' insight. If Nyx desires information have her ask Gaia!" Cardinal vont Gaius asked annoyed.

"Your honorary bishop upset my goddess by saving her toy. Now she has to wait longer to enjoy her plaything!

If you wish to have a war, the Church of Nyx shall gladly demonstrate our power. And the first casualty of war shall be your precious vont Ballard family!" Cardinal vont Gaynor threatened.

"You threaten a member of the Royal family? the Cardinal of Pontus said astonished.

"We are too old to act like children!" Cardinal vont Gaius reprimanded Cardinal vont Gaynor.

"She proclaimed we're at the precipitous of a Great War. Now doubted she wants to slam one of her mud pies in my face.

Matheus don't tell me you like that tree-hugging barefoot mud maiden. I thought you like me more," Melisandre said showing her strapless gown and her massive double F breast.

"You vixen how dare you seduce a priest!" Silva yelled standing up and slamming her hands on the table.

"Unlike you, virgin," Melisandre said staring at Silva, "We in the Church Nyx believe giving in to our carnal pleasure is divine!

"Let's all calm down. We're here to say farewell to a longtime colleague. Melisandre, you should be happiest to see Silva go," mediated Cardinal Nathaniel "Ned" vont Blackwater.

"Thank you, Ned, for meditating once again. But I too have an announcement. I too plan to retire. I do not have the energy for this position anymore.

I've served as Cardinal longer than you all. Over the decades we have shared many fond memories. But I'm too old and getting out of bed is becoming a chore. If what Silva says is true, then I would only slow down progress," Matheus said softly.

"No Matty, you can't leave me. If you accept me as your mistress, I'll retire too!" Melisandre said her eyes filling with mist.

"My harem is already large, and regretfully I'm not as spry as I used to be. Melisandre don't you have enough partners too?" Matheus questioned.

"Matheus, I'd be monogamous for you?" Melisandre said.

"Hmph," Silva sighed choosing to hold back her unfavorable comments.

"Thank you, but I stopped accepting women into my harem a long time ago," Matheus said honestly.

"Enough of that, let's turn our attention to the next agenda item, the World Economic Forum. Even though you two are retiring, I suspect you still plan on attending?" Cardinal Nathaniel asked.

Cardinals Silva and Matheus nodded affirmatively.

"Then let me tell be forthcoming, the Cardinals of Pontus have decided to elect a single leader. In Kukes, we shall hold the first Conference of Cardinals. The leader shall be entitled Pope of Pontus, catchy, right?" Cardinal Nathaniel announced.

"The same is true for Church of Aether," Cardinal Matheus said.

"The same goes for us as well. Also, Pope of Pontus is catchy," Cardinal Silva agreed.

"Hah, your churches have always crazed order. The Church of Nyx does not incline to elect a pope!" said Cardinal Melisandre proudly.

With the main topics discussed, the cardinals moved on to nuanced interfaith policy decisions.


A week later, Will sat in his drawing room speaking to Bishop Omar and Bishop Lang.

"To think you baptized me over 20 years, Bishop Lang. And Bishop Omar it is always good to see you," Will greeted the men.

"The pleasure is ours. First, let me thank you for the generous donation to the church," said Bishop Omar bowing in his chair.

"You protected my wife. How could I not repay the church for helping my family?" said Will admirably.

"Let me be direct, are you not planning to attend the Council of Bishops? As Gaia's Champion you have every right to be in that room!" said Bishop Lang passionately.

"Thank you, Bishop Lang, but I think the Council of Bishops should be for consecrated Bishops only. Besides how could I be impartial? I'd vote for Bishop Omar," Will replied.

"That's why you should be there, so he can count on your vote!" chastised Bishop Lang.

"I've already filed my vote with Cardinal vont Gaius. In the event of a tie, my vote goes to Bishop Omar," Will retorted.

"I am humbled by your support!" Bishop Omar stood up and bowed low.

"You've been a faithful steward to the church. The entire kingdom knows of your devotion and donations to the church. Because of you, thousands have joined our church and we have the resources to help thousands more people. Bless you, Earl William vont Ballard!" Bishop Lang praised.

"I am merely a humble servant. Gaia has blessed me, so why should I not use my blessings to help others," Will feigned religiously.

"I knew it! I knew when I baptized you, that you were a true believer!" Bishop Lang shot up energetically and clapped in happiness.

"We'll take our leave now. Thank you for your support again," Bishop Omar said bowing once again before leaving.

When they left the room, Michael entered, "Your sister Rebecca is waiting to see you. Should I invite her in?"

"Rebecca's here to see me. What does she want?" asked Will pensively.

"She didn't say. But she looks depressed," Michael replied.

"Let her in," Will approved.

Rebecca rushed in and hugged Will. She laid her head on Will's neck. Squeezing her body against Will's. Rebecca's body wrapped around Will like a blanket.

He was stunned. What brought on this behavior. Will kept his arms extended, not wanting to return her hug.

Hugging Will tighter, Rebecca began to cry. She told him Cardinal Matheus vont Clermont was retiring.

Will knew that in the Church of Aether, Gaia, and Pontus: champions, bishops and apostles could be elected cardinal. Bishops oversaw churches, apostles oversaw the most important artifacts and champions fought on behalf of the church.

Then Rebecca spoke about how several priests and bishops spoke negatively against Will and Elizabeth. According to Rebecca, a small fraction of priests and bishops felt the Church of Aether had been losing prestige. The reason for the lost prestige had to do with Will's influence.

As Will rarely paid attention to religious politics, he was unaware that people saw The Churches of Aether and Gaia as proxy spheres of influence between the king and himself.

Therefore, as the Church of Gaia gained influence the king's sphere of influence lessened.

