Battle of the Bulge

Last night's celebrations reenergized the demoralized army. Soldiers had a renewed outlook.

Will knew 'hope' was a powerful weapon. And the Allied Army planned to use it to their advantage.

As the bonfire was being constructed, Will visited Elizabeth to tell her the good news, before dropping off his feature article at his newspaper.

By that time, Will returned the boon fire was ablaze, and cooks were roasting whole lamb and pigs on a spit.

The troops reveled, ate till their stomachs couldn't eat anymore, and drank their fill with great satisfaction.

The next morning, no sooner had the first rays of daylight break the horizon than the army began to brake camp.

Will looked up the river and glimpsed the rock bridge. Torchlight was visible on either end of the bridge outlining men patrolling back and forth across it.

The army moved quickly through the forest and hills always vigilant for an ambush.

Yet, no attack ever came. Instead, they battled with dense thickets and steep hills. They continued westward for hours.

Will could see the sun overhead through the canopy of large hardwood trees. Based on the sun's position, Will felt it was near midday by the time they stopped.

The army pushed through a hedge of cedar trees and stepped out of the forest. There on a high hill above sat the demons' new camp.

Pine needles littered the area around their feet as the army began making camp.

Elder Thaddeus quickly cast a fire array around the troop. The woods provided good nourishment for the array.

In the crown prince's tent, the sovereigns, sages, and commanders sat looking at the map.

"Thankfully, Emperor Gaozong of Song left maps of the empire's terrain. Now how should we commence our attack?" Prince Lukas asked as the demons' first spells hit the array.

"Sire, the battle has begun," saluted a soldier entering the tent quickly.

"Yes, we heard Sage Einstein," said shewing the solider away.

While the soldiers outside worried, he and the rest in the command tent knew the array would hold for a long while.

"Any suggestions? asked the prince as the demons bombard their array.

"Supreme Allied Commander, attacking up the hill would be a bloodbath. But I don't see another option?" replied the Allied Infantry Commander von Vogel.

"We can fight a defensive war. Let's see whose array breaks first," suggested the Duke of Kro.

"And when their reinforcements arrive, what happens then?" asked Sage Abulafia.

"I see my error great sage," bowed the Duke humbly.

Will looked out the crack in the tent at the demon camp sitting high above him. Using [Radar] he tried to sense the land under the hill, but he was able to. The array was like a crystal ball with the demon army inside.

But what if they drilled a hole into the array at a precise point? Then couldn't he cast [Erosion] and destroy the demon's array of some troops as well?

Will explained his strategy to the other people in the command tent.

"So, you want to fight a defensive war, but have the mages attack the same spot on the array. And you believe you can bring down the array through a pinhole?" clarified Sage Einstein.

"What's to prevent them from using the same strategy?" asked Sage Abulafia.

"Nothing, it's still a battle to see which array collapses first. But my way gives us a greater chance of winning!" explained Will.

"As this is a strategy that involves mages, the Allied Army can only provide auxiliary support," advised the prince.

"I am in favor?" Sage Ming agreed first.

"As am I," agreed Sage Abulafia

"Then we are unanimous!" Sage Einstein informed the commanders.

"Allied Infantry Commander von Vogel get our troops ready for a frontal assault. I'll lead the calvary charge today," ordered the crown prince.

We move on your order," the commander saluted.

"Supreme Allied Commander, is that wise? Please let some lead the charge instead," Marshall 'Hawkeye' Pierce asked.

"Allied Intelligence Commander von Pierce, I shall be fine. This was a request of my master, I shall not disappoint him!" the prince said confidently.

Calvary troops were the most expensive unit in any army. So expensive that the King of Fermion could not afford to keep a standing calvary.

Building a cavalry was harder than just having the money to buy expensive horses and armor.

It required years of additional knight training. If the Knight Academy was similar to college, the Calvary Academy was postgraduate education.

At Calvary Academy, distinguished knights became heavy knights and were trained on how to fight on horseback.

The Destrier warhorses at the Calvary Academy were considered to be the finest horses in the empire. Destrier horses were a specialty breed carefully designed to have muscular, powerful hindquarters and not easily spooked in battle.

The horse and heavy knights were tanks, ready to take a beating and return the same.

An hour later the mages stood in formation.

"Cast!" shouted Sage Einstein.

One-third of the mages began targeting the top of the array to feint the demons away from their true objective.

Immediately the demons began blocking spells, while the other two-thirds targeted the array much farther down the hill.

For two hours the human and demonic mages battered the array. Defensive wars were not sexy, but they did preserve the army. And in this infernal cat-and-mouse game whoever lasted longer and had more troops won.

"How much longer your highness?" an imperial cavalier tired of the waiting.

"As Journeyman-rank I am too low ranked to tell if our strategy is working or not, unless a sage tells us the strategy failed, we'll stay battle ready," the prince replied.

