Marine Rifle Battalion

For the past eight days, the Kingdom of Fermion's marine riffle battalion received suspicious looks.

Most soldiers walked around with a shield strapped to their arm and a sheathed sword, or a bow and quiver strapped to their back.

At the shooting range, the Fermion army carried muskets with bayonets slung over their right shoulders. No one outside of an elite circle in Fermion had seen such an interesting weapon.

But what shocked the allied army, was every time the Fermion marine riffle battalion lined up with the archers for target practice.

Unlike the arrows that would get stuck in the densely packed hay bale targets, the bullets would rip through with no problem. The destructive firepower of the rifles was present for all to see.

"King Roland, I believe your kingdom is using a weapon we're unfamiliar with. Might you tell us about it?" asked Icer's ambassador.

"It's called a musket, the short dagger is called a bayonet. The musket shoots a small projectile through a small cylinder. That's all I know," King Roland explained with a smirk.

The king enjoyed gloating about his kingdom's newest technological advancement.

Fermion's renaissance period was truly marked by new cultural and scientific advancements. New genres of art, literature, music and inventions of the musket, speed drill, and thrashing machine captivated the kingdom newspapers.

The old traditions of lords and ladies were being replaced by the bourgeoise and humanist.

It would not be wrong to say, Fermion was the cultural center of the world. The greatest minds were gathering in Yorkshire or Gadreel to debate, paint, and publish. And best of all, Elizabeth vont Whitby and her Endowment For the Arts organization paid their salary.

"Your kingdom is certainly going through a renaissance to even develop a new method of warfare. I'm sure the imperial engineers must be secretly trying to steal muskets," sneered the Kingdom of Icer.

None of the defeated kingdoms enjoyed observing Fermion's successes. To them, it felt like one kingdom was monopolizing all the glory.

What worried them most was knowing Fermion's military power was on the rise.

Most concerned were the Kingdoms of Kur, Sabsta, and Bocaritanylan who already have to deal with an expansionist empire.

The three kingdoms were geographically located between Fermion and the empire.

Moreover, the number of the sovereign kingdom were fast dwindling on the world map.

It wasn't a secret, that the small kingdoms wished to join the Imperial-Fermion treaty.

"Quite a fine fighting force. Let's meet after the war to divide new territories," commented one of Emperor Kaiser's advisers.

That comment was like an anvil dropped on the ambassador's chest. Their worst fears were confirmed. The Kingdom of Fermion and the Great Eastern Empire were conspiring to divvy up reclaimed territory.

At the same time, this came as good news for the three small kingdoms. With Fermion and the empire looking southward, their kingdom was safe. Which meant, the greatest threat to their sovereignty, was each other. The three kings eyed each other suspiciously.

"You fools stop this talk of conquest. It only creates distrust amongst us and sows discord," warned Sage Einstein.

"Yes, the great sage," the kings and imperial prince bowed.

"Good. We shall need Fermion's marine riffle battalion to win this war. Those weapons, the commoners are shooting, seem equivalent to novice pyromancer. How marvelous. May I have one?" asked Sage Einstein.

King Roland hesitated before agreeing. Giving a musket to one imperial was tantamount to giving one to Emperor Kaiser himself. But only a fool would deny a sage. It would be better to ingratiate himself with Sage Einstein.

"Of course, your excellency," King Roland bowed.

Bryson had a subordinate quickly get a musket, which he handed to the king, and the king handed it to Sage Einstein.

"Thank you, your majesty. If you should need a favor in the future, please contact me," said the sage walking away and examining the object.

The ambassadors and kings looked at King Roland enviously for a second time. One sage could easily destroy a kingdom. What horrors? could two pyric sages do?

"Let's return to our original conversation," Prince Lukas demanded. "King Roland, how shall we strategically deploy your marine riffle battalion in battle?

"Our marine riffle battalion shall be Fermion's principal warfighting force. I suggest deploying them as either an expeditionary force or the vanguard. But if things get tight, they can use either their bayonet or army dagger," General vont Smith explained.

"Expeditionary?" asked an imperial general.

"Yes sir. The mission of the rifle battalion is to locate and destroy the enemy by fire or repel the enemy's assault by fire.

The marine riffle battalion is composed of four-person squads. We believe the small units provide maximum maneuverability. Also, each squad leader is certified as a master of a musketeer. We hope this enables mission success," General vont Smith.

"Tell me how's their command is structured," the imperial general investigated.

"I command the marine riffle battalion. I serve alongside our Infantry Commander Marshall vont Valdez. Master Sergeant Timothy serves as my assistant.

Company captains carry out the orders issued by my Master Sergeant or me.

