Imperial Coronation

The three-day festival brought a sense of closure to the war. It allowed the soldiers to shed their pent-up emotions and allowed them to rekindle their bonds with their families.

While it was nice, drunk veteran soldiers also brought security concerns. There were several occasions when soldiers were forced to sleep off their hangovers in jail.

The festival concluded with King Roland cutting the ribbon on the eternal flame memorial.

Everyone clapped, as the soldiers were given the final wage and returned to civilian life.

Those that had travel arrangements left, and those that didn't leave, searched for employment with lords or city administrators before leaving.

Kurosawa, Viscount Claybaugh, and Earl vont Hanover were the three largest recruiters.

Will and Kurosawa decided they needed more soldiers if they planned to expand.

Before leaving Gadreel, Will shared his strategic management plan with Kurosawa, Miles, Bubba, the city administrators, and trade commissioners.

It was there he informed city officials of his plans to expand Gadreel's city walls and send homesteaders to four locations along the western riverbank.

Three new walls would extend just five kilometers from the western riverbank.

Instead of building two-story apartments for single families, he'd planned to build 6-story buildings for three families. Existing residences would also be renovated to 6-stories.

This way Gadreel would expand outward and upward adding thousands of new residences.

The first floor of the apartment buildings would still be zoned for residential or commercial.

Moreover, to ensure the city's safety, Will designed the new outer wall and gate to be taller and stronger.

However, the first step was relocating the farmland northward. New farms, barns, silos, sanitation, and schools needed to be built first.

The two walled villages to the north would be farming communities, and to the south would be two walled fishing hamlets.

Guard posts would be placed every 500 meters to supervise the roads linking Gadreel to the vassal towns.

With the farms gone, Will planned to build a manicured, landscaped parkway connecting Gadreel to the Golem Bridge.

Those in attendance were astonished by the grandness of Gadreel's strategic management plan.

While Will drew them in with the big picture, Kurosawa communicated how civil and military services would expand and be restructured.

Overall, the presentation was well received. Kurosawa was scheduled to begin implementation, after the Award Ceremony.

Will watched as Kurosawa and Bubba did their best to coax soldiers, into signing a 5-year contract.

"It's time to go," King Roland reminded Will.

Prince Lukas's coronation was three days away. No doubt they would be the last kingdom to arrive.

The coronation and subsequent Congress of Annapolis would redraw the southern continent's boundaries and resize territories to achieve a balanced peace.

The fall of the Qhosnir and the return of veteran soldiers were the metaphorical lighting of a powder keg.

The Kingdom of Qhosnir fought its former lords to gain territory adjacent to the Yangtze River and the Theocracy of Ionic.

The former Qhosnir lords fought one another over resources, as well as the Principality of Suyuet, Kingdoms of Icer and Zhekid, and the Duke of Kro.

For Will, the wars meant he lost his investments with the Kingdom of Icer.

He known, his disciple planned to expel the fallen Qhosnir Empire, but he never expected the Kingdom of Icer to spend construction funds on weapons instead of repairs. Sadly, Ballard Bay was a sunk cost.

The only bright spot was that Rhaziesian Empire was able to develop peacefully. Their welfare policies and high wages provided a sanctuary for refugees and helped ease the refugee overcrowding in the Kingdom of Fermion and the Great Eastern Empire.

Later that evening King Roland, Francis II, Will, and their families; and servants arrived in Annapolis, upon their arrival they at once congratulated Crown Prince Lukas on his upcoming coronation.

The evenings leading coronation featured balls, galas, and soirées. The empire was full of mirth and happiness. Happiest of all were the imperial senators, who felt the new emperor was more compassionate and perceptive.

Elizabeth, Camille, and Lingling attended all the women's events. As an Imperial Marquesses, Elizabeth was to attend. And the women of the imperial nobility were anxious to get to know her.

While Elizabeth socialized with the noble ladies, Camille socialized with the young miss. Every second she could, she spent with Baron von Mueller and his family.

On the other hand, Lingling attended the women's event as the Princess of Qhosnir, along with his mother, sisters, and sisters-in-law. Her family placed their hopes in her ability to bring Will to their aid.

Meanwhile, King Roland, Will, and Francis mingled. Unlike the happy imperial nobles, the southern continental Kings, Prince, and Duke looked anxious. Will could cut the tension with a knife when he greeted them.

The sovereigns lobbied and tried to bribe Will and King Roland to gain their support. By all accounts, the Kingdom of Fermion was globally recognized as the second most powerful sovereignty.

Yet, neither King Roland nor Will were swayed by their arguments. The King of Icer pleaded for more funding and weapons. But Will knew the fallacy of a sunk cost.

