
Year 1025 of the Zhang Dynasty - Outlands of Heavenly Phoenix City - Linjian farm

I am Linjian, a humble farmer, and I'm getting married.

"Now in front of the present here, express your convictions" Old man

In the Outlands, there were no family heads so the ceremony was performed by the most elderly resident in the village.

"Ziyun, I promise to love you till my life ends"

Ziyun the most beautiful woman in the world.

"Linjian, I promise to love you till my life ends"

And I, the luckiest man alive.

"Now I declare you husband and wife" old man

While we fetch our first kiss as a married couple our friends whistled and applauded.


I meet her while selling my goods in the market.

"If you don't show happiness, you cant expect others to approach you" Ziyun

These were her first words to me, who recently inherited the farm of my father and didn't know how to sell.

There weren't any kidnapping or mythical fights like in the bard histories only two commoners looking at each other, and one word become ten, and ten words become thousands.

She was the daughter of a new merchant on this side of the Outlands. She didn't have the so called jade skin or the slender body of a goddess but she have something that I couldn't pass over, something that marked my soul.

And after some time passed, I make use of all my savings and proposed her with a leaf shaped silver pendant. The answer was worth every coin.


Year 1027 - Outlands of Heavenly phoenix city - Linjian farm

I'm turning into a father this year.

Ziyun is healthy, being a father at 19 years old is not strange in this world and my farm is good shape but I cant help worrying about it.

"Don't worry about it, you will do it fine" Ziyun

I tried to hide it, but she discovered it.

"But what if there is a bad harvest or a drought, what if..." Linjian

"No what if, don't you forget you have me at your side. Together we will fight everything and overcome even the immortals" Ziyun

If they were to hear that they definitely were to get angry but that is the woman I love.

"...that is true, together we can do it" Linjian

"Don't you ever forget it" Ziyun

"But please don't fight an immortal" Linjian

"Ha, they are the ones that got to be careful of this woman" Ziyun

Because of comments like that sometimes I think she is secretly a cultivator...


Year 1030 - Outlands of Heavenly Phoenix City - Linjian farm

The life on the farm was simple.

In the morning I would wake up with the sun and take care of the crops. if it was needed I would work the soil, detect pests, analyze the humidity in the soil or harvest.

In the afternoon I would take care of the animals. I got two horses and a few chickens in my barn right now.

And in the night I spend time in my house.

Once in four months I would go to the commercial section to sell my goods and then come back and repeat my schedule.

But this year there was something new in these fields...

"Don't run or you will fall Xue" Linjian

My daughter, the most cute girl in the world.

"yeesh dadwy" Xue

She cant pronounce words properly yet.

"It is daddy" Linjian

She looked exactly like Ziyun except for her eyes, they were green like her father.

"Uehihi" Xue

Even her weird laugh is cute.

While I work in the farm Xue follows me from a distance, so I move a little slower.

"Linjian, Xue it is lunch time" Ziyun

"You heard mommy, lets go" Linjian

I say while sitting Xue on my right shoulder.

"luchh, lew wo!" Xue

"lunch, lets go!" Linjian

Yes, she is the cutest.


Year 1033 - Outlands of Heavenly Phoenix City - Linjian farm

One of the two horses we have suddenly died one day.

"Daddy, why did our horse die?" Xue

Xue wasn't particularly close to that horse, but regardless she was sad.

"Sometimes animals die before time" Linjian

"There was nothing to do?" Xue

She looked sad.

"Maybe if some alchemist saw him he could have lived" Linjian

"An alchemist?" Xue

"An alchemist is someone who can create pills to heal people and some animals" Linjian

Or so I heard, these pills aren't something a commoner could even see. Not because of the price, but because they were used exclusively by cultivators, it was illegal for a commoner to even get one.

"...I will be one" Xue

"What?" Linjian

"I will be an alchemist so nobody will have to die" Xue

What a good girl.

"I will heal everyone and make a world of happiness"

The world of commoners and cultivators will never let her do that, but I suppose that a kid need to have dreams so...

"Of course you can , you are the most clever girl of Heavenly phoenix city" Linjian

"Uehihi" Xue

After that I buried the horse and played with Xue for a while.

That night while lying on the bed with Ziyun I...

"Thank you Ziyun"

"For what?" Ziyun

"For choosing me, without you I couldn't have this life" Linjian

She just smiled at me with her beautiful face.

"I hope this happiness will last Forever" Linjian

"I love you" Ziyun

"I love you too" Linjian


Year 1034 - Outlands of Heavenly Phoenix City - Linjian farm

...THEY came....