Master Musketeers are responsible for the discipline, appearance, training, control, conduct, and welfare of their squads at all times and the condition, care, and economical use of their weapons and equipment.

In combat, they are also responsible for their squads' tactical employment, fire discipline, fire control, and maneuver. They take a position where they can best carry out the orders of their platoon commander and observe and control their squads," Grandmaster vont Puller explained.

"If that's the case, then the Fermion marine riffle battalion should be the first to disembark when we reach Qhosnir," Prince Lukas suggested.

Since no one knew what to expect when they landed, Fermion's marine rifle battalion could be charging to their deaths.

Will knew how dangerous an amphibious landing invasion could be.

World War II saw the largest amphibious landing in the history of warfare. More than 150,000 brave young soldiers from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada stormed the beaches of Normandy to push the Nazis out of Western Europe.

Even then the Allied military leaders knew that casualties might be staggeringly high. Days before the invasion, General Dwight D. Eisenhower was told by a top strategist that paratrooper casualties alone could be as high as 75%. Nevertheless, he ordered the attack.

Similar to the Normandy landing, Will expected this beach landing to be chaotic and bloody too.

"It's our honor to lead the Allied Army to victory. I hope generations remember my kingdom's fearlessness, raw perseverance, and grit," King Roland said proudly.

Although they were allies, the ambassadors and three kings were secret that Fermion's impressive might be whittled down first.

"Now that's settled, I have positive news to share. According to my spies, the demons still haven't reached the Yangtze river," smiled Prince Lukas.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. That was the second report that they might arrive ahead of the demonic army.

"Your imperial highness, I have a message from the shore," interjected an imperial steward.

Everyone froze hearing that news. Immediately, the thought of hordes of shivers sent them in distress.

"Are sea monsters approaching?" asked the scared Dukedom of Kro's ambassador.

"No, a ship, bearing the Silver Phoenix flag," said the messenger.

"Hm, they arrived a day early," said Will impressed.

"Quick, let's look!" said the Governor von Boell of the Azures Island, happy to see trade returning to the island.

Quickly, the Strategy Summit members boarded their carriages and left the shooting range for the dock.

A few minutes later, the men stepped onto the dock. The sunny balmy breeze served to brighten the mood even more.

With great pleasure the men watched the supply ship drift into the cluttered harbor and drip anchor.

When the Fermian soldiers saw their king, general, and employer they were nervous.

The crew delicately extended the gangplank and the captain prostrated before the king.

"Your majesty, we have brought the good as Boss Will ordered," said the captain, hoping he said nothing offensive.

"Tell us captain what supplies did you bring," asked Icer Ambassador.

The captain took out the ship's manifest and began listing the items: food, feed, weapons, and armor.

"Any luxury food," asked the Inept Icer ambassador.

"None, sir," the captain said wearily.

"We can't afford luxury goods. The Kingdom of Fermion and the Great Eastern Empire's war bonds are what allow us to purchase goods.

If you wish to purchase luxury goods, I'll have my clerk Miles send you a price list. After you pay, you can expect your goods in a month," Will explained.

"A month!" shouted the ambassador.

"It it's a two-week one-way journey to Fermion, less to the empire. Best case scenario, a month is the fast you can be expected to receive goods," Will explained.

"Can't you hop over to Fermion and back?" the ambassador asked.

"Yes, but you'd pay a premium to use my services. I'll make sure Miles adds my exorbitant fee to the price list just in case. But we're getting sidetracked," Will sighed.

"Tsk," the angry Icer ambassador growled.

Causing the three kings to laugh in derision. The ambassadors were penniless. Their tattered remnant army was in Qhosnir. The ambassadors and their small contingent of servants depended on the Allied Army for substance.

"Captain have your crew unload the goods. Leave the goods on the dock, I'm sure my Staff Sergeant shall send soldiers momentarily.

For our troubling you, here are silver coins for your crew and gold for you," said Will handing over the coins and shaking the captain's hand.

"Ain't no trouble at all Boss Will. It's our great fortune to serve under your banners. Your man Elliot treats us well, sir," said the captain graciously accepting the coins.

At once the crew began unloading the goods with new vigor. Will's new sailors made 60 coppers round trip and captains earned 100 coppers. Will paid the crew more than a day's wage for half the work.

After the dignitaries left, the captain yelled to the crew, "after we're done boys, drinks are on me!" Hearing that, the crew cheered loudly.

Back in the Prince Lukas Azures Island office, he looked out to the kings and nobility and said,

"With our supply route established, our men reorganized, and our ships almost rebuilt; we are prepared to set sail in two days!"