Book of Appraisal

Year 1034 of the Zhang Dynasty - Outlands of Heavenly Phoenix City - Linjian farm

After saying the name of the skill, something appeared in front of me.

[What you are seeing is the projection of a book, you cant touch it and nobody else can see it] Maria

(So this is what a book looks like, no commoner has ever seen one and probably not a lot of cultivators either)

[What do you mean?]

(Only high members of the empire can use books, everyone else only uses scrolls)

[It will follow you from now on, so get used to it]

(What can it do?)

[The Book of Appraisal contains three abilities]

[First, the ability of transforming reality in exchange of life experience]

(Life experience?)

[It basically means that everything you do and has done in your life grant you access to certain amount of tokens of exchange]

(How exactly?)

[The book of appraisal divides the life experience in two, as body experience and mind experience]

[Body experience make reference to repetition of actions, for example if you sing awful for ten days then the book of appraisal will transform that body experience into making the singing good on day eleven]

(This got potential, what type of actions are considered body experience?)

[I don't know, you will have to discover them yourself]

(I understand)

[And the mind experience, moments of struggle in your life]

(Moments of struggle?)

[Helping or killing someone, breaking free of something, surviving an imminent death or the like]

(So, what I heard that time was related to this)

[You mean the robotic voice saying]


I will ignore the terrible representation.


[That time was a perfect example of surviving, but I hope you don't make it a habit]


[When enough mind experience accumulates, a limit will be reached and your body will become stronger]

Doesn't that make me a cultivator!?


I cant accept that!

[Calm down, you are not a cultivator]


[I am not sure how a cultivator gains strength, but I am sure that someone without a Dantian cant be one]


[It is okay, anyway that surge in strength is called also level up]

[Second, the reason you are alive now is because of this ability]

(The ability of healing?)

[The name of the ability is Cell Reproduction, it consumes your mind experience and body energy reserves to form new cells]

(...I don't understand.)

[...I will explain what is a cell later, for now all you need to know is that this ability cant heal everything and you shouldn't overuse it]

Since yesterday my right eye cant see anything, looks like it will stay like that.

[Instantly after I woke up in this world there you were, heavily wounded and for some reason I knew what to do to save you]

(You were the one that used that ability?)

[Yes, this ability can be used by the two of us]

(Thank you for saving me)

[No problem, also this ability is activated without consequences to a lesser extent when you sleep more than seven hours]

(So my body heals itself when I sleep?)

[Just like in an RPG]


[I will explain that later too]

What a strange word.

[Third and last, the ability to analyze and collect information]

(What kind of information?)

[Try it yourself, say Appraisal while focusing on something you can see]

I focus on the only horse in the barn and...


After saying that, I feel information entering my head.



HP 100%

MP 0/0

Stamina 120/120

Brawn 6

Awareness 3

Endurance 2

Resistance 2


9 years old


That was weird.

[Now think of yourself and activate it again]

I did as she told me.



-Linjian Lv. 10-

HP 70%

MP 1000/1000

Stamina 99/110

Brawn 14

Awareness 10

Endurance 7

Resistance 5


Book of Appraisal

Earth Manipulation Lv. 2

Animal Whisperer Lv. 1

Life Detection Lv. 1


Malnutrition (-30% HP)

Reincarnation of Maria Campbell (MP 10000%)

26 years old


[I suppose an explanation is necessary]

[HP means health percentage, the amount of life force remaining]

[MP means mana power, the soul force in an individual]

[Stamina represents the ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort]

[Brawn represents the physical damage that you can inflict and, to some extent, the maximum speed reachable of your body]

[Awareness represents the non-physical damage that you can inflict and, to some extent, the maximum speed reachable of your skills]

[Endurance represents the Brawn necessary to affect you]

[Resistance represents the Awareness necessary to affect you]

[The Lv. represents the number of level ups]

[For reference, your HP was 1% that time you were about to die]

(If HP reaches 0% I will die?)

[Yes and when it is down 10% you will feel extremely weak]

(I will remember it)

[You surely will, now you are unable to forget any information. That is what the collect part of the ability]

(That is enough talk for now)

[I agree, the Cell Reproduction consumed your body fat and muscles and now you look like a skeleton]

I got enough reserves of food to live for a couple of months, so for now I will go eat something.

[I will end the projection of the book for now]