"So, we wait a while longer?" a second cavalier asked.

"It shall not be much longer, hurry to get into formation!" Sage Abulafia called out sweat running down his forehead.

"Will you shall only have but half a second when the array opens. If you miss this opportunity, this shall all be for naught," cautioned Elder Thaddeus.

"Yes, master!" replied Will.

"Will began pouring mana into his spell [Erosion]. While not a sage, he could tell where the array was the weakest. He held his spell until he saw the array thinning looking like it was about to crack.

The journeyman, mages forcefully pushed harder, emptying mana pools, just to push open a crack the size of a centimeter.

When Will saw the thinning array erode and crack open, he didn't miss his chance. He accurately sent his spell through the centimeter crack.

Like a sinkhole, the center of a hill collapsed on itself. Canceling the demon's array and sending their troops into chaos.

Except for the sages, Will had the largest mana pool remaining and cast [Rock Spike] at the bottom of the sinkhole.

"CHARGE!!!" shouted the prince as he raced up the hill. The cavalry and infantry followed behind him.

Not willing to let their disciple get injured Elder Thaddeus and Will quickly teleported to the prince's side. When the rest of the cavalry saw this, they knew the prince's safety was assured and they could simply focus on killing.

"You damnable dogs! Sound the retreat," yelled Lord Bilal walking into a portal and out of sight.

The remaining demons barely put up a fight. Most died from the fall, the rest were mostly defenseless.

The prince gave the order for no quarter. Every demon was killed. The cavalry chased down every runaway demon. For a second time in two days, the Allied Army routed the demons.

The Allied Army cheered, victoriously, not a single human was killed in battle.

After the battle, Crown Prince Lukas got off his horse. He was sweating and looked parched.

"Your highness are you okay?" ask an official.

"Quickly meditated boy," urged Elder Thaddeus.

"Master, Elder, I feel like I'm about to break through," Lukas said excitedly as he folded his legs on the ground and began meditating.

"Be quiet and concentrate," Will chastised him. Will stood behind his disciple and observed the mana spreading through the prince's body.

The princes' commanders and officers surround him to watch the result.

Suddenly the prince felt uncomfortable until he heard a pop, and mana gushed through his body energizing him.

"Master, I did it! I reached master rank!" the prince celebrated.

"Now's not the time to lose focus. Consolidate your mana you fool," Elder Thaddeus corrected his youngest grand disciple.

"Yes, teacher right away," said the prince, returning to his meditation.

It was a surreal sight to see the Great Eastern Empire's Crown Prince, the Supreme Allied Commander, being treated like a schoolboy.

Nevertheless, the imperial troops celebrated their prince's breakthrough. Strength was respected, especially during wartime.

"Congratulations, highness!" cheered the imperial soldiers.

When the prince was finished, he released his aura to his soldier's delight.

"It appears, the empire has another lion," whispered the King of Kur to the two other kings and they nodded in agreement.

After relishing the spotlight, the prince castigated the commanders and officers for keeping watch and being out of defensive formation.

"Commander Hawkeye, survey the perimeter!" order the prince, his presence felt more regal.

Slowly the officers reformed their soldiers in formation and awaited command.

"Burn the bodies, move out!" the prince ordered.

To the infantry's surprise, the army marched westward toward the Kingdom of Icer. Most expected them to rest after the battle.

The army rested in a clearing 147 kilometers from the Qhosnir, Icer border.

Without demon resistance, the Allied Army stepped into the Kingdom Icer by week's end.

"Welcome to my border castle!" the King of Icer said enthusiastically.

"Go investigate the border castles, make sure there are not any surprises," Commander von Vogel ordered."

"It's empty commander," the knight captain and his small squad of lightly armored men saluted in their return.

"Your highness orders?" asks the commander.

"Let's make camp. I want his castle reinforced. We'll use this as our first defensible position. We cannot lose this castle no matter what!" ordered Crown Prince Lukas.

"Yes sire," Commander von Vogel bowed.

Tonight, marked the first night Will slept in a comfortable bed and had a room all to himself.

Across the sea, news of the Allied Army's victorious battle at the Yangtze River was widespread.

The Fermion Guardian called it the Battle of the Bulge. A Bulge was a military term for a re-entrance strategy, like an arrow pointing inland.

Will chose it for the alliteration and its historical significance on Earth.

In the newspaper, the Battle of Bulge was described as a counteroffensive intended to cut through the demonic forces to turn the tide of the war in mankind's favor.

Cities held celebrations to commemorate such an auspicious occasion. People were encouraged by the news.

Recruits signed came forward to join the efforts. Others celebrated by purchasing war bonds to support the troops.

With recruits and funds heading to the Azures Island, the Allied Army was emboldened. Steady rations, recruits, and two victories gave the army high spirits.