White lily flower

Year 1037 of the Zhang Dynasty - Training grounds of Heavenly Phoenix City - Servants room

(Mao POV)

My name is Mao and I work as a servant in the southern Training grounds.

"Today will be another day of work" Mao

I open the door of the assigned room for Servants and go out.

After turning 18 years old my parents kicked me out of the house for not wanting to marry and I came to work here.

"Servant come here and hand me my sword" Cultivator

The men in the village weren't bad, but I just didn't feel the need to be with one.

"Servant, bring me water" thirsty Cultivator

I have a brother and a sister, so it didn't matter to my parents that I was a let down.

"Servant, bring me food" fat Cultivator

It has been two weeks since I started working here and I am starting to get used to it. Most of the work is cleaning and doing chores to the cultivators while they practice with their weapons.

"Servant, give me..."


As my shift ends, I surround the lake to go to my house in the Outlands and it was when I saw her.


The wind sways the long hair of a woman as she is crouching on the ground while caressing a white lily blooming in the soil.

"Ah..." Mao

As if I couldn't process the beauty in front of me, my body froze in place. It was like she made time stop for me.

"?" woman with long hair

She looks at me.

"...Is something wrong?" woman with long hair

Awawawawa she spoke to me what do I do? what do I do?

"No, nononono" Mao


"Your face turned red" woman with long hair

He walked over to me and reached out to touch my face.

"I AM FINE, have a good day!" Mao

For some reason I run away after that.

"Wait" woman with long hair

I kept running until I reached my house.

"..What happened to me?" Mao

Once inside my house I think about what just happened.

"Why did I run?" Mao

...What is this feeling?



One day after, I ended my shift.

...Will I see her again?

...No, meeting her again would be useless. She was using the color of the Wei family, as a cultivator she wouldn't want to talk to a commoner like me.

"We meet again" woman with long hair

"Iiigghh" Mao

While I was lost in thought, she appeared in front of me and I let a weird voice out.

"Did I scare you again? I am sorry" woman with long hair

Calm down and talk to her.

"N-no, it was my fault for being distracted Miss cultivator of the Wei family" Mao

"Call me Hom"

"Wouldn't it be disrespectful?" Mao

"I want you to do it" Hom

"..." Mao

Should I?

"I want you to be my friend, would you like to?" Hom

"YES!" Mao

Ah, I answered without thinking.

"Huhuhu" Hom

She laughed and smiled to me.

"How should I call my new best friend?"

Still embarrassed, I answered her.

"I am Mao"

"Mao...That is a good name" Hom

After that, she came every day to the lake and we always were smiling while talking to each other.


(Wei Hom POV)

"I give you the honor of marrying me, of marrying one of the Four Heavenly Silver" Wei Qingchen

"I refuse, goodbye" Wei Hom

"Wha..." Wei Qingchen

Several men call me the ice miss, because of my lack of emotion.

I aren't interested in anything. Be it men, food or strength, nothing seems to be able to change my face.

"You will be my wife one way or another!" Wei Qingchen

I already know that refusing will only make him go to my father and buy me, but I really don't want to go to his side.

There has to be something that can make me feel emotions in this world.



I came to the border of the training grounds to check a certain rumor.

The white lily flower, it is said that this flower has the power to awaken emotions in every lady.

I take a crouching position and touch the flower.

"Please, let me feel something" Wei Hom

And instantly after a gust of wind occurs and she appeared in front of me.

A petite woman with short hair that looked almost pink in the dusk light was looking at me.

"Is something wrong?" Wei Hom

And I started a conversation, something that never happened before. There was something about her that made me do it.

"No, nononono" petite woman

Her face became red and something in my chest woke up.

"Your face turned red" Wei Hom

I got closer and extended my right hand to touch her cheek.

"I AM FINE, have a good day!" petite woman

She is going away!


She ran away, maybe I scared her.

"...I found it" Wei Hom

This is it! this is what I have always been looking for, pure emotion!