He'd given the sovereign roughly half a million gold, an astronomical amount. He knew that money was gone, it wouldn't be rational for them more coin to piss away.

The sink cost fallacy was the notion people would continue to fund failed projects because they already invest a considerable amount of time in funds.

A classic example of this was when the United Kingdom and France kept funding the failed Concorde supersonic jet instead of cutting their losses and walking away.

Will knew when to walk away and that's what he did. Until he recouped his losses, he would keep those sovereigns at arm's length.

"Hello Will," Jacques replied, standing alone from the other sovereigns.

Will applauded his strategy of trying to keep a low profile and not providing an opportunity for the warring kingdoms to unite against him.

"Greetings your imperial majesty," Will bowed.

"Surely, you don't have the habit of bowing to your employees," Jacques joked.

"By your latest report, I estimate you are ahead of schedule. That's every creditor's favorite news," Will joked back.

"Then this loyal clerk is pleased," Jacques said and he and Will chuckled.

"Did you come to keep up appearances?" Will asked.

"Yes and no. I came to represent my fledgling empire's, but also because Crown Prince Lukas has moved up my wedding date with Melody," Jacques answered.

"Most likely he wants her removed quickly so he can speedily consolidate power. How soon is the wedding?" Will asked.

"Next week," Jacques replied.

"Next week! My that is fast! Have you spoken to her yet?" Will asked, in surprise.

"No, I wouldn't know what to say!" he said ashamed.

"Do you remember my advice? She'll talk enough for both of you, just follow her lead. After all, Princess Melody is dangerously intelligent," Will said cryptically. But his warning went over Jacques' head.

They spoke some more, until Will left to chat with Duke and Earl von Mueller. As Will chatted with his dear friends, he saw Edward on the dance floor talking to several young ladies. It appeared his son was quite the popular bachelor.

As Will mingled in and out of groups, he was happy his family seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Except for Lingling who looked increasingly distressed over the next three nights. Will knew why she was stressed and did his best to assuage her fears every night.

On the day of Crown Prince Luka's coronation, Annapolis celebrated. Bells rang, and people threw confetti and danced in the streets.

Inside the Church of the Pontus, King Roland sat in a pew behind the imperial family. Will and Francis II and their families set with the king.

Lingling was seated in the rear with her family and the other kings, a great embarrassment. At Emperor Kaiser's coronation, they sat behind the Eastern Imperial family.

Prince Lukas walked into the church, wearing a regal dragon hide robe with an ermine lining and a train of dragon white feathers.

The crowd wanted to cheer and clap when they saw Lukas assemble. Emperor Kaiser wore a military when he was crowed, signaling his intention to declare war.

Seeing their hero in the traditional imperial robe, meant peace and a steady hand at the helm.

Will watched as his second disciple knelt at the altar and swore his belief in the primordial gods and swore to protect the empire. He as the Cardinal of Pontus anointed with holy oil and was given the royal scepter and sword.

After the ceremony, Will knelt and cheered "long live the king, long may he reign!" with the rest of the audience.

Emperor Pius II told the audience to rise and made his way to the balcony with his first wife. The crowd outside thundered in applause at seeing their new emperor and empress.

Back inside the church, Emperor Pius II addressed the crowd.

First, he appointed his servant the new Chamberlin and then declared, "I stand here victorious today due to the sacrifice of our soldiers and soldiers of our Allied Nations.

The sovereigns are here today, but our petty squabbling aside to come together and rid this world of demons.

But there remain a group of men, whom we may not overlook. These me bravely led our Allied Soldiers into battle, often putting themselves in harm's way to ensure victory,"

"Former Allied Infantry Commander von Vogel, Allied Signal Commander von Kock, Allied Intelligence Commander von Pierce, Allied Engineer Commander von Weber, and Allied Quartermaster Commander von Ballard, please come forth," said the Chamberlain.

The Allied Commanders formed a line, saluted the new emperor, and then knelt on one knee.

"For your distinguished service during the Third Schism, Emperor Pius II is bestowing upon you the second highest military decoration that can be awarded to imperial soldiers for their extraordinary heroism," the Chamberlin announced as the audience cheered and clapped.

The new emperor went down the row placing a purple pin with a gold cross on their chest. A wreath encircled the cross, at the center was a griffin, and on the griffin were the word 'For Valor.'

While Will was an honorary imperial noble, he technically did not serve in the Eastern Imperial Army. His official rank during the war was Imperial Military Adviser a position he shared with Elder Thaddeus.

"Now I proclaim the Congress of Annapolis open. Lords and foreign dignitaries have three days to choose a new fief, expand their borders, or remain intact," Emperor Pius II announced.