Yet Will knew the power was not a zero-sum game, but a vast web of entanglements. People who believed in a winner take all world, living in fantasy.

"Will the main contender for cardinal has vowed to denounce you for usury. He claims your business is unethical and bank loans immoral.

He condemns your excessive wealth and has asked the king to have you forfeit your properties. He's named you Fermion's number one criminal.

Oh, Will, I'm sorry! If you ask, I'll leave the church. As soon as he disparaged you, I immediately raced here. Will, I'm so sorry to have told you this," Rebecca cried.

"No, I'm happy you told me this. You are a wonderful sister, I'm so lucky to have such a nice older sister," Will said rage filling his heart.

'This man thinks he can take what I built for himself? This man has no idea the pain I'll bring upon him and his family name!' said Will swearing an oath.

"Really?" Rebecca said her demeanor changing.

"Yes, now that I know about his in advance, I can make contingencies. You have done me a great favor!" Will replied.

"Oh, do I get a reward?" Rebecca asked hopefully her eyes brightening. The sweet angelic older sister was gone. The malevolent yandere had returned.

"W-what kind of reward," Will asked terrified of what she might request.

"A kiss?" she replied coyly.

'If she didn't warn me, I'll blast this girl out of existence,' Will grumbled angrily.

"Fine!" Will said reaching out and kissing her hands.

"No, I want a kiss here!" Elizabeth said pointing to her cheek.

"No," Will said.

He'd been fooled before and ended up kissing Rebecca on the lips. Never again. But…he did need her for his revenge plan.

"Fine, I'll kiss you there if you run for bishop!" Will said.

"Bishop?" Rebecca looked shocked.

"Yes, you have to run for bishop, and I'll give you a kiss on the cheek," Will hated himself for saying such a deal.

"Two kisses then, one for each cheek," Rebecca negotiated.

"Don't push your luck!" Will said through gritted teeth.

"One now, one after I win," she smiled knowingly.

"Fine," Will said. Using two hands he held Rebecca held in place, like vice grips, and kissed Rebecca on the cheek.


From Elizabeth's angle it looked like Will was holding Rebecca's head and he kissed her lips.

"It's not what it looks like!" Will was quick to point out.

Elizabeth didn't say anything and only pointed to Rebecca who had a satisfied afterglow look.

'This indecent girl!' Will wanted to yell, but instead chugged two glasses of whiskey to steady his nerves.

"Have you finally decided on a harem?" Elizabeth joked. Only she knew how much Will disliked his obsessive younger sister.

Elizabeth hugged Rebecca and casualty created a buffer between the siblings as Will laid out Rebecca's road map to being elected cardinal.

Later that week, Samuel paid a visit to the troublesome bishop and cardinal candidate.

The poor bishop fell asleep in his dreams and never woke up.

With his untimely, his fraction split as the only thing unifying them was the deceased man.

Will's instructions to Samuel were simple, make it disappear cleanly and don't tell me the details.

The election for cardinal stalled until a new bishop was chosen. And in a surprise twist, an apostle decided to run for bishop.

Rebecca was easily nominated as a candidate for bishop. However, what many found strange was the fervent support she received from across the kingdom.

On the day of her nomination, Rebecca had the fourth-best odds to win. She was genuinely liked by her colleagues and her work was impeccable.

Her apostle work near the holiest relics in the kingdom was seen as a boon. As an apostle had everyday access to the hidden artifacts. She was seen as a true believer and chaste.

Apostles had the easiest path to bishops, similar to how bishops had the easiest path to cardinal.

Bishops were a were more likely to elected cardinals, because the bishop was a public position. Usually, the Bishop could count on their lord's support when they ran.

But Rebecca had a better name than most bishops' candidates, thanks to her youngest brother's fame.

Thanks to her superior name recognition, excellent job performance, and friendly demeanor; it made it easy for Will to bribe church officials.

Based on Will's past experiences clergy, soldiers, and government officials were the easiest to bribe, in that order.

Being a priest or adept were jobs that had high prestige but low salaries. Furthermore, the clergy were not shy about overcharging.

On bishop dared to ask for a million-copper bribe. Another asked for 500,000 coppers. The average bribe cost Will roughly 250,000 coppers.

Will didn't renegotiate, he knew simony didn't come cheap. He simply handed out 1,000, 500, and 250 gold coins and left. Each voter was briefed on their responsibilities beforehand, and the consequences of failing.

No one wanted a visit from Sage Thaddeus.


The week before New Year's, and two weeks away from the World Economic Forum, the Churches of Aether and Gaia met to elect a new cardinal in Tirana.

There was little question as to who the Church of Gaia would elect cardinal. And after the first ballot, everyone's guess was confirmed.

On the other hand, no one knew who the Church of Aether elected.

Will, Elizabeth, his parents, and his sibling sat around the dining table eating dinner in his Tirana estate. We'll except for James, who puffed his imperial pipe like a train's smokestack.

Suddenly a knock was heard on the door and a few minutes later, Michael brought Will a note.

"Bishop Omar was elected cardinal. The Church of Aether failed to elect a cardinal," Will read.

If everything went according to plan, Rebecca and her cardinal candidate would earn 4 votes each round until she and her cardinal she chose was elected. Will wanted it to look like Rebecca's support was organically growing.

Letters came two more times, both saying no decision.

Finally, Michael brought the fourth letter.

Will quickly read the note, smiled, and passed it around. Rebecca vont Ballard was elected bishop, and Bishop Gregory vont Robinson was elected Cardinal. Will had successfully bought the election.

Unaware of Will's doing, James and Helen hugged and cried. It was a fairytale. Their daughter was elected bishop!

While the family celebrated. Mei donated 2 million coppers to the Church of Aether, where Rebecca would preside, and a million copper to the Church of Gaia.