I need to connect with her, I need to be at her side.



The next day I went to the lake at morning to wait for her, I want to see her now.


At dusk, the petite woman finally appeared again.

"We meet again" Wei Hom

"Iiigghh" petite woman

She appeared to be lost in thought, so I called her out.

"Did I scare you again? I am sorry" Wei Hom

I don't want her to hate me.

"N-no, it was my fault for being distracted Miss cultivator of the Wei family" petite woman

"Call me Hom"

"Wouldn't it be disrespectful?" petite woman

"I want you to do it" Hom

"..." petite woman

She doesn't want?

"I want you to be my friend, would you like to?" Hom

"YES!" petite woman

Ah, this must be happiness.

"Huhuhu" Hom

I laugh and smile for the first time in a long time.

"How should I call my new best friend?"

I wanna know her name, the name of the most important person to me.

"I am Mao"

"Mao...That is a good name" Hom

After that, she came every day to the lake and we always were smiling while talking to each other.



One month after I meet Mao...

"Your marriage partner was decided" Father

so, this day has come. Father called me to his mansion to tell me this.

"In one week You will be married to Wei Qingchen" Father

"Yes, father"

I said that, but I don't have any intention of going with that man.

(Mao POV)

"Mao, Please run away with me" Hom

While we were by the lake she asked me that.

"What?" Mao

"My marriage is decided and if marry him I will not be able to come here anymore" Hom

...I don't want that.

"Please, don't leave me alone" Hom

"I will go with you" Mao

There is nothing to think.

"MAO!" Hom

She hugged me while crying.

"I love you Mao, I love you more than anything in this world" Hom

Love?! I...

"So this is the reason why you rejected me" Man

A man's voice appeared out of nowhere.

"Wei Qingchen!" Hom

Wei Qingchen the chameleon, one of the Four Heavenly Silver! Was he spying on us?!

"You two are rotten people"

This is bad, deviant people are sentenced to death!

"No, this is..." Mao

"Silence!" Wei Qingchen

After that I lost consciousness.



I awakened as water hits my body.

"Awake and face your punishment, deviant" Wei Qingchen

My eyes recognize the place, this is the southern training ground. But there is a difference.

"KILL THEM!" Wei cultivator A


"DEATH TO ROTTEN PEOPLE!" Wei cultivator C

Almost the entirety of the Wei Family seemed to be here. Bronze cultivators, silver cultivators, the Four Heavenly Silver and...

"This day I, the family head of the Wei family, will judge these deformities" Wei Dong

Even the family head was here.

"UGGH!" Mao

I seem to be tied to a wooden pole that is usually used for spear training.

"HOM!" Mao

She was also tied two meters apart from me.

"I am sorry Mao this is all my fault, I am sorry" Hom

Her face showed a sadness that breaks my heart.

"It is not your fault, we will get out of this" Mao

"Mao..." Hom

"You rotten people will pay the price for going against the true nature of women, the nature of serving men and bear their children" Wei Dong

"..." Hom

"Their sentences will be... Death by a Thousand Cuts" Wei Dong

"WHOOO!" Wei bronze cultivators

"YEAHH!" Wei silver cultivators

Death by a Thousand Cuts... Every available cultivator of a family slash the sentenced people with a sword without letting them die by using pills until it is finally the turn of the family head, then he will cut their heads.

The first cultivator came closer to Hom with a sword in his hand.

"HOOOM!" Mao

"Mao, I am sorry" Hom

"Taste my blade, deviant!" Wei cultivator

As he was about to start...


Something comes out of the ground.


The cultivator that was close to Hom screamed as he flies in the air.

"!!!" Mao

"!!!" Hom

"?!!" Wei Dong

"I have heard enough" commoner man

The back of a man with white hairs in his hair is in front of me.

"Since the moment that someone takes a sword against love, they lose their right to live" commoner man

Is he going to...

"I will impose judgement to everyone in this place!" commoner man